
One Piece: Elden Lord

Kai, the best Elden Ring streamer and proud "Radahn Slayer," thought life was all about boss fights and Twitch subs—until he wakes up in Impel Down, the deadliest prison in One Piece. Confused and definitely not impressed, he quickly realizes he has the Elden Ring system from the game, but with one cruel twist: he's stuck with the Prisoner class, complete with the ridiculous helmet. Furious, Kai screams, "DAMN YOU, MIQUELLA!" Now, he’s got to escape this hellish prison full of pirates and maniacs, only to survive in the even crazier world of One Piece—where there’s no respawn and no Sight of grace! //********************************************************\\ If you wish to read more or simply support me just because ? than check out my patréon at "https://www.patréon.com/Riadooo" Don't forget to change "é" to "e"

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Kai vs A Wild Beast

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He quickly turned to Rondo, eyes wide with disbelief. "Did I just hear that right?"

Rondo, who had been watching the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and concern, nodded, trying to suppress a grin. "Yeah, you heard it right. Do you want me to explain it? You're not exactly thinking straight right now."

Kai's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and anger. "I know what it means, you idiot! I'm asking why this thing is saying it!"

Rondo shrugged nonchalantly, still holding back laughter. "It probably heard it from us."

Kai's stomach twisted with unease as his mind raced with increasingly disturbing scenarios. "Wait... you can't possibly mean that we...?" His voice trailed off as he imagined the worst, his mind conjuring up all sorts of inappropriate explanations.

Seeing Kai's horrified expression, Rondo quickly raised his hands in defense, trying to clarify before things got even more awkward. "No, no! You've got it all wrong! These wild beasts, they pick up on phrases they overhear from the prisoners. They just repeat whatever they hear, even if it doesn't make any sense. Sometimes they say the most random things."

Kai let out a sigh of relief as the truth dawned on him, the weight of his earlier thoughts lifting off his shoulders. But even with the explanation, he couldn't shake the unsettling nature of it all. "I see... so Impel Down gets busy here, huh? Just like back in my world. Well, that's... disturbing."

As if to drive the point home, the beast let out another screech, louder this time, and repeated in its eerie, guttural voice, "Bend over!"

Kai felt a cold shiver run down his spine, a mix of irritation and disgust building within him. "Will you shut up? I really don't like that you keep saying that to me!" His patience snapped as he summoned his Estoc, the familiar weight of the blade giving him a sense of control. Without hesitation, he gripped the sword tightly, muscles tensed, and lunged at the beast with all his might.

But the beast was quicker than it looked. With a swift flick of its massive tail, it struck Kai with crushing force, sending him crashing to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of him, pain radiating through his body as he lay there, dazed. The sensation was sharp, too real, and it reminded him with brutal clarity that this was no dream—this was reality, twisted as it may be.

Groaning, Kai struggled to push himself up, every muscle protesting. "This is a fucking reminder," he thought, wincing at the pain. "What I'm experiencing right now is no dream."

Just as he regained his footing, something new appeared in his vision: a boss health bar hovering right above the wild beast. The sight of it sent a jolt of realization through him—this wasn't just any random enemy; the system was acknowledging this creature as a serious threat. What bothered him more, though, was the unsettling fact that he couldn't see his own health bar. The uncertainty gnawed at him, adding another layer of anxiety to the fight.

"I'm really underestimating these things," Kai muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing as he reassessed the situation. "I should probably use magic, surveillance be damned. If I die here, it'll be a shit end I'm not ready to have."

Without wasting another second, Kai swapped to his Glintstone Staff, the familiar coolness of the weapon grounding him. He quickly cast Magic Glintblade, summoning a glowing sigil that materialized a single glintblade above his head. With a determined grin, he shouted, "Haha! This feels great. Nobody likes INT users, little bird. I hope you hate me because I'll spam the shit out of this attack!"

The glintblade struck the beast with a satisfying impact, causing it to screech in pain. But it wasn't about to go down easily. To Kai's surprise, the beast seemed to understand, its beady eyes narrowing in fury. It screeched back, "Bend over!" as it lunged at him.

The wild beast lunged at Kai with a vicious swipe of its talons, barely missing him as Kai rolled to the side, exclaiming, "Fuck!"

As he recovered, Kai quickly summoned another glintblade. "Take this, you piece of shit!" he snarled, the blade slicing into the beast once more. The beast retaliated with another furious screech, but Kai remained focused, dodging its relentless attacks and continuing his assault.

