
One Piece: Elden Lord

Kai, the best Elden Ring streamer and proud "Radahn Slayer," thought life was all about boss fights and Twitch subs—until he wakes up in Impel Down, the deadliest prison in One Piece. Confused and definitely not impressed, he quickly realizes he has the Elden Ring system from the game, but with one cruel twist: he's stuck with the Prisoner class, complete with the ridiculous helmet. Furious, Kai screams, "DAMN YOU, MIQUELLA!" Now, he’s got to escape this hellish prison full of pirates and maniacs, only to survive in the even crazier world of One Piece—where there’s no respawn and no Sight of grace! //********************************************************\\ If you wish to read more or simply support me just because ? than check out my patréon at "https://www.patréon.com/Riadooo" Don't forget to change "é" to "e"

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

The Elden Lord Levels UP

If you wish to read up to 5 Chapters Ahead! or simply support me just because? then check out my patréon at


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His eyes flicked to the Soul of a Wild Beast in his inventory, a potential source of more Runes. "I could use this to gain a few more levels," he mused, "but maybe I should hold onto it. The Crafting System might need it for something important later."

Kai returned to his status screen, his gaze settling on his stats:

Name: Kai Silver (RadahnAndGone)

Race: Human

Age: 20

Class: Prisoner

Faction: None

Level: Rune Level 9


Vigor: 11

Dexterity: 14

Mind: 12

Intelligence: 14

Endurance: 11

Faith: 6

Strength: 11

Arcane: 9


Kai leaned back, thinking carefully about his next move. "I could go for one of my usual builds," he thought, recalling the countless hours he'd spent optimizing characters in the game. "A Dex-Int build has always been my go-to; that would let me keep using sorceries while staying nimble."

But this had not been a game anymore. The confrontation with the wild beast had been a very loud, harsh alarm to the reality he was now living in. Every assault seemed like it could have torn him limb from limb, and the pain was excruciatingly real. He clenched his fists, feeling again how he almost lost a limb or two to the razor-sharp claws of the beast.

"Maybe I should focus on Vigor instead," he thought to himself, his eyes resting on the stat responsible for his health. "More health never hurts, especially when everything here is trying to kill me for real."

If he was going to spam spells without running dry in the middle of a fight, he needed more Mind. Intelligence made them hit harder. "I could be a real sorcerer, devastating from afar," he thought, the idea tempting.

Yet, at the back of his mind, was how he had been tossed about like a rag doll in that last battle. "Endurance would let me last longer in a fight, and a bit more Strength never hurts either," he thought. He considered balancing out his stats for a second but shook his head. "I need to specialize for now, not spread myself too thin."

After a moment's hesitation, Kai had reached a decision. "Vigor," he said, with just a little more firmness. "I can't exactly allow myself to be fragile in this place. It's better to take a few hits and keep standing than go down like a bitch."

He confirmed the choice, the Rune energy coursing through his body as he felt his vitality increase. The decision was made, now, on to get ready for what came next in this twisted, hostile world.


Name: Kai Silver (RadahnAndGone)

Race: Human

Age: 20 years

Class: Prisoner

Faction: None

Level: Rune Level 13


Vigor: 15

Dexterity: 14 

Mind: 12 

Intelligence: 14 

Endurance: 11

Faith: 6

Strength 11 

Arcane 9 


Kai felt the surge of Rune energy course through his body, a warm, tingling sensation that inched from his core to his limbs in order to lift his vitality. With that extra endurance, he was hoping for an edge in a dire need. But as the energy faded, he couldn't help but notice that nothing was apparently altered. "Alright," he muttered to himself, rolling his shoulders and flexing his fingers. "Doesn't feel like anything changed. but I did feel a weird sensation."

Shrugging off the weird feeling, he turned his attention back to the System screen floating before him. "Let's check out this Crafting System," he said as he let curiosity take hold, having noted the new tab that popped up.

Kai watched in excitement, then bewilderment, as he delved into the Crafting System. Becoming nothing like the interface of Elden Ring, he was expecting rows upon rows of familiar recipes, combinations of weapons, armors, consumables—simple combinations of materials that allowed him to make or craft what he needed to survive. Instead, he was hit with this chaotic jumble of what felt like options, most of which made no sense at all.

The crafting categories were bizarre, filled with strange and unfamiliar names. Ingredients he had never heard of were required even for the most basic of items, and the descriptions were vague at best. Some of the icons didn't even look like anything from the world he knew. He scrolled through the options, his confusion deepening with each passing moment.

"What the fuck is this?" he muttered wide-eyed, trying to make sense of how the complicated thing worked. His fingers tapped through the rows and columns of tabs, but the more he did it, the more alien it got. "my knowledge about the items in elden ring is practically useless."

