

Next day Jazz said he ran out of money, they had to leave the Hotel....

Jazz :" But don't worry, i found a place where no one lives... we could use that place... "

Z- City, They are living here for one week.

Z city which is free and full of monsters. At first they started hunting monsters that can be eaten. It was hell for them, to satisfy the hunger of two Saiyan Kids. They were forced to work like slave...

Every day they would fight and kill monsters in Z-city. The edible one would be cooked by Sanji. The Z-city became their hunting ground.

Nami :" All right i will watch over our house and kids so have a safe journey... "

Usopp :" Have a safe journey... "

They waved them good bye...

Jazz :" No you both are coming with us... " he grabbed both of them and dragged them out to hunt monsters...

Nami :" Nooo i don't want to, they all are scary ..." She begged to stay home...

Usopp :" Actually i have a disease that will kill me if I see any more monster... "

Jazz :" I will go in separate direction with Nami and Nojiko... "

Sanji :" Huhh... I am more fit to protect them... I will go with them " he argued

Jazz :" I don't want to go jail again to save your sorry ass so you are banned from approaching woman. so they will come with me. Don't worry i am a man with children so you can leave them to me.... " although he wanted to argue more but luffy and Zoro dragged him...

Nami :" Its a relief that I am with you, if any monster appeared you will protect me right my Hero... " She winked at him...

Jazz :" Obviously.... NO "

Nami :" Hahhhhhh you are strong and I am beautiful, it is your duty to protect me or do you not care about me anymore after getting so many women. " She was really worried now...

Jazz :" Nojiko will protect you, but you have some important job to do... "

Nami :" What? "

Jazz :" Obviously attracting monsters... "

Nami :" No way, Jazz for old time sake can't you spare me... aren't we childhood friends... " She pleads him...

Jazz :" Alright alright, they will go with you, kids bring some monsters in our location... "

They gave him a salute and took the still protesting Nami them ...

Nojiko :" Do you think, they will be alright... "

Jazz :" They will be fine..."

Nojiko :" You said you have all devil fruits abilities... "

Jazz :" Not all.... i am sure there is still some Devil fruits abilities and it's users who is yet to be found by us. And we also have some Unused Devil Fruits in our possession. "

Jazz :" But i do have most of the Devil fruits abilities..."

Nojiko :" What is the most powerful Devil fruits ability you have... "

Jazz :" I do have a most powerful Devil fruits ability but every ability is unique in its own way... and if you could improvise and use your imagination it could be used in lots of ways... "

" I have a ability that could see random future to some extent... "

Nojiko :" Thats amazing... " She was really surprised

Jazz :" You see that moon. "

Nojiko :" Yes... " she looked up in the sky and saw a moon.. don't tell me

Jazz :" I can take you there right at this moment.."

Nojiko :" Really...? " She doubted...

Jazz :" You are doubting me? " He was about to take her to the moon. When suddenly Nami scream was heard...

Nami :" Waaaa save meeeee... " She is hugging the kids and was running at their direction , sheltering them from the monsters that are chasing them. There is at least 20 Monsters...

Jazz :" Where did this much came from...? "

Nojiko stepped forward and swung her Executioner sword, it's long and heavy blade strikes the first monster who looked like some kind of lion monster...


It block with his claws...Seeing her attack was blocked she was surprised . She Jumped back to make some distance....

Jazz:" I will take my leave, i need some thing to do... also Nami take this Devil fruit it will protect you... "

He gave her a devil fruit, he felt it is the right time to give her this and he knows that this Devil fruits ability will protect her, since she is not much of a fighter...

Nami:" Huh?" she held the Devil fruit in confusion ...


On Luffy side...

Luffy :" These monster is strong..." He said while looking around all the monster he defeated...

Zoro:" Santoryu Onii Giri..." He sheathed his blade after slicing the monster into pieces...

Sanji:" Hmph i already dealt with my share first.."

Zoro :" It was not a competition... and i killed more"He said with smirk...

Usopp:" Since i gave you my fantastical support, i believe it was me who won..." He said from the roof top...

Jazz was observing them from distance... He soon left...


He returned to the Mansion.

Jazz :" You guys are ready... "

Rias :" Yeah... "

Rin :" Are you sure you can handle both of us... " she is really looking forward to this date...

They both were dressed in beautiful dresses. He is going on a date with them...

They looked beautiful, Illya has grown up into a real cold beauty. She has a pridefull aura around her with her long white hee and a pair of red eyes emphasis her beauty...

Rin on the other hand became more mature and calm in nature... She has short hair... and a wonderful boobs... comparable to Rias...

