
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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143 Chs

Chapter 52

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Chapter 52 Vergo: Kaido Is Coming To Attack G5?

Shortly after, Doflamingo had someone deliver a top-secret phone bug. This particular phone bug, which he used to communicate with Vergo, was white all over, unlike the usual ones that mimic the appearance of whoever is in front of them. Doflamingo directly dialed the phone bug to reach Vergo.

The phone buzzed into life and clicked.

"Joker?" Vergo's puzzled voice emitted from the phone bug. Doflamingo typically didn't contact him in broad daylight due to the high risk of exposure. An unexpected call like this implied either a special situation or an important matter.

"Long time no see, Vergo. Is it safe nearby?" inquired Doflamingo, his gaze fixed on the phone bug's eyes as if he were looking directly at Vergo.

"Safe, it's just me," replied Vergo. He was standing on a burning pirate ship, surrounded by dead pirates, with the Bloodline weapon in his hand not yet cleaned.

"Well then, I have to tell you some major news. I hope you won't be too surprised," said Doflamingo with a hint of excitement to see Vergo's reaction.

"Major news?" Vergo was curious.

"The Donquixote Family has officially become a vassal of Kaido as of today," Doflamingo announced with a smile curling at the corners of his mouth.

"Vassals? Young master... You..." Vergo frowned, struggling to believe the news. After a pause, he asked, "Did you make this decision? If needed, I can lead the Marines..."

"Of course! This is a fair deal between Kaido and myself," Doflamingo interrupted, sounding quite satisfied. It was clear to him that Vergo still cared, which meant he could easily manage Vergo's loyalties. Together, they would elevate the status and power of the Donquixote Family.

"Fair trade..." Vergo took a deep breath. "As long as you've decided, I'll support it unconditionally." He gazed at the phone bug with respect, as though facing Doflamingo in person.

"Of course, you are my most trusted family member, my dear brother Vergo," Doflamingo assured him.

"What should I do?" Vergo asked, understanding that the call wasn't just to share the news.

"Governor Kaido needs your help. Seize this opportunity, brother. The Donquixote Family's rise to power depends on both of us," explained Doflamingo, before handing the phone bug over to Kaido.

"I will fulfill the tasks Governor Kaido and you have set for me," Vergo assured, feeling valued and even more committed to the Donquixote Family and Doflamingo.

Kaido then spoke indifferently, "I'm planning to attack the G5. What will you do?"

That statement alone was enough to stun both Doflamingo and Vergo. They exchanged glances, both shocked and at a loss for words.

Could it be Vergo's task to take on a Marine Base? That could be achieved without any covert operations, and there would be no need to target the dangerous G5, situated close to the headquarters. Kaido must have an ulterior motive. What could it be? Could it be related to the Thunder Fruit he mentioned earlier?

Doflamingo realized that he still didn't fully understand Kaido. More accurately, he found Kaido completely inscrutable.

Only then did he discover the delicate thoughts hidden beneath Kaido's extreme strength. I could only sort out my thoughts on the information Kaido had just revealed, so I sat down in my chair and pondered.

Virgo was speechless. He couldn't have imagined this happening. A spy himself, he had finally become a base commander. "If you come and destroy the base, then what advantage do I have..." he thought to himself.

"I should..." Virgo's head was a mess, his eyes fluttered, and he couldn't answer.

Then, in silence, I saw the corpses of pirates all over the ground and thought of my own mask. He's still a spy. If Kaido needs him, he must also value his identity. So, with a numb expression, Virgo tentatively said, "Should I resist you?"

"Not only resist, but also use all your means and risk your life to resist me," Kaido replied with a cold smile. "G5 must be destroyed so that you have a chance to climb up and become Admiral, and bring me the intelligence I need."

Virgo, with his mouth closed and a little embarrassed, said, "But my talent and strength are not enough to become Admiral, and even if G5 destroys me, I will at most change positions."

"So... Is your Thunder Fruit really for Virgo?" Doflamingo suddenly spoke up, his voice filled with mixed emotions.

That's the Thunder Fruit! One of the top fruits in the Logia class! Would Kaido really give it to someone from Don Quixote's group instead of the Beasts Pirates...

"Virgo will be important in the future. Only the top Thunder Fruit is worthy of someone who would risk his life for me," Kaido said, glancing at him. "Your acquisition of the Mera-mera Fruit is too conspicuous for a spy and easily detected. It is also not ranked highly enough. The subordinate with the Lava-Lava Fruit has been humbled by Akainu for a lifetime. Since you want to become a Marine Admiral, you need a top ability. Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Green Bull, Sengoku, Fujitora—none of these Admirals possess inferior fruits. Besides, they all work for me anyway; they are also my people. Being good to those below is something Kaido doesn't mind."

"I will definitely follow your orders, Governor Kaido," Virgo suddenly said with determination.

Treasures are useful for winning people's loyalty. "Don't die then," Kaido reminded him.

"Of course! It's my duty! I'll definitely stop you, fighting to the very end!" Virgo replied resolutely and gave Kaido a military salute.

"How will you deliver the Thunder Fruit to him?" Doflamingo asked, frowning again.

Even if Blackbeard agreed to part with it, it wouldn't have been given to a Marine. "We can't foolishly take the initiative to reveal it..." Doflamingo pondered.

Kaido watched Doflamingo quietly, waiting for him to continue.

Doflamingo tapped his fingers on the armrest and, after some thought, uncertainly suggested, "Let him grab it? We know the routes we take."

Kaido bowed his head to indicate he agreed, and then continued, "Go back and wait for my news, nine o'clock tonight."

"Yes," Virgo replied and signed off.

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth twitched; Virgo hadn't said goodbye to him.