
That which we desire.

After a long training session, they left the ghost island of old Gaimon and set sail once again for Baratie. The fish-headed ship was particularly beautiful, docking at the main entrance, which had a small port for arriving vessels.

-Ah, Axel. I see you changed the sail and painted the ship in mahogany red. Is the ship larger? - Zeff asked, with a keen eye, noticing the similarities with the previous ship, although the size was evident, as this was a full-fledged galley.

-Yes, it's larger. It's fantastic, - Ussop said.

-You bought a similar one. It's a very interesting replica, - Sanji commented, with a cigar in his mouth, smoking leisurely as he looked around for Agatha and Tashigui, the glorious goddesses of Axel's ship.

-It's not a replica, it's the same ship with some improvements. We paid for a renovation, so even though it's the same ship, adding new things makes it either a new ship or the same ship without losing its essence, - Axel explained philosophically.

-You're stupid, - Ussop said, not understanding Axel's words.

-Hahaha, -Patty and Carne laughed, while Sanji just smiled.

Zeff didn't pay attention as he had something important to attend to. Axel had something glorious in his hands that Zeff desired as if it were a treasure from his pirate days.

-We have a deal to close. Sanji, take care of the kitchen. I have a business to attend to. Agatha, want to come to the kitchen? The boys were worried about you, - Zeff said, giving a glance to Agatha and Deuce.

-My queen, you can go to the kitchen, - Sanji said, looking enamored.

-My lovely chef, takes me to the kitchen. I practiced risotto, but I still can't make it for more than four plates, - Agatha replied.

-My queen, your Sanji would teach you everything, - Sanji said, dancing with his feet moving in the shape of a heart.

Deuce could only make a face and ignore Sanji's behavior to sit in a chair in front of Kuro and Tashigui.

-That's right, old man. I hope you've had enough time this month to make the necessary notes on the cookbooks, - Axel said.

-I see you've had a pleasant day. In the Forestress Kingdom, you made a great move to earn such a high bounty. Truth be told, you're the lord of the East Blue with the reward you just received. New extravagant crew members and new bounties. The sea has been fun for you, and little Agatha seems in good spirits, - Zeff summarized Axel's days.

-So, kid, how do you want to negotiate about the other volumes of the encyclopedia? - the bearded chef, next to Zeff, asked, more direct and less discreet than Zeff.

-I have your cooking skills, but I lack your battle skills. I have a companion who would greatly benefit from your teachings, - Axel said.

-Ohhhhhh, you know how difficult it is to find people willing to teach their skills, - old Zeff contradicted, sounding curious by his words.

-Well, I have in my possession the next seven volumes, all hidden writings of a great chef who traveled all the seas. It's an encyclopedia that costs an arm and a leg, and I'm willing to pass on all the knowledge as well as offer you a favor. After all, I'm a potential pirate. If you want to bet on me, it would be good for your business, and besides, I can give Sanji a secret power that will enhance his ability, - Axel said.

Sweetening the deal for his benefit and the benefit of others, Axel's main goal was to improve the Mugiwara crew's base power.

-Ohhhh, exchanging techniques isn't enough. It took me 20 years to complete my training, and I still consider it incomplete. The Black Leg Style is destined for greatness. I already know who you'll ask for help, and I'll do it just because he's a good lad, - Zeff said.

-He'll do it, - Axel affirmed.

-It's my legacy. If he becomes my disciple, I hope he can dedicate himself to kicking with all his strength. It deserves a legacy like mine. When I was young and foolish, I stopped using my hands in fights to safeguard them. But I see the potential in Sanji to take my style to an unreachable level, and I hope this new pupil is also a worthy person to teach, - Zeff said, melancholic and nostalgic about the days that had passed, both as a pirate and now as a cook and leader of a unique group.

-Wow! Old man, you've touched me from the bottom of my heart. He'll do it, and I'll make sure of it. His legs will demolish buildings, and he'll follow the code of honor, - Axel said.

-I'm glad you know that - Zeff said.

