
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 19: Career Path

An earthquake shook the entire village as Tyr and Shanks fought for supremacy with their haki.

"Haaah!" Tyr cocked his other arm and a jet of flames appeared behind his elbow.

Shanks went wide eyed as he blocked it with his sword. But he wasn't able to anchor himself on the ground and he was sent flying.

"Captain!" The pirate crew cried out as they saw Shanks fly away like a bullet.

"Hah, you pirates will never take this village!" Tyr sighed as steam escaped from his mouth.

His temperature increased exponentially and the ground below him began to melt.

"Whew, this kid's a monster." Benn whistled at the pure destructive force Tyr can output.

"Wait! Wait! We really are just docking here." The blonde with dreads, wearing a headband with the words Yassop waved his arms.

"Tyr! It's true! They weren't even that rowdy." Makino explained and Tyr checked them with his observation haki to the limit.

"Then why did that guy try to be an ass?" Tyr made his conqueror's haki explode. Not trusting them a bit.

"Well, captain has a bit of a playful side?" The fat guy wasn't sure how to answer that.

"Makino, do you trust them?" Tyr asked her and she nodded.

"When that powerful blast exploded, they even stood in front of me." Makino bowed at them in thanks.

"Oh..." Tyr got too heated and forgot that Makino was just nearby.

"Wait, where's Ace and Luffy?" Tyr looked around and the two popped out from behind Makino, shaking like a leaf.

"This is just a misunderstanding. Damn it, Shanks." Benn massaged his temples. He just had to egg on Tyr who was definitely not normal.

Tyr then went quiet. 'Shit, I forgot about them...'

He facepalmed and they waited for Shanks to appear.

"Damn, you have a mean punch, kid." Shanks returned after a few minutes.

"You don't even have a scratch on you, you must be a pirate from the new world." Tyr squinted his eyes.

'Why are they here in east blue?' Tyr frowned and Shanks laughed.

"Not only strong, smart too, huh? I'm red hair Shanks. Captain of the red hair pirates. This is my vice-captain, Benn Beckman. The cook, Lucky Roo, and my sniper, Yassop." Shanks introduced themselves.

"Hello, I am Tyr." He gave a stiff introduction. He was obviously on guard, still.

"Wait... Aren't we forgetting something?" Lucky Roo asked them.

"Eh, if we forgot. Then it isn't important! Come, come! Let's party, my treat!" Shanks gestured for Tyr to come to Makino's bar.

"Why did you even come here, rather than on a deserted island?" Tyr asked as that would obviously be safer.

"Well, we were out of supplies. We had a run in with the world government." Yassop explained and Tyr nodded.

'I see... At least they struck a blow to them.' That added extra points for him.

"I didn't know you were that strong, big bro." Luffy finally calmed down and he looked at Tyr with sparkling eyes.

"Your fire was amazing!" Ace thought he was much cooler now.

"What? You think it was just to make our boat faster?" Tyr snorted at Ace.

"That was amazing, your haki's also extremely strong." Shanks complimented him.

"Thanks." Tyr nodded and didn't offer anything else.

"Lucky Roo! He's so cold!" Shanks clung to the fat guy.

"It's your fault, captain. You taunted him, making him think you're a threat to the village." Roo drank some wine in a barrel.

"Well, he was so serious. I thought I should mess with him a bit." Shanks sighed.

"I really don't like you as expected." Tyr squinted his eyes. He just has a bad feeling about him.

"Forgive our captain, he's a bit... Eccentric, yeah?" Benn sighed at Shanks.

"Yeah! He's a nice guy though!" Yassop cheered with Roo.

"Shanks isn't a bad guy you know? We have never attacked civilians." A girl with half white and half red hair suddenly appeared.

'Hmmm... He has a kid in his crew? She looks well fed and clothed too.' Tyr didn't expect that.

"Yeah, yeah, fine." Tyr rolled his eyes. 'I don't trust you though...' He can't put his finger on it.

But Shanks just wasn't trustworthy in his eyes. "Isn't my daughter Uta, a cutie!? She's going to be a diva!" Shanks pointed at her and she huffed.