In Elden Ring, he had prided himself in such broad knowledge of the game's mechanics and item crafting. He knew the ins and outs of every material, every recipe, every possible build. But here, in this twisted reality that only loosely resembled the game he once knew, all of that expertise was rendered almost meaningless.

He sat back and rubbed his temples in frustration. "Lovely, just lovely," he cursed softly. "So much for relying on my old strategies. In this world, it's like the rules have been completely rewritten."

Kai sighed, trying to control the increasing sense of unease that threatened to overwhelm him. "But then again," he mused, "this world is so very different. I should have expected things not to be quite the same."

He couldn't help but feel a bit lost, though; he was a seasoned player who had suddenly become a noob in the game that should have been familiar to him. But Kai knew he couldn't afford to waste time lamenting the changes. If anything, this was a reminder that he needed to stay adaptable and keep his wits about him..

Kai balled his fists, staring at the unfamiliar crafting system that replaced everything he thought he knew. He sighed, trying to force down the rise of frustration. "New world, new rules," he muttered to himself. "I just have to work my way through this. I just need to stay witty like i have always been."

But as much as he wanted to move forward, the thought of what lay ahead filled him with dread. "The real question," he muttered, "is how can I survive Level 4? That place is a literal fucking hellhole." 

level 4 was reputed to be such a blazing hell that it seemed the very air would melt the skin right off your bones. Here on the third level, he could feel already the crushing heat as it seeped up from the lower levels. This was enough to drain his strength, so much so that the very breath he took seemed to make every step a chore.

"the heat is fucking unbearable at Level 3," he said, wiping his face, "how in the holy heavens am I to survive Level 4?" 

All of a sudden, an idea hit him. He turned horns on the old man beside him. "Old man, you said that damn bird comes to feed on dead prisoners or something. Does it come often?"

The old man eyed him with wariness in his tone. He could feel Kai's question was probing at something, almost there, yet not quite clear. "Often? More like when a person's five minutes away from dying. They send that vulture to pick the bones clean.

Kai frowned as chaotic thoughts ran through his head. "Bloody dark stuff this is," he muttered, and a twisted grin appeared across his lips. "But I know what to do. Haha!" 

The old man frowned and narrowed his eyes, concerned. "How strong is it?" Kai asked, this time excitement sprouting from his voice.

The old man hesitated and then answered, "Nobody's got the spine to fight that thing, so I wouldn't know. What would you be wanting to know that for anyway? You planning on doing something stupid, young man? Because if you are, don't. The guards already brought you here once."

Kai's smile fades, realization suddenly dawning on him. "Now hold the fuck up," he mumbles to himself. "They should know that I killed the wild beast on Level 2. Probably that prisoner as well, How come they let me go here without punishment? I doubt they'd just leave me in Level 3 after finding me like that."

He paused, the pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together in his head. "Something doesn't add up," he thought, his mind churning with possibilities. "But it works in my favor, anyway. As long as that poison fucker stays away, I can keep moving forward." 

Kai glanced around at the area, his resolute determination hardening. "Whatever game they're playing, I'll beat them at it." He whispered, his determination flashing in his eyes. "I'm not stopping here."

As he looked at the crafting system, frustration threw shadows on his face. "Useless," he sighed. "I lack the materials, then I will just have to depend on my good old Estoc and sorcery to push forward. It sucks, but it is what it is.".

Kai's voice softened toward the old man. "Many thanks for your kindness, old man. You could have probably saved that food for yourself, but you shared it. I will remember that when I return back here, with a group of allies. You are walking free out of this shithole of a prison."

The old man laughed until tears burst from his eyes. "What an idiot you are!" he wheezed. "Nobody ever managed to flee this prison, except for one, and he had to cut his legs off to do it.

Kai's eyes gleamed with a knowing look as he thought to himself, 'Yeah, I know Shiki. But I also know someone else is coming soon.' He simply smiled at the old man without replying, then turned and walked to the center of the village. 

And then he looked at the sky. "Truly, this does not seem to be a prison, but an exterior world, or something," he said to himself. He called forth his Estoc, gripping it tight in his right fist with a fierce grimace on his face. "Anyways," he said, steeling himself for what was to come.

Kai took a heavy breath and whispered, "I hope this works, otherwise, I'm fucked." And with that, he jammed the Estoc into his own body three times, each stab sending a wave of agony straight through him. "Fuck me! Argh!" he screamed and fell to the ground, as pain and heat washed all over him, tears stinging his eyes, blood dribbling from his mouth.

He lay there, every breath a labor, and Kai could hear in the distance the screech of the vulture, getting closer. Through gritted teeth, he spat out, "Yeeees... come... you little, cunt."


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