
Night Raid

It took more than 2 hours of flight to reach Tequila Wolf, which just went to show how far it was out of the way it was. When they got to the island they all saw a massive bridge going as far as the eye could see.

Jack said that all of the slaves were at the end of it still working. The sailed on the sea with Jack boasting their speed for another few hours along the bridge, Jack using his Haki to make sure that there was no one above them that could see them or be left behind if they were slaves.

After a little past noon the end of the bridge was in sight, but this caused Jack to stop. "We are going to wait here and get some rest, eat up and plan a course of action." Jack told them all as he dropped anchor near one of the pillars supporting the bridge up. Tashigi didn't want to wait and spoke, "They are suffering up there and you want to wait?!! I say we go now!"

Jack glared at her as he spoke, "It does no good to run mindlessly into danger. If we go up there in the middle of the day we will be spotted before we can get to the slaves. The guards will call for reinforcements then we will be on a time limit. Do you honestly think that the guards won't use the slaves as hostages against us?!! Do you think you can fight against a navy Admiral?!"

Jack paced back and forth for a minute before he continued, "You don't think about your actions Tashigi! Had this been a marine ship and you said those words you would be punished or outright killed!" Jack walked over to the middle of the deck and pulled out some chairs for everyone before he sat down.

"We will wait here until nightfall, then I will scout the area and the number of guards and slaves and plan accordingly. Nami and Nojiko will stay with the ships down below and watch over the people, Smoker and you will gather the slaves while Luke and I take out the guards." Jack laid out everyone's role during the operation.

Tashigi looked as though she was going to say something, but Smoker cut her off saying, "You are too weak to fight these people Tashigi. It's a good plan, and the roles suit each of us. If you want to help then keep the people safe." Jack got up from his chair and walked into the cabin to get some sleep while everyone else prepared.

Luke ate some food then started oiling his swords and guns. Nami and Nojiko discussed how best to comfort the people and that they should prepare food and blankets beforehand. Smoker grabbed some food and rested in a chair with his feet on the railing, while Tashigi swung her sword.

When it was full dark out, Jack walked out of the cabin and looked over everyone. "Lets make our way towards the end of the bridge" Jack said as he walked to the back of the ship to propel them forward. "Don't you think fire is going to be noticed by the guards?" Nami asked in a concerned tone. "Don't worry, I can change my flames black" Jack said as he unleashed a wave of black flames.

"How come you never mentioned you could do that?!" Tashigi asked in an angry tone. "You never asked, and I didn't feel like telling someone I don't know my powers. Now stop being so butt hurt about earlier and keep quiet." Jack whispered back in a clearly angry tone. Smoker walked over to Tashigi and whispered, "When this is over with, we need to have a serious talk." She looked as though she was going to start crying, but held it in.

When they got close to the end of the bridge they could see hundreds of people still working on construction. Jack stopped just out of view range, and them being in the dark would help greatly.

Jack turned his body into a shadow and vanished from the view of everyone present which caused Nami and Nojiko to jump in fright, but they didn't make any sound. Smoker looked over to Luke who just shrugged his shoulders. Tashigi was more confused than ever before and didn't even know how to react. J

ack made his way to the top of the bridge then went through and looked towards all of the slaves and guards. He counted at least 500 slaves in crappy uniforms to fight the cold climate and 120 guards. Half of the slaves were sleeping and half the guards were sleeping so they could run in shifts. Jack made his way back to the ship and materialized in the middle of the deck.

"Listen up." Jack whispered getting everyone's attention before he continued "I counted at least 500 slaves, some sleeping while some are working. There are 120 guards that I could find, and half of them are in the barracks sleeping as well. The barracks are closer to us and will need to be dealt with first before we try to free the slaves so we don't have enemies in our way if that we need to retreat."

Taking a pause Jack pointed out where all the slaves were and where the guards were patrolling. Then he brought out Krieg's giant Galleon 'The Dreadnaught Sabre' right under his tiny ship. Everyone jumped off the little ship then Jack stored it in his inventory. Nami asked for blankets and food for the people and Jack brought out hundreds of blankets.