Jazz :" I am really lucky to have two beautiful woman to be my Date today... shall we go... "

They hooked their hands together and went to the car... They rarely have opportunities to go on a Normal Date.

Illya :" How are we going to fit in Two seated car... " seeing the car she was slightly puzzled.

Jazz :" You can sit on my lap... "

Illya :" Thats why you wanted to two of us, your pervertness is off the chart... "

She said that but didn't denied the proposal... Hancok sat on the passenger seat and Rias on his Lap...

Illya :" You already have a erection.. " she pressed her weight on his dick. She smirked seeing his reaction..

Jazz :" Ohhh... easy... I have to drive you know... " He lightly slapped her butt...

Jazz :" on another thought this car will run on Magic and can one of you give me blowjob... "

Rin :" You really are too much... " She managed to unlock his pants and started giving him a blowjob...

At the same time he and Iilya started kissing each other... He decided today he would make out first in the car and then go to dinner later...


In Z city

Jazz returned at night, he was dead tired...

Luffy :" Where were you, it almost dinner time... Your share of lunch is gone... " he laughed...

Jazz :" Busy killing monsters... "

Nojiko :" Really...? " she have some doubts...

Jazz :" You don't have to look at me like that, they all returned... " He again sighed in tiredness

Sanji :" Nami - san... you are looking very beautiful today.... " He gave her a special dish and started dancing around her...

Nami :" because I ate a Devil fruit today which Dj found for me..." She posed as a model showing her curvaceous body...

Sanji :" Nami san please accept my love... " The horny dog could not control himself and jumped on her...

Nami didn't dodged him, seeing that she is not resisting he became ecstatic. But as soon as he tried to hug her, like a slippery soap she slipped out of his embrace...

Sanji :" How is this possible, Nami san... I won' t give up... " he tried multiple times but it was useless..

Luffy :" Oooooo let me try, " he wrapped his arms around her coiling around her whole body but she still was able to escape from his grip...

Nami :" He he surprise, now I don't have to worry about getting injury...Every thing be a sword or bullets just slip through my body.... are you all envious of this envious ability... also the best point is i won't get wrinkles of old age and I will look just like this for my rest of my life.... He he he "

she was really happy with this fruit she has confidence in Rivaling Hancock beauty , it was the same fruit that Alvida used. Jazz thought with this ability she only have to wary of Haki users...

Well this did made one of them depress.... The swirly eyebrows was moping on the floor. He was saying disturbing things like. ' i Need Kairosaki, then Nami-san will be mine '

Jazz :" If you are so happy then i can settle it with few kisses or you would have to pay money.... hmm this is good... Sanji you became expert in making Monster into nice dishes "

Sanji :" What did you said bastard... Nami-san is mine... also thanks for praising... " They joked and laughed and decided to sleep as it was getting dark...

The most satisfied were the Saiyan Kids, they had a hefty meal....


At night, the room where Jazz and the kids were sleeping...

Someone came into his room and quietly tucked inside his blanket...

Jazz :" You can't sleep Nami... " Jazz turned around and looked at her red face. she has became more beautiful after eating the fruit.

Nami:" I don't have any money on me so I am here to give you few kisses that you asked... " she was embarrassed when she said that...

Jazz cares her cheeks, she allowed him to touch her. She can control who can touch her who can not....

Jazz :" You have become so much beautiful Nami.... "

she smiled hearing the compliment that she has been waiting for...

Nami :" Why did you leave us... me Jazz " she suddenly asked...

Jazz :" To not bring any harm to you and Nojiko... "

Nami :" But you didn't come back, you could have come and take us to the Sky island you talked about...Do you know how I felt when you suddenly left... I couldn't understand... I started thinking may be you hate us... I cried for a whole year whenever I thought of you , then we thought we will go search for you ourselves... "

Jazz :" Sushhh... Its alright i am here... I never will forget about you... I thought bring you to island but at the same time didn't want to burden you... " he hugged her...

Nami :" I can deal with it, if you are here then i don't have to worry... so don't leave me ok... "

Jazz :" I will always protect you Nami, leave everything to me... " she noticed that he didn't say that he will always be with her...

She looked into his eyes...

Their face came closer to each other, and they kissed. She buried herself in his embrace. Her soft boobs pressed against his chest. They were engrossed in the kissing...

He moved her leg closer and started moving his hand all over her plump thighs. She was wearing a mini skirt and it didn't took long before his hand to roam over her ass.

He squeezed them, feel then, slap them... He was totally aroused he position himself on top of her and let his whole body weight on her...

Nami :" Aaan... " she groaned lightly, feeling his whole body weight on top of her. She can feel the heat coming his body...

They embrace each other, they smiled and slept hugging each other... He can not make out with her as his kids are watching with their eyes wide open...