
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime und Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 215: Impel Down urgently needs someone like you—

"Teacher Rifan, how can you make a promise to that guy!?"

Sure enough, as soon as Rifan's voice fell, Yamato pouted and said to Rifan.

"Hehe, since you don't want him to get anything from me, then you should win." Rifan patted Yamato on the shoulder, "Or, you don't have this confidence?"

"How is it possible?! Of course, I have the confidence to defeat that guy, and I have already awakened my Devil Fruit." Yamato clenched her fist and said firmly. "Watch me carefully, Teacher Rifan, I will prove it to you!"

When the words were over, Yamato carried her mace and walked toward the door.

"Then you can work hard, by the way, if you lose, I won't teach you more powerful martial arts."

Originally walking to the door, the confident Yamato couldn't help but pause after hearing Rifan's words. 

Taking a deep breath, immediately, the gate of the dojo was opened even more aggressively, revealing Kaido, who was looking at the dojo outside the door.

"Yamato, my daughter, are you really going to fight me?" Kaido had a heartbroken face and looked at Yamato sadly, "Can't we get along as well as before?

"Huh, you haven't gotten along with me since I made my voice!" Yamato looked serious, "Let's go, go outside, I want to prove to my Teacher that I am stronger than you!"

Seeing Yamato's face so firm, Kaido knew that it would be difficult for him to convince Yamato by language.

After a little hesitation, Kaido looked at Rifan and asked: 

"Rifan, if I defeat Yamato, are you really willing to cooperate with me?"

Yamato has awakened the power of her devil fruit, and Kaido can know this even if Yamato didn't say it earlier.

After all, Yamato has a devil fruit of the Mythical Category that he had to work hard to find.

Yamato who got the [Devil Fruit Awakening Card] has no reason not to use this card.

However, even if Yamato awakens her Devil Fruit and can use Eight Inner Gates, Kaido does not think Yamato can defeat him.

Kaido, who has seen Yamato demonstrate the power of Eight Inner Gates, is very clear about this.

In Kaido's view, although Yamato's disposition in using the Eight Inner Gates is very powerful, Yamato's performance alone cannot surpass himself. Unless the user is Rifan or Yamato opens the Eighth Gate, opening the Eighth Gate is the only possible way to beat him.

But opening the Eighth Gate may cost death. Kaido does not think that Yamato will open the Eighth Gate to fight himself.

As long as Rifan is willing to cooperate after he defeats Yamato, Kaido is very happy to do it.

"Then it depends on what you want to cooperate with." Hearing Kaido's words, Rifan said with a smile,

"However, even if I don't cooperate with you, since I made a promise to teach you a certain skill, I will still fulfil it."

Hearing this, Kaido rolled his eyes and said, "Then if Yamato and I are tied, how should this be counted?"

"Heh, Kaido, it's really hard for you to look like this, and have such a delicate mind." Kaido's words almost made Rifan laugh, "You're an Emperor of the New World, are you not embarrassed saying that?"

"Could it be that you were not even embarrassed to get something from me when you got a tie with a little girl?"

Not only Rifan, but even Yamato looked at Kaido with a scornful look.

"You still have no spine as before."

Looking at Kaido's posture, Yamato couldn't help but think of Kaido's use of tactics to kill Kozuki Oden.

"Huh, Yamato is not a little girl." Kaido embraced his arms and ignored Yamato's despised words. "Rifan, she is, I, Kaido's daughter. Even if she doesn't think so, she inherited my power and even ate the fruit of the Mythical system."

"More importantly, she has been taught by you, how can such a person be called a little girl?"

"Although you can see my teaching, I am very happy, but even if it is so, I won't be able to give you any rewards." Rifan shook his head at Kaido, "At most, I can send you to Impel Down."

"You know, Impel Down just opened recently. In addition to Celestial Dragons, New World Four Emperors like you are desperately needed to shake the venue."

"If you deliberately lose to her, I will take you and the Beast Pirates behind you to Impel Down."

"But if you happen to be tied, I can just let you go without making a move."

 "In addition, do you still think that at this time, you still have a choice?"

"Either you act honestly, or you are forced to fight back under Yamato's attack, or do you want me to be your opponent?"

"Use your fairly clever mind to think about what you should choose."

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All Time Ranking.

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