"I'm already a diva, Shanks." Uta stood on a table and started singing, which was pretty good in Tyr's opinion.

Their party continued, unbeknownst to the red hair pirates that Garp was heading to east blue with immense speed.

__Some time later__

Some of the pirates got black-out drunk. But the rest of them still continued to party like frat boys.

When the door of Makino's bar opened and a man in a white cape entered the premises.

"Pirates, huh? You have some balls, docking your ship in my hometown." Garp's veins on his head popped as he cracked his knuckles.

"Wha?" Shanks was shocked in seeing him there.

"Red hair, Shanks... Hmph, so what if you have a billion belly bounty? Roger had five times the amount and I'm one of the only few who could kick his ass." Garp's armament haki was so thick that his hand looked jet-black.

"W-we can talk about this." Shanks started to back off and his crew broke into a cold sweat.

Tyr then had a smug expression as he looked at Shanks.

'Gah! This punk won't help me at all!' Shanks realized the set up.

"Oh... Now I remember, Tyr called Garp for back up." Roo said in monotone.

Garp then suddenly disappeared, Tyr and the other strong pirates managed to see that Garp grabbed him right on the face.

"Guhahahaha! Serves him right!" Tyr had a massive grin and they looked at him in terror.

'This guy, he set Shanks up without any of us realizing. His misdirection is something.' Benn frowned.

"Aren't you gonna stop gramps?" Ace asked Tyr.

"Heh, actually. I'll join him in beating up that flippant guy." Tyr went outside as well and flew to the source of haki clashes.

After an hour of beating, Shanks was currently being bandaged by Makino. His face was swollen.

"You... Why didn't you tell him why we were here!?" Shanks glared at Tyr.

"Heh, that's what you get for being an ass." Tyr blew raspberries at him.

"Garp, can you send this to Amazon Lily?" Tyr gave Garp a letter for the Boa sisters. Garp nodded and he looked at Shanks.

"I better not hear that you're causing trouble here, red haired brat. Or I'll show you why they call me Garp, the hero of the marines." Garp left as he went out of post without any warning for Marineford.

"Buhahaha! So lame, boss! You got your ass handed to you!" Roo started laughing and everyone else followed.

"Shaddup!" Shanks started drinking as he has never felt such a hard beating before.

'I'm sure I'll have ugly bruises on my body tomorrow.' Shanks clicked his tongue.

"Hahaha! Tyr sure did a number on you, Shanks!" Uta laughed at him as well.

"Nooo! Not my daughter too!" Shanks did an orz.

"Heh, you're cool. Strong too! How about you join us!?" Uta invited Tyr.

"No thank you." Tyr rejected politely and Uta blinked.

"Ehhh!? But Shanks' one of the strongest pirates you know? His bounty is above a billion bellies!" Uta was flabbergasted.

"I'm not about that pirate life. I'm gonna be an adventurer. No need to stir trouble with the world government for being a pirate." Tyr shrugged.

'Though it's only a matter of time before I receive a bounty once I start getting famous.' Tyr sighed in his mind.

"That... That's true." Uta went pensive and she thought of why they didn't do just that.

"Uta! Can you sing again! Your voice is pretty!" Luffy grinned at her and his words stroked her ego.

"Heh, can't resist my charms, eh?" Uta had a smug smile.

"It's in your name literally anyways." Ace wasn't really a major fan like Luffy.

"Ha? I'm gonna show you! You're lucky I don't have anyone who can play music for me!" Uta glared at Ace.

"Ahhh, Makino. Can you take that out?" Tyr looked at Makino and she nodded.

Makino came back with a couple of cases. Tyr of course knew how to play instruments. With the education of the teachers he had when he was younger beating it into him back then.

"If you're a diva, then I'm the epic saxophone man." Tyr started doing an epic solo while dancing and everyone got groovy.

"Ey! Stop stealing the spotlight!" Uta puffed her cheeks at him.

Tyr danced around her, busting out the moves and she was fuming.

"Buahaha! She looks like a tomato with mayo and ketchup!" Luffy laughed his ass off as her face turned red.

"Gunununu! Stop!" Uta dived at Tyr and he can't possibly dodge her or she'll hurt herself.

