
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime und Comics
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626 Chs

The Nun's Plan!

"Laugh? What's so funny? What's wrong with you?"

Watching Zeus, who had shrunk in size and turned into a white cloud, Nicholas asked impatiently.

"Um, I don't know what happened either. Suddenly, my connection with mom became weak, and without mom, my power also..."

Returning to his normal form, Zeus stammered, obviously still rattled by Nicholas's earlier display.

Since even mom couldn't handle this guy, he was now feeling quite confident without her.

"And why does that guy look better than ever?"

Pointing to Prometheus, who was being stepped on by 'Charlotte Linlin', Nicholas inquired.

"I don't know, maybe..."

Zeus struggled to find the words, clearly feeling uneasy. After all, he was now incredibly weak, while Prometheus had become immensely powerful.

"I'm asking you, can you still sense Charlotte Linlin's presence?"

Looking at Zeus's inability to express himself, Nicholas asked directly.

"Yes, but only faintly. It seems like mom is trapped by something."

Zeus replied.


"What on earth is happening!?"

Seeing this strange scene, Katakuri, struggling to resist while looking around, asked loudly. Obviously, as the current strongest member of the Charlotte family, Katakuri had become the backbone of everyone.

Katakuri, constantly using Observation Haki to observe his surroundings, searched for a solution.

He could vaguely sense that perhaps only they, the children of the Charlotte family, would find it difficult to resist this soul extraction. It seemed that there was an invisible connection between them and the entity that had suddenly appeared and taken over Charlotte Linlin's body.

It was as if a connection had been established before their birth but had only now been revealed.

"This is..."

Suddenly, Katakuri's expression changed, and his gaze shifted towards 'Charlotte Linlin' standing on Prometheus.

"Trying to absorb my soul, huh? Taking over mom's body must have boosted your confidence."

Looking up at the sky at the growing figure, Katakuri sneered, his eyes flashing with determination.


His aura erupted, locking the seemingly departing soul inside him. At the same time, the faint connection between his soul and Charlotte Linlin's was instantly severed, and the terrifying suction force from above disappeared completely.

But this situation wouldn't last long; once his own aura was depleted, his soul would still be extracted.

"Katakuri, save me!"

Just at this moment, a cry for help suddenly came from not far away.

Turning his head, Katakuri saw his sister Brulee, who he shared a deep bond with, frantically trying to grab onto her soul, unable to let it leave her body.

But her physical body and the intangible soul couldn't be separated. No matter how she waved her hands, it seemed futile. Feeling the terrifying force from above, Brulee could only look on in despair.


Helplessly watching her futile struggle, Katakuri could only watch as Brulee's attempts became weaker and weaker, her soul almost being pulled out of her body.

"Damn it, damn it... Damn it!"

Katakuri began to panic; he had failed to protect Brulee before, and now he was about to repeat the same mistake?

No, absolutely not!

Katakuri's eyes suddenly turned crimson.


At that moment, a terrifying aura burst forth from Katakuri's body, and a massive mochi dragon shot up from the ground, heading straight for 'Charlotte Linlin' in the sky.

Since he couldn't solve the problem, he might as well get rid of the problem.

"Oh, Color of Conqueror, quite impressive, little guy. Back in the day, you could've fetched a high price."

Watching the towering Katakuri, 'Charlotte Linlin' glanced over, utterly unconcerned.

She controlled the massive Chronos beneath her to strike at Katakuri, as if shooing away a bothersome fly.


Meanwhile, Nicholas had somehow appeared not far from Caramel. He watched Caramel with a playful expression and said, "It seems you haven't completely taken over Charlotte Linlin's body, huh?"

"Hmph, brat. Even if I suppress Linlin while dealing with you, it's still easy!"

Caramel's cold gaze fixed on Nicholas's face, a sinister smile playing on her lips.

"You should be grateful. I've only just awakened. Otherwise, you'd already be dead!"

"This arrogance of yours? It seems the top fighters of your time weren't that impressive."

Nicholas's gaze shifted slightly, eyebrow raised.

Seeing Caramel's behavior, Nicholas had a guess in mind. He smirked and said, "It looks like Charlotte Linlin has been influenced by you more than you realize. Her personality seems to be gradually distorting. You and Streusen must have had quite an impact, huh?"

"Very clever, brat."

Caramel looked at Nicholas with some surprise before dismissing him with a smile.

"Actually, I wanted to crush Streusen to pieces. According to my plan, a frail old woman with powerful abilities, but with little time left due to her weak body, and a naturally monstrous but innocent little freak – do you know how I felt when I saw Linlin? It was like the best gift from heaven!

After Linlin consumed me, my mastery over my Devil Fruit saved me from the brink of death. However, unbeknownst to her, the fruit's power underwent a sinister transformation. As Linlin lay unconscious, desperate to extend my own life, I devised a dark ritual. Utilizing an ancient ritual, my spirit seized a corner of Linlin's soul. Since she ate me, I technically can be considered dead so the devil fruit power got absorbed to her soul. Now I am using her soul as a conduit to manipulate the powers of the Devil Fruit. I planned to take over Linlin's soul, lending her my powers. As time passed, Linlin would gradually be replaced by me, eventually becoming the new Caramel, and I would be reborn.

But Streusen's appearance ruined my plan. Instead of being influenced by me as planned, Linlin was influenced by that guy!"

Mentioning Streusen, Caramel's resentment almost materialized. Her plan, which should have succeeded in just a few years, was disrupted by Streusen. And with Charlotte Linlin growing older and her powers increasing, only a remnant of Caramel had remained, unable to suppress her.

If it weren't for Nicholas severely injuring Charlotte Linlin this time, leaving her in an unprecedented state of weakness, Caramel wouldn't have had any chance!