
the treasure of information.

The search for pirates continued for some time, but pirate bands in these waters are generally scarce. The East Blue Sea doesn't host many pirate bands sailing its waters; it's the calmest sea of them all. It's not uncommon to see people living harmoniously. Pirate bands born in East Blue have a limited lifespan; the moment they cause too many problems for the Marine branch, Monkey D. Garp himself, in his recurring travels, will jump in with his powerful cannonballs and guide those unsustainable bands to oblivion for the East Blue Marine Division.

Axel bowed before his master, Koushiro; Lia did the same. The old swordsman couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia, seeing the sweet Tashigui, a woman in every sense—humble, helpful, affectionate, and strong, just as he hoped his little Kuina would be.

-Thank you for your training, Master, but I'm afraid we must leave tomorrow, - Axel said.

-It has been a pleasure teaching you sword skills. You're very talented, among my best students. Make sure to bring Lia to visit me, - Koushiro said.

-Visit you? - Axel asked, Lia by his side was surprised, but Koushiro's overwhelming smile reassured her.

-We'll come, Master. I would love to hear more about the stories of the Wano Country and its beautiful traditions, - Tashigui said.

Koushiro unveiled a fine yukata with the Shimotsuki symbol and handed it to Lia—a purple one with pink and black flowers, a high-end kimono. -I have a little gift for you, little one, - Koushiro said.

Lia took the yukata in her hands and felt grateful for having met Koushiro. - I don't know what to say, - Lia said.

-Little girl, take care. I'll be following your adventures. I know Axel's name will resonate across the seas. I hope you find time to visit your master, - Koushiro said, patting Lia's head.

Tashigui's puffed-up cheeks nodded in agreement.

-We'll be back, Mr. Koushiro, but before that, we'll sail all the seas, - Axel said.

-Yes, one day when your marine adventures are over, the East Blue will welcome you with open arms, - Koushiro said.

-Well, Master, if possible, I'll return. By the way, this is my Den Den Mushi number. If I can be of any help, feel free to call me, and Lia will be glad to talk to you during her leisure moments, - Axel said, understanding the contradictory thoughts between Lia and Koushiro.

-I'll keep it for a special occasion. If you happen to encounter a young man with green hair using three swords, lend him a hand. He's one of my students. Stubborn, but he'll respond well. His name is Ronona Zoro, - Koushiro said.

-I will, Master. Although we're heading to the Grand Line, nothing is tying us down; we're in search of better and more dangerous adventures, - Axel said.

-What a shame! Zoro could learn a lot from your sword style, - Koushiro said.

-Maybe I'll find him much later when he ventures into the Grand Line. I'll teach him a few things when I meet him, like a younger brother, - Axel said, jokingly.

-Zoro is a powerful warrior, - Koushiro said, bidding them farewell.

They approached the beach where the Fury of the Sea was stranded, the black wood and the new improvements made by Nithtal would help against the dangerous currents they would face in their new journey. The flame-propulsion engine found a good outlet after the modifications.

-I see you've arrived, - Ussop said, lying down, playing with a strip of paper.

-I had some pending matters with Master Koushiro, -- Axel said. He approached Ussop a bit and whispered with a hint of secrecy, -- How's Kuro? Is he still furious after the last loss? -

Ussop changed to a suspicious look. - He's been reading at the back, grumbling, but I haven't approached. I had some things to do. Deuce has sketched our adventures; he writes phenomenally. We're thinking of publishing it as 'The Great Adventure of Captain Ussop,' - Ussop said.

-Wow, I'll throw you overboard if my name comes out with such a ridiculous title, - Gad said.

-Haha, that's why it'll be called 'The Story of the Sea Pirates,' - Ussop said, sweating and gesturing comically, his shark teeth looking menacing.

It's time to say goodbye to Shimotsuki Village and go to other places waiting for our adventure. The plan I've outlined must materialize before the end of this year, which is impossible. I don't have the necessary urgency to enter the Grand Line, but it's time, Axel thought, renewed with vigor due to his evident sword skills and the grown techniques that will surprise me.