-What do you want? Just ask for what you want. Only something of equal value can be compared to his legacy. - Axel suggested.

His fresh and keen eyes shone. Among people with a strong sense of honor, although their pleasures lead them down the wrong paths, the principles that govern them are strong and imperative.

-I want sincerity above all. I want someone worthy of it, - Zeff said.

-Well, he's a wanted man with a bounty of 40 million berries. He's honest, and in his heart, there are contradictions. Both a doctor and a fighter. He's a man I'd bet my life on, - Axel said.

-Hey, Axel, you're embarrassing me. I can't believe you're saying such embarrassing words, - Deuce said, listening to Axel's words from the table.

-Hahaha, see, Zeff? You'll like him. How about I give you some space to talk to him face-to-face? - Axel suggested.

He approached Deuce and whispered in his ear. - Never give up with the old man, - Axel said.

-You owe me a favor and the seven cooking volumes, - Zeff stated.

-Well, I'll go to the ship for a nap, - Axel told Ussop and Tashigi.

Axel thought about the number of spies or potential informants Baratie might have at this moment. Paranoia knowing the might of the government is no joke. It's not Dragon with Marine backing and potential admiral-level strength.

-Why don't you go into the restaurant and have something to eat, Gad? - Axel asked.

-I don't want to, - Gad replied thoughtfully.

-What if I freshen up in the cabin, and we go eat something? Bring the triplets. The restaurant owner is good and doesn't scorn people based on their appearance. Another thing is that you might not have enough money. Be prepared for the bad mood consequences of the whole ship's cook, but they are good people, -Axel said.

-People often reject us because we're Fish-Men, -- Emeraude said. -- We won't enter a restaurant where we feel uncomfortable, - she added.

-I see! I'll bring you some dishes. There are some deals I need to finalize at the restaurant, but I'll take a nap, - Axel said.

That sounds good. Give me three big pork steaks, - Gad said.

-Vegetable rice, - Emeraude said.

-Tomato soup, - Rubis said.

-A steak with potatoes, - Saphir said.

The three turned to Axel, and their serious look changed in an instant. They both said at the same time.

-We're vegetarians, no fish in our food! - the triplets exclaimed.

Axel nodded his head from top to bottom. Damn, Saphir never had such a fierce look. I guess the idea of an aquarium is a bad idea, he thought to himself.

Principio del formulario

-I'll go after I get some sleep. The storm yesterday didn't let me sleep well at all, - Axel said, feeling the exhaustion of a day and a half without proper rest.

The captain's room is larger than the previous one, now equipped with a nice library containing all the books he has been able to buy and win through the collection of bronze chests. Deuce has a few books of his own, and he's stolen some history and medicine books, but he's the ship's doctor, so he can't reclaim his little books.

It has a small bathroom with a shower. Haaaa, no place like home. He has sailed and kept watch day and night. A good rest is well-deserved. Nihtal should create an alarm clock for me.

What is the old man doing right now? He hasn't left his room. Some special project, perhaps. Axel fell asleep lost in his thoughts.

He woke up with the afternoon sun, feeling completely exhausted.

He left the ship, taking a walk through the entire vessel to see what his crewmates were up to.

Deuce was on his knees, asking for permission to be accepted as a student. Agatha was being pampered by Sanji. Ussop was with Lia Tashigi and Kuro, enjoying some dishes. Old Nihtal was reviewing numerous drawings of different ideas put forth by Axel—fire engine, integrated parachute, saltwater to freshwater converter, motion sensors, and many other ideas that left Nihtal oblivious to the passing of time.

Gad was swimming in the depths with the triplets, bothering some brown sharks they happened to come across. Axel sat on a beach chair and fell asleep again.

The morning passed, noon passed, evening fell, and night arrived. There was Baratie in all its splendor.

Axel woke up with a laziness he hadn't felt in a long time. He saw Ussop in the distance juggling on Baratie's mobile wing. The entire crew sat at a long table with the chefs in white. Rubis continued in the water, resting her arms on the platform.

