
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 15: Adventure

Travelling towards Dawn island, Tyr arrived at Foosha village and he went to Partys bar where Makino works.

"Hey, Makino. Fancy seeing you here." Tyr smiled at her and she was surprised.

"Garp didn't come with you here? Come, have a drink. Gosh, you're so tall now!" Makino looked up at him and she was shocked at how fast he grew.

"Well, that's what happens if you eat a lot of meat." Tyr shrugged and he ordered a glass of orange juice.

"So, how's Luffy and Ace?" Tyr asked her. "Well, they're currently living in the mountains now." Makino didn't have much news of them.

"Hmmm, I should check on them. Thanks for the juice, Makino." Tyr waved.

He made his way to the mountains and quickly found Ace and Luffy. They were fighting for a piece of meat.

"Oi! Get your hands off of my food! I hunted this!" Ace tried to pry Luffy off like they were struggling for treasure.

"Ehhh!? Share a bit, Ace!" Luffy was as hungry as ever and he kept on trying to steal Ace's food.

"You guys never change huh? That's good." Tyr walked up to them.

"Huh? Who are you?" Luffy saw him and didn't recognize him.

"Tyr? Is that you?" Ace looked up to him in shock due to his size.

"Right in one, come here you rascals." Tyr ruffled their hair.

"Ehhh!? Tyr! But you're so big!" Luffy was as slow as usual.

"Eat a lot of meat and you'll grow too." Tyr patted his head and Luffy grinned.

"Shishishi, hear that Ace!? You should share your meat with me!" Luffy concluded and Ace deadpanned at him.

"How did you come to that? Anyways, I'm stronger now! I hunted a tiger earlier!" Ace flexed his bicep.

Tyr saw that he was also carrying a metal pipe. 'Good, he's supplementing his lacking strength with a weapon.' Tyr nodded at him.

"Can you hunt sea kings though?" Tyr laughed as Ace pouted at him.

"You guys are special! Who can hunt those monsters with their bare hands at your age!?" Ace argued and Tyr laughed.

"Hmm, for our reunion. I guess I'll be hunting some sea kings for lunch!" Tyr smiled at them and they cheered.

"Ohh boy! That special meat!?" Luffy started drooling and Tyr ruffled his hair.

"You guys will be eating sea kings every day. So you can catch up to me." Tyr grinned and they nodded at him.

"Ohhh!" The boys were all smiles and he brought them with him to hunt down sea kings.

"Hehe, you're gonna enjoy this Luffy." Ace grinned at him.

"Un! This will be fun!" Luffy had a wide grin on his face.

__A few moments later__

"Ahhhh! Ace! We're gonna die!" Luffy had tears and snot all over his face as he clung to Ace for dear life.

The boat they were on was being pulled violently by a sea king as Tyr wrestled it down in the water.

A rope tied to a harpoon pierced its body and Ace was laughing his ass off while almost shitting his pants too.

The sea king then made a particularly nasty dive and Ace thought they were going to be pulled under the deep waters as well.

"Ahhhh! Luffy!" Ace cried out. "Ace!" Luffy hugged him tightly, but before they sank. Tyr's boat bounced back to calmer water.

"Hmm? Why are you guys hugging each other? Well, a little brotherly bonding is good." Tyr nodded at them as a sea king started floating behind him.

"I'm never going to hunt with you again." Ace remembered just how traumatic the first hunt went.

"Oh, don't be such a baby." Tyr rolled his eyes and he started swimming to the shore, pulling the sea king with him.

"T-that was awesome!" Luffy's fight or flight finally rescinded and his eyes sparkled as he watched Tyr fight a huge sea king.

"Isn't it? I'll train you guys if you can start hunting down sea beasts on your own. The mammals of the seas that are much smaller than these bad boys." Tyr smacked the corpse of the sea king.

"Really!? Luffy! We have to eat a lot to get stronger!" Ace grinned and Luffy nodded with determination.

"Go on then, I'll call you when it's time to eat." Tyr chuckled at them.

"Hah, I should start my training too. But I'm missing some equipment. Maybe diving while tying trees on me for their buoyancy will do the trick?" Tyr formed a training plan.

Time then passed, a few months went by and Tyr finally saw a glimpse of Garp.

"Tyr? Oh hell no... You escaped Mary Geoise when Fisher Tiger freed slaves? And what's with those?" Garp pointed at his wings and flame on his back.

"I don't really know. All I know is I can turn it on and off at will. When it's on, my durability skyrockets. While my speed increases a lot if it's off in exchange for my durability." Tyr flapped his wings.

"Hmph, well. I don't care anyways, what happened to the trio?" Garp asked him carefully.

"I left them on a ship so they could head home to Amazon Lily. The gorosei would definitely try to find me. And I'm sure they won't be kind to them if they do." Tyr sighed heavily.

Remembering Hancock's reaction when he left them on a ship.

"Smart move. They will definitely try to find you. And good thing you came here. East blue is a pretty peaceful place. Not a lot of marines are stationed here." Garp nodded at his decision.

"They'll be safer in Amazon Lily. I'll have to get stronger before I return to them." Tyr sighed heavily as he was just one man against the world government.

"Then amass allies. I'm not saying to be a pirate... Really, don't. But I think a crew will help you massively." Garp advised and Tyr blinked.