"The food will have to wait until we set sail, so for now just get them all below deck or somewhere more comfortable. Smokey, can you use your smoke to act as a slide for the people to get from the bridge to the ship?" Jack asked hopefully. "I haven't tried it before, but I know I can do it." Smoker answered back.

"Good. Once you get all of the sleeping slaves to the edge of the bridge, you stay and help them down to the ship while Tashigi heads to the front and starts to gather the ones we send her way." Jack said getting a nod from everyone.

Jack threw Luke to the top of the bridge while Smoker flew to the top carrying Tashigi in his arms in a princess carry. When they all got on top, Jack and Luke made their way into the barracks where they proceeded to walk around to each person and kill them.

Jack would get close to them and make them disappear into his dark space then burned them to ash, while Luke went around and covered their mouths and slit their throats and stabbed their hearts. It was definitely overkill, but Luke never did half ass anything. They were so fast that all 60 guards were dead in a few minutes without anyone raising alarms.

When Tashigi and Smoker saw them leave the barracks they nodded and followed along. Jack pointed out the buildings where all the slaves were, then he and Luke carried on taking out the patrolling guards. After an hour of moving around like ghosts they got to where the final 7 guards were standing.

Jack signaled to Luke to come in behind them after he charged in. Luke nodded along and waited for Jack to make a move, which didn't take long. Jack walked over to them without a care in the world while yelling out, "Greetings pathetic little insects!! I have come to relieve you of your duty perminantly and send you to meet the maker!"

The guards raised their weapons towards Jack and one shouted, "Who are you?! And what are you doing he-!!" The man didn't get to finsih his words as Luke's sword separated his head from his shoulders. The other six gaurds foolishly turned their attention to Luke giving Jack the opening to charge forward and light them on fire.

As the guards screamed in pain, the slaves looked towards the gruesome scene in horror. After the last guards lifeless corpse dropped to the ground Jack turned his attention to the slaves.

"Hello! We are here to take you off this bridge and back to civilization!! If you would make your way back this way, we have a ship that will guide you to a safe place!" Jack shouted causing many of the slaves to fall to their knees and tears to fall from their eyes.

"Are we actually going to leave this place?" Someone asked. Jack gestured for them all to follow Luke while he took up the rear, making sure that no one was left behind. After another 2 hours of getting all of the former slaves loaded onto the ship, Jack ran around the bridge and looted all of the supplies and items. Anything that he could use back in the village he saved, but for the most part he sold everything else as it went into his inventory.

When he got back onto the ship he saw that the deck was filled with people wrapped in blankets and many were crying. Nami walked over to him and said, "Most of the elderly and injured people are below deck. I told everyone that we would be feeding them after we got away from the bridge, but Smoker said to hold off on that until he talks to you."

Jack nodded to her and spoke softly, "Thank you. This isn't what you signed up for, but you and Nojiko helped immensely." Nami didn't say anything, she just nodded and walked over to help some people. Jack walked to the back of the ship and started making the ship move in the direction of Dawn Island.

After an hour or two Jack had more of the stronger people on board the ship sail the ship normally while he would take a break. He walked down into the Captains quarters and sat on the bed.

He was just sitting there when he heard *Knock* *Knock* on the door. "Come in." Jack said as he got to his feet. Smoker walked into the room and closed the door behind him. "We need to talk." Smoker said seriously.

Jack gestured for him to take a seat at the desk chair against one of the walls as he sat back down on the side of the bed. "What is it?" Jack asked curiously. Smoker sat down and looked as though he was trying to find the right words to say, then he let loose something that made Jack's blood run cold.

"When we were freeing the slaves, we found some of them were... forcing themselves onto others." Jack slowly got to his feet as he asked, "Which ones?" His icy tone told Smoker that these people would not be leaving this ship alive.

"I put the ones I caught in the act in the cells down below. I asked around to most of the other people and got the names of a few more people who also did it. All of them are in the cells as well, and there are 17 of them in total." Smoker said with tired eyes as he lit a cigar and took a deep drag.