Sanji danced around Saphir and Emeraude with blood coming out of his nose, while Zeff hit him with his peg leg whenever he passed by.

-I see you're awake, - said Nihtal.

-That's right. How long have you been here? -. Axel asked.

-Before sunset, I managed to create the fire bulbs. Do you see that greenish-red light from the street lamps? I managed to concentrate on Deuce's fire after some research. The long-nose helped me; he has a talent for inventing things, - Nihtal told Axel.

-Axel, my hero. How did you manage to gather such beautiful women in one place? - said Sanji.

-Well, you never asked, - Axel replied.

-Sanji, I want another glass of juice! - said Saphir.

-My lovely crimson mermaid, your Sanji is ready for anything, - he said while running off.

-Hahaha, -- Rubis laughed. -- It's very funny, don't you think, sister? -

-I have no comments, -- Emeraude paused. -- It's acceptable. -

-Agatha, I didn't find the books in my library, -Axel said.

-They were in the kitchen. I already gave them to Zeff. He said he would personally teach me the first three volumes, and the rest would be up to my own experience, - the blue queen said happily.

-I'm really glad, Agatha. Do you want us to wait, or should we pick you up in two weeks? -Axel asked.

-The last time caused a lot of problems. It's better if we stay together. I don't trust Deuce, - Agatha replied.

-Alright, let it be so. I'll hunt some sea monsters with Gad. It's better to save a bit for later, - Axel said.

-You can work at Baratie. I asked the old man, and he was intrigued by the mechanical improvements. Nihtal has already earned some berries with the electrical system repair, - Agatha said.

-That's true. - Axel turned to look at Nihtal, who was sipping on his hot chocolate.

-E-hh yes, but it was for my research, boss, - Nihtal said nervously.

-It's great. We can earn more money. I thought you didn't like sharing your inventions, - Axel said.

-It's not that... Previously, Captain Simon forced me to sell my inventions to get money, - Nihtal said.

-That guy! Don't worry, Axel gives me a monthly allowance of 20,000 berries, and he buys me things when I run out of money, - Ussop said.

-Alright, we can make some money, but most of it is for books and materials. The better your experiments, the more it will help the crew. I'll buy you some special books that I know of, - Axel told Nihtal.

-Captain Simon never had enough patience to see Nihtal's genius, - Emeraude said, defending the young inventor.

--It's also because of his constant failures with his battle robots, -- Gad added. -- The last time, he burned through 30 million in two weeks. -

-Some miscalculations were involved! The power source is quite complicated to obtain. There's nothing reliable enough to contain it, and it must work for long periods, which is complicated when it comes to battle robots, - Nihtal commented.

-Young Axel has helped me a lot. He's right about discerning a source that sustains itself. You see, living beings self-sustain, so if I can make my robots do the same, it's the next step in robotic engineering, - Nihtal said, laughing like crazy.

-You're stupid, - Ussop said.

-Stop calling people that, - Axel scolded him.

-Wawawawawawaw. I told you, Nihtal, your laugh is creepy, - Gad said.

-Shut up, dumb shark. My laugh is perfectly normal, - Nihtal retorted.

-You've made progress! - Axel exclaimed.

-All on paper. I'd need some materials to figure out if I'm on the right track with battle robot mechanics, - the scientist said.

-We'll look for some materials for the next experiments. You'll like the next island, - Axel told Nihtal.

-You keep saying those words, and my curiosity keeps increasing. What's so wonderful about that island? - Nihtal asked.

-Ohhhhhh, that island is fantastic. It's a great Clockwork Fortress, - Ussop said.

The food at Baratie is arguably the most delicious in the entire East Blue. The chefs are top-notch, and the food melts in the mouth, causing an indescribable sensation of pleasure.

What a pleasant night. Lanterns hung across Baratie. After dinner, Lia decided to train a bit with her sword. It's unimaginable how two such different groups—the Baratie staff, all punks or criminals who left their lives for good food, and on the other hand, people who left their ordinary lives to become criminals—have come together so well.


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