
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime und Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 208: Celestial Dragons are here!

[Golden Lion Shiki: It's Kuma again, and it's still Kuma at present! This guy is much more unlucky than that bastard Akainu. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Although that guy Akainu has been selected twice, he is the Akainu of the past and the future. Even if he is killed, it will not affect his present. But if the current Kuma was killed by Kuma, it would be hard to tell. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Speaking of Akainu, I am really curious. What happened to Im who was injured by the past Rifan. I don't know if she died. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Im can choose to give up the challenge in time, which shows that her will is still very clear, such a person will not die so easily~. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Let's look at the fight between Kuma and Rifan, although there should be no suspense in this fight. ]

New World, Revolutionary Army Base.

A group of revolutionary soldiers looked at the golden list with a blank expression. A few seconds later, Koala looked at Sabo at the side as she asked worriedly:

"Sabo, nothing will happen to Mr. Kuma, right!?"

"That Rifan, he won't kill Kuma right?."

Hearing Koala's voice, Sabo also recovered from the surprise that Kuma was selected twice by the golden list.

He shook his head and said with a smile:

"Relax, Koala, although I haven't seen Rifan with my own eyes."

"But judging from his feat, he is definitely not a murderer."

"Among the opponents he fought, except for one of the Five Elders who died due to his self-confidence, none of them died in his hands.

"Although the disciples he taught have killed a lot of people, even so, they are all wicked people." 

Although Sabo said so, Koala still had some concerns.

"But, Sabo, Mr. Kuma's identity is Shichibukai."

"Shichibukai is a pirate, equivalent to a villain."

"What if Rifan killed him because of his identity as a Pirate?"

Koala's words caused Sabo's originally confident smile to stagnate. After thinking about it, Sabo's face couldn't help but a little cold sweat appeared.

"You can be reassured that Rifan will not kill Kuma." Dragon assured the two and continued "As long as Kuma does not show extreme malice, Rifan will not kill him."

"Watch it quietly, even if we are worried, we can't help Kuma at this moment."

"Everything depends on Kuma's own performance at the moment."

Hearing Dragon's voice, Sabo and Koala nodded and set their sights on the golden list again.

At this time, Rifan came to Sabaody Archipelago through the power of the golden list, opposite to Kuma.

"Captain, R-Rifan is here!" Bonney's crew member pointed at Rifan's back and shouted.

"Idiot, be quiet." Bonney slapped her crew's head with a palm, "Don't cause that guy's displeasure!"

Upon being reminded by Bonney, the crew hurriedly covered their mouths, for fear that Rifan would be angered because of his improper remarks.

'The challenge object turned out to be Kuma. If there is no accident, when the challenge is over, Rifan will be teleported back. Is there any way to get in touch with this man?"

Looking at Rifan's back, Bonney frowned tightly.

Although before, when Rifan came to Sabaody Archipelago, she could go and talk to him.

But when she saw Rifan, she found that she couldn't find the opportunity.

Not to mention that there are so many people around, and because of the atmosphere between Rifan and Kuma, Bonney can't find the right time to go in.

"Sure enough, it's Rifan, he looks more handsome at a close distance."

Shakky sighed, standing on a roof.

"Do you women pay attention to this?" Rayleigh shook his head. "Generally speaking, shouldn't you pay more attention to the power of Rifan?"

"Oh, women are different from you mens, Rayleigh." Shakky laughed. "However, speaking of Rifan's strength, there is no suspense in this battle."

At the moment Rifan appeared, many people chose to avoid him, but there were also many people staying in the vicinity where they wanted to see Rifan up close.

After all, to say that the most interesting thing in the world now is Rifan.

Not only is he strong, but even many civilians are very concerned about Rifan.

Many civilians thanked Rifan for teaching his disciple to help capture the pirate who wanted to escape Impel Down.

"Are you not going to surrender, Kuma?" After looking at Kuma in front of him for a while, Rifan said with a smile, "This battle, even if you don't try, you should know the result."

"Rifan, you are very strong." Kuma said very solemnly, "I really don't have a reason to fight with you. Although I want to talk to you, the timing is obviously inappropriate."

With that, Kuma looked up at the golden list in the sky.

As a revolutionary army, Kuma should take this opportunity to have a good talk with Rifan and try to get Rifan to support the revolutionary army.

But the golden list in the sky is showing all the actions of the two.

If he really expresses himself to Rifan to support the revolutionary army, Kuma will know that his identity will be completely exposed.

Although Kuma is not afraid of death, at this moment, he still has things to do.

"Hopefully, we can have a chance to talk at another time and place later," Kuma said.

Rifan touched his chin and looked at Kuma in front of him with interest. "It's not impossible. To be honest, I have a slight interest in reshaping others' bodies. "

"Your body has been remodeled almost all the way. For someone like you, I don't have the slightest psychological pressure to remodel your body.

"If I have a chance, I hope you can let me replace your technology with mine, Hahaha. I assure you will become much stronger."

Hearing Rifan's words, even Kuma was a little surprised.

He never thought that Rifan would actually say that he wanted to reform him.

However, it does not seem surprising. They know Rifan has a very high level of technology and can transform people.

"Your Excellency Rifan's transformation ability, I am very curious, but I am afraid that I cannot allow you to transform me now." Kuma said flatly, "This challenge ends here. Even if I fight with you, I don't have the slightest hope of winning."

"Golden list I chose to admit d—"

Kuma was about to admit defeat, but before he could finish his words, a noise suddenly came from behind him.

"God, Celestial Dragons are here!"

"Hurry up, kneel down, everyone!"

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