"Fine, fine, I'll help you by playing music." Tyr rolled his eyes and he took out another instrument.

This time, it was a violin and Uta got excited. Tyr played a melody for her and she followed his lead.

The party suddenly turned into an impromptu concert and Shanks was crying as he watched Uta sing, accompanied by wonderful music.

"Hmph, how was that?" Uta looked at Ace. "You got carried by Tyr, obviously." Ace was sure that it sounded better due to Tyr.

"Ha!? You know what, forget it. You're obviously tone deaf." Uta harrumphed.

"I'll have you know that I can sing really well!" Ace can't accept the attack on his pride.

"Then prove it." Uta huffed and Luffy started chanting his name.

"Ace, Ace!" The whole bar egged him on and Ace was already too deep.

'Rest in peace, Ace.' Tyr knew he doesn't know shit about singing.

"Ahem, listen closely." Ace raised his hand and the bar went quiet.

He started sweating, but he gritted his teeth. "Pizza pasta pizza pasta~ let's eat some, pomodoro!" Ace started singing and everyone went wide eyed.

"Spaghetti~ carbonara! Pizza~ margherita!" Ace soldiered on with a constipated look on his face.

"Buahahahaha!" Shanks teared up as he laughed his ass off.

"Stop laughing!" Ace looked at Luffy who was on the ground rolling.

He then stared at Tyr who had a stone cold look on his face.

"Pft, hahaha. I gotta give you props, Ace. It was quite catchy." Tyr laughed as well and Ace did an orz.

"Kyahahaha! What a glutton! Even in a song, you sing about food?" Uta wiped her tears.

"Kgh! Remember this day!" Ace pointed at her like she was his arc nemesis.

"Shanks! We definitely have to make Tyr a member of our crew!" Uta was all smiles as she pointed at Tyr.

"He'll be really useful as our musician!" Uta chuckled, but Tyr suddenly had a sour look on his face. Remembering unpleasant things about Mary Geoise.

"Sorry, I need some fresh air." Tyr went outside as Uta didn't really say anything bad. But the way she pointed at him and said he was useful reminded him of the slaves of Mary Geoise.

"What's his deal?" Uta raised a brow. Shanks, Yassop, Benn, and Lucky Roo looked at each other for a quick second. They definitely felt Tyr's rage. Even only for a moment.

"How about you ask him about it, Uta? I'm sure that people all have things to worry about." Shanks advised and she nodded.

Uta then ran outside to catch up to Tyr. "Oi! Tyr! What happened? Are you upset?" Uta pestered him and he sighed.

'Well, she's a kid. Of course she won't leave me until she satisfied her curiosity.' Tyr just accepted his fate.

"Come here." Tyr put her on his shoulder and Uta looked at him with worry.

"Uta, do you know about slaves?" Tyr asked her and she frowned.

"Y-yeah? Shanks and the crew saved a lot of them." Uta knew they were in terrible condition, but not exactly why.

"What you just said reminded me of celestial dragons you see. Those scumbags can point at a person and claim them as their property. Anything they say, goes." Uta gasped as she put her hands on her mouth.

"S-sorry..." Uta frowned heavily and he patted her head.

"It's fine, we make mistakes. It's good that you can learn from it. You want to be a star, right? Well, stars rely on their fans. You shouldn't be so haughty. It will affect your popularity." Tyr snorted and she paled.

"Really!? But celebrities are always like that." Uta got bamboozled.

"Respect, begets respect. Treat others like they are fellow human beings and they will appreciate you for it. None of that I'm above you or something garbage." Tyr ruffled her hair and she nodded.

"You haven't answered me yet, want to be our musician?" Uta asked him with a smile and he shook his head.

"I'm going on an adventure. I can't, but how about this. When you make it into the big stage, I'll play for you. We have a deal?" Tyr smiled at her and she beamed.

"Un! Promise me!" Uta grinned and she put out her pinky finger.

"I swear." Tyr chuckled as Uta was all smiles.

"Kuh! He's definitely seducing Uta, Beck!" Shanks gritted his teeth as he watched their exchange.

"I'm not paid enough for this shit." Benn lit up a cig.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.