He saw Deuce nodding, and in the past few days, he defeated Kuro three times. Since his adventure with the Neko-Neko Model Panther fruit, Kuro has had a petulant attitude, and his bloodlust increased, but the multiple beatings given by Axel have calmed his innate carnivorous desire.

-Are you sure you want to get involved in Fish-Man Pirate territory, Axel? - Deuce asked.

-I don't want to meddle in those matters, but there's no other choice. I made a promise to Gad; that I would prove my worth. The relationship between Fish-Men is different from ours. They are loyal to each other because they have faced discrimination from humans for centuries. I can only gain their trust by supporting them wholeheartedly. Gad will always believe in his comrades, and he's our Nakama. We must fulfill the interests of our nakama, no matter what, as failing to do so would only cause problems in the future, - Axel said.

Deuce fell silent at Axel's words, believing him a bit, but why does he go to such lengths for a group that he knows will inevitably bring him only trouble? The young blue-haired man thought, there were many parodies buried in the world, and he still didn't know the truth of all things, even Axel doesn't know all the mysteries.

-So, our last destination after the Grand Line. - Deuce said.

-It is. I've done everything possible to increase our attack range. I can't find any master who can teach us more. Other places could help us, though. I hope you like the surprise I have in mind. - Axel said.

-Hopefully, that surprise doesn't come with a Marine pursuit. - Deuce said jokingly and with suspicion. He had enough of being a wanted man. Axel, however, smiled enchantingly after seeing his bounty poster of fifty million Berries, which contradicts his idea of staying low-key. Deuce doesn't understand Axel's sense of belonging.

-Come on, cheer up. They'd have to send a dozen Marine vice admirals to defeat us, and even then, the whole crew would require at least two! - Axel said.

-You want to lend me a hand! - Axel said.

-I will, but only at full throttle. - Deuce said. -With your navigation skills, travel time is already short. - His hands warmed up and lit up like two torches of fire, two torches they would use to travel across the East Blue Sea.

-The journey could be faster if you use your abilities. The sooner we get there, the sooner we leave. - Axel said, stretching to take the helm of the ship and drive the fire boat, reaching a speed

The boat rose at a staggering speed; the stream of fire propelled it in a blink. With just the increased speed of the boat, it emboldened, making a quick run. Deuce smiled and added more fire to the engine; the boat almost tilted backward, and the front rose.

-Axel, turn that off now! I can't cook in peace with the boat moving like this. - Agatha shouted.

-Ten minutes, we'll enter a sea current. In this area, there's little wind, and the journey would take us an eternity. - Axel said.

-Ten minutes, not a second more! - Agatha shouted from the kitchen, closing the door with a slam, making Deuce hesitate to add more fire.

-Reduce the flame, Deuce. - Axel said.

-I stained my new blouse. If you don't stop in ten minutes, I hope we have enough medical supplies on the boat. - Agatha replied from the kitchen, while her arms began to reform into a water shape.

-Uhh, in ten minutes, I'll turn it off. - Deuce said. His relationship with Agatha has improved since he left her at the Baratie, and he knows that a wrong step could earn the wrath of this woman for at least two months.

Axel went to his office, and the information obtained by the Revolutionary Army had some good news. The first is the sniper Van Agur, capable of shooting five kilometers away; no one can match him when it comes to sniping. He roamed East Blue two years ago, entered the Grand Line, and has traveled from island to island hunting pirates to survive.

The second is Aramaki, one of the future admirals of the Marines. Currently, he is a bounty hunter in the New World, acting as a mercenary and a hitman. He works with affiliated governments and has rejected entry into the Marines three times because he values money above all else, or so says the intelligence. He usually doesn't get involved in many disputes and often visits the red-light district.

The third is Shuraiya Bascùd, a bounty hunter who has captured two pirates worth 19 million and 23 million Berries, usually operating near Jaya. Three individuals with great skills and decent potential. However, if he had to choose, Axel would prefer Aramaki above all. While weakening the World Government with the loss of a future Marine admiral.

As for the Haki manual obtained, Axel has started with Observation of Haki's initial exercises. Meditation hasn't helped at all. He will follow Dragon's recommendation to practice the Kami-e paper art. Progress has been slow; the flexibility required for this technique, along with the difficulty of entering such a state, is demanding.

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