
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime und Comics
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571 Chs

 Chapter 401 Beauty Big Mom—

"Don't be too disappointed, Sakazuki.

"In terms of efficacy, [Life Potion] is still a good reward."

Seeing that Sakazuki's face was not so good-looking, Sengoku comforted.

"[Life Potion], it can make people who are dying quickly recover. Such an item is naturally good." Akainu shook his head, "It's only when there's an urgent need for strong power to restore Marine's prestige; this reward is a little worse than the reward that may immediately boost your strength."

Kizaru's reward is the birthday gift, and this birthday gift can bring Kizaru's strength back to its peak.

Therefore, Akainu feels that Kizaru's reward is not bad.

However, after changing to [Life Potion], Akainu didn't feel that way anymore.

"Although what you said is right, but if you keep this thing, maybe it will be of great use for you in the future." Kizaru touched his chin, "Kaido once also got [Life Potion], and then he got the [Eight Inner Gates Inheritance]."

"When the two are added together, the effect of [Life Potion] is magnified to the limit."

"If we can get some kind of props similar to [Eight Inner Gates Inheritance] in the future."

Kizaru did not finish what he said, but Akainu already understood what Kizaru meant.

Akainu nodded, put the reward into his pocket, raised his head, and continued to look at the golden list.

The rewards for the 8th place have been distributed. So far, there has not been a reward that has a significant boost to strength. Akainu wants to see if there will be such rewards in the future.

--[Ability List], 7th place, congratulations to Charlotte Linlin for obtaining [40 years birthday cake].

--After taking the reward, the user will have a lifespan of 40 years.

[Red-haired Shanks: It's a birthday cake again. This time, there seems to be a lot of supplementary rewards. ]

[Beast Kaido: Linlin 40 years ago? Could it be that Linlin will become what she used to look like?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Well, although I don't know how much Linlin's strength will change after taking the birthday cake, her appearance will definitely change a lot. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, 40 years ago, Charlotte Linlin, who had not yet become the Four Emperors, was still a big beauty. ]

"Mom, 40 years ago?" Looking at the picture displayed by the golden list, Custard, who had just become an outer disciple of Rifan, put her cheek in one hand, and some pictures of Charlotte Linlin in her childhood came to mind. "At that time, I was probably only three or four years old."

"Hey! Are you so old?" Sadi gave her a surprised look upon hearing Custard's words. "You obviously look quite young. Are you in your forties? "

Custard twitched her mouth and looked at Sadi speechlessly:

"Thank you so much. Not only did you say that I was "older", but that I was well maintained."

Custard is indeed older, but this does not mean that she wants to hear it from others.

Even though Sadi didn't seem to be malicious, Custard was still a little displeased when she heard such words suddenly.

"Age, it's just a number; you don't need to care too much, Custard." Rifan smiled, "Sadi-chan is just a little surprised, so don't be angry with her."

"Furthermore, maybe you can live for hundreds of years in the future, dozens of years or so obviously you are still very young.

Although he is the one who said it, but Rifan was also a little surprised at what Custard looked like now.

After all, there are a lot of beautiful women in Pirate World. After they get older, their appearance plummets.

It is indeed a rare situation that Custard was able to have the face of a twenty-year-old girl in her forties.

"Sister Custard, do you remember what mother looked like in her 40s?" Pudding asked.

"Although I was young at the time, I still remember it." Custard put her hand on her forehead, thinking of the past, and said, "Mother at that time was very different from now. Anyway, Mother at that time was very beautiful."

"Beautiful?" Pudding tilted her head, thinking of the appearance of Charlotte Linlin now; it is really hard for Pudding to imagine the beautiful appearance of Charlotte Linlin once.

'Mom, will she become younger?' With curiosity, Pudding raised her head and looked at the screen projected by the golden list.

On the screen, a picture of Charlotte Linlin holding her reward is shown.

On Cake Island, Charlotte Linlin was lost in thought as she watched the birthday cake appear in her hand.

Aside, Katakuri and other members of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group looked at Linlin quietly, not daring to make a sound.

None of them knew what Charlotte Linlin was thinking about now.

Nearly a minute later, Linlin nodded heavily and swallowed the birthday cake reward.

Gradually, Linlin's bloated body began to lose weight.

The wrinkles on her face gradually disappeared.

Under the influence of the birthday cake, Linlin's body is changing back to when she was young.

In a short while, the original Charlotte Linlin disappeared, and was replaced by a tall, beautiful face, but full of unruly look and sense.