
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime und Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 423: Shiki's Demise—

[Whitebeard Newgate: Uh, it turned out to be Shiki; this guy is too unlucky. ]

[Beast Kaido: There is no need to fight at all. That guy had his legs shattered. Now he should be a stone sculpture. He can't even resist. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: An easy win for Yamato…. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Although it is a bit embarrassing to say this, it is great that the one who got selected was Golden Lion. Those of us have escaped the catastrophe. ]

[King: Indeed, I really don't want to face this kind of "conquest card". ] Once defeated by the person holding the [Conquest Card], all the abilities of the defeated person will be emptied. Whether it is the Hakis you trained or the devil fruit abilities you developed painstakingly will be wiped out.]

If only one ability is deprived, the defeated person can still rely on their will to train and return to their peak. 

However, if all abilities are lost, and you wish to regain your former strength, even if you train for a time, it will be difficult.


The countdown of the golden list quickly returned to zero. 

The next moment, Yamato's figure was teleported by the power of the golden list to Impel Down, a cell specially prepared for Shiki.

When Yamato appeared, the criminals who belonged to the sixth-tier prison stood up one after another, leaning back as much as possible.

Those who have seen Yamato's power have no plans to challenge Yamato.

If it was the former prison director of Impel Down, they could still say something to laugh at Magellan. But if you changed it to Rifan or Rifan's disciple, they would have no such idea at all.

If they were targeted by Rifan or Rifan's disciples, they feel that they may not survive tomorrow.

"How do I fight this guy?" Yamato frowned and cupped her cheek with one palm, her gaze fixed on Shiki, who had turned into a stone sculpture in front of her.

Although she can crush him directly, in that case, Yamato always feels that something is wrong.

It seemed that Yamato's troubles had been sensed. On the top of the golden list, a ray of brilliance suddenly fell on Shiki.

Then, visible to the naked eye, Shiki's body began to gradually recover.

—Because Golden Lion Shiki is in a petrified state and unable to fight. The petrochemical status on Golden Lion Shiki is temporarily lifted. If Golden Lion Shiki survives after the duel, he will be restored to his petrochemical status.

[Red hair Shanks: This golden list is really very humane. However, it might be better for Golden Lion to be killed without regaining consciousness.]

[Whitebeard: Indeed! He has already fought Hancock and defeated miserably. If he fights another unvictorious battle now, the blow to Shiki will only be even greater. ]

[Beast Kaido: Waiting for him to see that his feet are gone again is the most painful thing. ]

While everyone was talking about the situation of Shiki, Shiki gradually regained his consciousness.

"This is… " Shiki, lying on his back on the ground, frowned, obviously not recovering from his petrified state.

"Huh?! This is the golden list?" Because Shiki was lying on his back, he quickly noticed the golden list screen on the ceiling.

"Yamato uses [Conquest Card (Excellent)]? The opponent is me?!"

Seeing the reminder on the Golden List that hadn't dissipated, Shiki was shocked and wanted to stand up with his hands on the ground.

However, because of the loss of both feet, Shiki just got up and fell to the ground.

"My legs, how come?!"

Shiki looked at his feet, surprised and angry.

"You bastard, what did you do to me?!" Shiki, who hadn't figured out the situation, looked at Yamato on the opposite side.

He has no impression of losing his feet, and now, he can only blame his missing legs on Yamato.

"Ha? I didn't do anything to you?" Yamato waved her hand. "Your foot was demolished by Hancock, but you deserve it. Who told you to run away and plan to turn Hancock into a doll?"

"Hancock?" Shiki frowned, "I didn't fight Hancock. Are you lying to me?! No, I did go to Hancock, but I shouldn't have arrived at Maiden Island yet!"

"Have you forgotten?" Yamato raised her eyebrows, "Oh, I remember; Teacher Rifan said that people who have been petrified by Hancock would lose memory after they recover. It seems that this is the case for you."

"Forget it; let's start." Yamato rubbed her fists and said as she walked toward Shiki. "Teacher Rifan asked me to go back quickly. I don't have so much time to delay with you."

Although Golden Lion Shiki was defeated by Hancock before and is still a disabled person, Yamato has no psychological pressure of killing him at all.

After all, judging from what Shiki has done recently, even if he has died hundreds of times, there is no problem.

"Unlike Hancock, I'm too lazy to turn you into a stone, so I will kill you directly."

In the horrified expression of the Shiki, Yamato whispered.

Immediately, a terrifying aura was aroused from Yamato, and she rushed toward the Shiki.