"None of them are innocent. I had time to check the logs after the last of them were taken down. 12 of them are criminals from around East Blue that have actually committed simialr crimes in the past. The other 5 weren't sent here for crimes in the past, but they raped multiple people who all confirmed it." Smoker added, which only caused Jack to be more angry.

"I'll deal with them come morning. I need to show these people that this kind of thing will not go unpunished." Jack said as he walked towards the door. "Get some rest Smoker. Take this room if you want." Jack said as he left the room.

Jack made his way downstairs to the cells where he found the 17 scumbags sitting. When they noticed the door to the room open, they all got to their feet. They all waited in silence for what would come next, but to their horror they were pulled into darkness and smashed around. Jack removed them from the darkness and let them all cry in agony. "What you suffered was small compared to what you have forced onto others. You are not fit to be in this world, and will be leaving in shortly."

After saying his peace, Jack walked out of the room and upstairs to the deck. It was still dark out, but because of his Devil Fruit he could see just fine. He walked over to the mast and tossed 17 ropes over a large part of the rigging before securing the other end. He made 17 barrels appear under the ropes then made his way to a secluded part of the railing.

Jack woke up to the sun coming over the horizon an hour or two later. He hadn't been sleeping long, but he felt it was enough for what he was going to do next. Looking around the ship he saw that most everyone was still sleeping.

Jack walked over to the doors leading down into the ship, and went to get Smoker from the Captains quarters, then with the help of Smoker he carried all of the prisoners to the deck with their hands bound behind their backs. Everyone on board gathered around the main deck when they heard that something was happening.

Luke appeared out of nowhere while Nojiko, Nami and Tashigi came from in the cabin. Everyone watched as Jack stood the prisoners on the barrels and put the ropes over their necks then turned and addressed the crowd.

"Attention everyone!! As some of you already know, these 17 scumbags were arrested for their vile actions which have caused the pain and suffering of many people. They are hereby found guilty and shall swing by the neck until dead!" Jack didn't go into detail about which people were victims, but he did let them all know about the rape.

The crowd started to murmur amongst themselves, but in the end no one spoke up in defense of the accused. "Let this be a lesson to those who would think to act against the innocent and weak. Actions have consequences!!" As soon as Jack finished speaking he walked down the line and kicked the barrels out from beneath them and waited until they all stopped moving.

When they were all dead, Jack pulled the corpses into his darkspace and turned them to ash then dropped it into the water. Jack didn't wait around, instead he walked into the kitchen and purchased hundreds of meals. He walked back up stairs and placed all of them on tables that he also pulled from his inventoy.

"I know you all must be hungry, but please make some lines and dish up. There is more than enough for you to all come back and have seconds so please don't be greedy." When the people saw Jack place all the food they were stunned, and when he said they could help themselves they rushed to form lines at the tables.

Jack let everyone out here eat to their hearts content while he walked back inside and sat at a small table in the dining area all by himself. He pulled out a bottle of Rum, but before he could take a drink Smoker walked into the room and took a seat next to him. Jack tossed another bottle of Rum to Smoker, then pulled out two trays full of food. "I had Makino make a few pre-made meals" Jack said as he placed one of them in front of Smoker.

"Thanks" Smoker said before he started to dig into his food. Luke joined them a little bit later and Jack gave him the same thing, but when Tashigi showed up she looked as though she wanted to argue something with Jack. She didn't even get to say a word before Jack said, "I really don't want to hear it Tashigi. I'm not in a good mood." After speaking Jack glared at her almost daring her to say something.

The journey to Dawn Island would take a over a week at their current pace, and that was with Jack using his power to propel them. After eating Jack told everyone that he had a call to make, so he excused himself and made his way to the Captains room. As he was leaving the room he saw Smoker leading Tashigi somewhere as well. 'Guess it's time for that talk' Jack thought internally. As he closed the door behind him, he pulled out his transponder snail and made a call. "Hello?" The familiar voice said on the line. "Dragon, It's Prime. We need to talk..."