
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime und Comics
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623 Chs

Oimo and Kasshi

As Nicholas and his group crossed the first gate, traversed the aerial corridor, and approached the gate of the main island area, two massive figures leaped out from behind the gate. They swung their giant weapons directly at Nicholas.

The force behind the attack created a piercing sound as it tore through the air. Faced with such a powerful blow, Nicholas raised his right hand, and a loud thud echoed from where he stood.

The force of the attack created a gust of wind, enveloping Nicholas and his companions in a cloud of smoke.

"Oi, Oimo, you're quite ruthless, aren't you? That guy should be nothing but a pile of flesh by now."

"Kashii, blame yourself for being too slow to act. Ever since we learned that Brogy and Dorry, the two leaders, were imprisoned by the World Government, my anger has had no outlet."

Oimo, the giant wielding the hammer, attempted to retrieve his weapon but found it immovable.

As the smoke cleared, the two giant guards were astonished to find Nicholas and his group unscathed, and their attack was effortlessly blocked.

"Not surprising; they are giants after all. Their innate physique and strength are formidable."

Nicholas looked up at the two giants with admiration.

In the world of pirates, giants were akin to war machines. While they might appear insignificant against true powerhouses, they pose a significant threat to ordinary people.

"You! How did you block our attack?"

Seeing their attack thwarted, Oimo and Kashii grew nervous. They understood that anyone capable of blocking their assault with one hand must be terrifying.

"Don't worry, I mean no harm. I just want to have a chat with you."

Nicholas addressed them calmly. He had no intention of antagonizing the giants, even if they had left Elbaf, their homeland.

To Nicholas, the lifespan of a giant—eight hundred years—was but a blink of an eye. The fact that they had survived for so long without being eradicated by the World Government suggested they held formidable power.

"What do you want to talk to us about?"

Though not the sharpest, the giants knew that, in the presence of a stronger individual, they had little leverage.

"Let's talk about the Giant King of Elbaf, the Gods of Elbaf, and the history of Elbaf."

Nicholas spoke calmly. As a history enthusiast, he had delved into various subjects and found intriguing connections. Notably, giants rarely ventured beyond Elbaf, except for rare instances like the Giant Warrior Pirates or Sanjuan wolf of the Bottomless Pit in Impel Down.

"Why should we share Elbaf's secrets with you? You have no right to know."

Kashii refused outright. They had been warned not to disclose Elbaf's secrets to outsiders when they decided to accompany the four captains on their voyage.

Seeing their reaction, Nicholas felt more certain about his speculations.

"Here's the deal. You two are planning to return to Elbaf. It won't be long before I visit Elbaf as well."

Upon hearing Nicholas's words, Oimo and Kashii widened their eyes in astonishment. Was this man a social butterfly?

"We won't return to Elbaf until we rescue Dorry and Brogy, the two captains. If you're waiting for us, it might take another seventy or eighty years. But I doubt you humans have such long lifespans."

Kashii said to Nicholas.

"Your captains haven't been captured; they're engaged in a ridiculous duel at Little Garden. They've been at it for nearly a century. It seems giants have simple minds."

Thinking about how the captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates had been dueling for nearly a century over a trivial matter, Nicholas gained insight into the giants' mentality—ssimple-minded.

"What? Are you trying to deceive us? Our captains were captured by the World Government to ensure our release."

Oimo's excitement surged. They had agreed to stand guard for a hundred years to secure their captains' freedom. If what Nicholas said was true, their years of dedication would be a mockery.

"Wait, Oimo, calm down!"

Kashii held back the agitated Oimo. Once he had calmed down a bit, he asked, "What evidence do you have?"

"Why would I need evidence? You claim your captains were captured by the World Government. Have you seen it with your own eyes? Little Garden is not far from the Enies lobby on the first half of the Grand Line. Go see for yourselves."

Nicholas replied. He had no reason to deceive them, especially given his strength.

After hearing Nicholas's words, Oimo and Kashii exchanged glances. Then, they pounded their chests with their right fists and solemnly said to Nicholas, "We will go to Little Garden to see. If what you say is true, you will be our best friend, Nicholas."

It was a kind of commitment among giants.

Afterward, the two giants prepared to leave in search of their captain.

"You two, don't rush off."

Nicholas called out to them as they were about to leave.

Then, amidst their puzzled looks, he continued, "If you leave like this, the World Government will come after you. How about this? Vista, you stay with them and have some fun. When we retreat, take them with you."

After Nicholas finished speaking, Vista began to engage in combat, ready to show his skills. After all, facing giants, straightforward physical confrontations were inevitable.

The two giants had no intention of attacking. To them, Nicholas had shared vital information, making him their benefactor. Attacking the companions of a benefactor would go against their principles as giants.

"Rest assured, that guy is no weakling. It's possible that even both of you in a purely physical match might not be a match for Vista."

"Come at me; it's my first time brawling with giants."

Vista said, revealing his combat enthusiasm.

"Very well."

The two giants conceded.

And so, the battle began. Vista displayed an unnatural level of agility, almost "blinking" to Kashii's side. Despite the vast difference in size, Vista's explosive power was on par with, if not surpassing, the giants'.

A single punch sent Kashii tumbling to the ground, leaving Oimo and Kashii momentarily stunned.

However, as giants, they never feared battle, especially one that involved pure physical strength.

And so, the two giants, along with a smaller one, engaged in a fierce brawl in front of the main gate of the island.