The chase was on, and Kai was determined to make every glintblade count. "How do you like this?" he taunted as the third glintblade struck. Each attack brought a grim satisfaction, but the beast's resilience was formidable. "You're not so tough now, are you?" he continued, his voice filled with a mix of defiance and desperation.

The beast roared, clearly angered by Kai's persistence. It charged again, but Kai managed to evade the attack just in time, sending a fourth glintblade toward it. "Come on, you overgrown crow! Is that all you've got?" Kai shouted, adrenaline fueling his anger.

Kai kept his distance, circling the beast as he continued to cast his Magic Glintblade. Each time, the spectral blade found its mark, and the beast grew angrier. But just as Kai was about to summon his fourth attack, the beast's sharp talons raked across his side, sending him crashing to the ground with a grunt of pain.

The impact knocked the wind out of him, but Kai forced himself to focus. "Fuck me, this hurts!" he hissed through gritted teeth, realizing the brutal reality he was in. The beast was relentless, but so was he. Kai quickly grabbed his Crimson Flask and took a swig, the warm rush of healing energy coursing through him.

With renewed vigor, Kai cast another glintblade, watching it slice into the beast. But the fight was far from over. As he prepared to cast a sixth attack, he felt a cold dread wash over him. Nothing happened. The staff was unresponsive, his mana drained.

"Damn it!" Kai cursed, realizing he was out of mana. He fumbled for his Cerulean Flask, desperate to recharge. But the moment the flask touched his lips, the beast was upon him, slashing with its talons. Kai staggered back, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow, but the attack had taken its toll. All those glintblade strikes had only managed to bring the beast's health down to half.

"How the hell are you doing this?" Rondo's voice cut through the chaos, filled with disbelief.

"Shut up and stay out of my way!" Kai snapped back, his focus entirely on the fight. His eyes flicked back to the riot, which was beginning to lose its intensity as the guards started to regain control. The window of opportunity was closing, and he knew it.

Kai's thoughts raced. If the chaos died down too soon, someone like Magellan might show up, and then he'd be screwed. "I've got to end this before it gets bad," he muttered to himself, a sense of urgency tightening in his chest.

Desperate for a quicker resolution, he shouted over his shoulder, "Rondo, does this thing have a weakness or something?"

"How would I know?" Rondo yelled back, frustration evident in his voice.

Kai grit his teeth. "Fucking useless!" he cursed, his frustration mounting as he narrowly dodged another attack from the beast. Kai cursed under his breath, frustration boiling over as he felt the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "Fuck it," he muttered, gripping his Estoc tightly. He was out of options, and the only way forward was through. With a fierce yell, he launched himself at the beast, all caution thrown to the wind.

The wild beast, its eyes gleaming with savage intent, lunged forward with its maw wide open, the words "Bend over!" echoed in that disturbing guttural voice. Kai barely had time to react before the beast's massive jaws clamped down on him. He let out a guttural grunt of pain, feeling the sharp teeth sink into his flesh, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

But Kai wasn't about to give up. Even as the beast held him in its deadly grip, he raised his Estoc with a defiant snarl, his vision blurred with pain and rage. With every ounce of strength he had left, he drove the blade into the beast's eye, the tip of the sword piercing through the soft tissue with a sickening squelch. The beast let out an ear-splitting screech, thrashing wildly as Kai relentlessly stabbed again and again, "FUCK,FUCK,FUCK!" he repeated in a mix of pain and anger, his fury giving him the strength to keep going.

Blood splattered across his face as he continued his assault, each strike hitting its mark, and the beast's health bar dropped rapidly. Kai could feel the creature's grip weakening with every stab, but he didn't stop, not until he saw the life drain from its remaining eye. The beast gave one final, pitiful screech before collapsing to the ground in a heap, lifeless.

Kai tumbled out of the beast's jaws, breathing heavily, his body screaming in pain. He wiped the blood from his mouth, grimacing as he forced himself to stand, his Estoc still clutched tightly in his hand. The sudden silence was deafening, and for a moment, Kai just stood there, staring at the fallen beast, the adrenaline still pumping through his veins.

His entire body ached, the wounds from the fight sending sharp jolts of pain with every movement. With a shaky hand, Kai reached for his Flask of Crimson Tears, knowing he needed to recover fast. He uncorked it and chugged down the crimson liquid in two desperate gulps, feeling the restorative magic course through him, mending his wounds and easing the pain.

Kai leaned against the cold, stone wall, breathing heavily as the warmth of the flask's healing effects washed over him. "I'm… not gonna do that again," he wheezed, half-laughing, half-coughing, as he tried to steady his racing heart.


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