"Hmmm, thanks for the advice old man. How about I take in Ace as a crew member eh? I can't say much about Luffy though, he just wants to eat meat." Tyr laughed.

"Honestly... Ace doesn't want to join the marines. It will be much safer for him to be with you in the future. As long as nobody learns of his heritage." Garp looked at him with trust.

"Well, I will protect him when the time comes." Tyr nodded at him and they shook hands.

"You know, you're an awful parent, but a great guy. They'll understand in the future why you're so insistent in trying to make them marines." Tyr chuckled.

Garp just looked at him wordlessly. "Brat, don't be getting soft on me now. How about we make your haki bloom?" Garp smirked at him.

"I thought you'd never ask." Tyr grinned at him. It was as if he suddenly awakened instincts that gave him a thirst for battle.

"Let's take this to a nearby island, race you there." Garp was already in his shorts and floral shirt. So they swam to a nearby island as they would definitely wreck shit.

"So, what's with those flames? Can you use them?" Garp pointed at his back and Tyr nodded.

"Yeah, I can. I've also got a new and improved soru, old man. Observe." Tyr flapped his wings multiple times in conjunction with his leg.

Garp went wide eyed at the sudden increase of his speed and he blocked Tyr's vicious kick aimed at his chest with armament.

A shockwave exploded and black flames started to burn everywhere upon impact. Garp frowned heavily at his destructiveness.

"You're a lot stronger, brat." Garp was impressed.

"You're gonna make me blush, old man. Now, let's not waste any... Time!" Tyr went for a hook aimed at his liver and Garp stepped back a bit to match his blow.

The forest around them exploded as their haki clashed violently.

"Aeugh!" Tyr was sent flying through the island.

"Heh, not strong enough though." Garp grinned at him.

"Well, you're not called Garp the fist for nothing." Tyr cracked his neck.

They then clashed with their haki once again and Tyr flew like a ragdoll, multiple times.

Returning to Foosha village, Garp started training Luffy and Ace as well.

He tossed them into a bottomless pit somewhere and Tyr raised a brow at him.

"Why don't you teach them haki? We were a bit stronger than them when you trained us. But they can definitely learn it now." Tyr asked Garp.

It was the reason why he wasn't teaching them haki. Because Garp isn't, and he didn't want to meddle.

"I... I want them to be strong, sure. But I don't want my grandsons to learn haki yet and be reckless. You already know it, they're idiots." Garp snorted.

"Ohhh, yeah. That makes sense, they'll get themselves killed in the grand line." Tyr winced.

'They're not exactly responsible or mature enough to wield that kind of power.' Tyr nodded at Garp's decision.

"Besides, when they start training in haki. They will begin their journey to prove themselves. Just like you, loon at what you're doing right now." Garp smirked at him.

"Isn't that just a coincidence? Fisher presented an opportunity, I just took it for Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold." Tyr shrugged.

"Is that so? But you still fought fiercely for their freedom. There have been reports that a street experienced flames that could melt steel." Garp had a smug smile on his face.

"Shut up, I had to do it okay? I can't let them be caged birds all their life. And I'm not sure I would have a better chance in escaping from Mary Geoise after Fisher burned it." Tyr rolled his eyes.

"If Ace does decide to go with you... Take care of him for me, will you?" Garp locked in as he remembered Roger asking him the same thing.

"You can count on me for that. But I do want to explore east blue a bit. I can do whatever I want now, Garp. It's such a good feeling. I'll just avoid the marines." Tyr shrugged and Garp nodded.

"Wear a mask and hide your wings yeah? You're gonna get reported pretty quickly with those kinds of features." Garp advised.

"I'm not stupid, Garp. While you're here though, let's keep on fighting. Hero of the marines." Tyr wanted to take advantage of his presence as much as he could.

"Hmph, you little brat. Capitalizing on me, I'm not getting paid for this you know?" Garp smacked his fists together.

"I'll help Ace and Luffy for you, that's enough." Tyr smirked and he had him there.

"Fine, I'll beat you up plenty brat." Monkey, D. Garp has no qualms about beating up kids to make them stronger.

After a week of fighting as much as he could to make his haki bloom, Garp gave him a transponder snail.

"Here, brat. I'll let you know when I'm arriving here in Foosha. Convince Ace and Luffy into a better career path okay? Such as the navy, buahahaha!" Garp laughed.

"We'll never be marines, gramps!" Ace shouted and Luffy nodded.

"Yeah! I don't want to share meat! They sound like they do that!" Luffy denied and Garp whacked them.

"You brats! Just listen and have a good life! Stinking brats, they don't know what's good for them." Garp grumbled as he left.

"Luffy, Ace, train hard okay? I left a lot of meat for you guys. Just ask Makino for it as she's storing it in their bar." Tyr ruffled their hair.

"Where are you going? Can we come with?" Ace asked immediately and Luffy's eyes shone.

"Uhhh." Tyr thought that he can't bring them out of there.

'Wait, it's just around east blue anyways. I can also scout with my haki.' Tyr looked at their pleading eyes.

"Hah, I guess? Come on then, you rascals." Tyr smiled wryly as he can't resist leaving them behind.

"Yatta! Will we be looking for meat!?" Luffy asked and the other two laughed.

"Never change, Luffy." Tyr patted him on the head and they prepared to sail.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.