
Meeting the Devil

"What the fuck?"

The person said as they were knocked down on the floor.

Yu and Lanfen look at Roulan in worry and ask her if she's alright.

"I'm good; don't worry about me."

Roulan's eyes went to the person, and she quickly put down the paper bags, squatting in front of them.

"Are you alright?"

She offered her hand as she looked at the person, worried.

The person scoffs before slapping her hands away and standing up on their own.

"Watch where you're going! Do you not know me!?"

The person yelled at her.

Roulan stands up from the floor and comes face-to-face with the person.


The four looked at where the voice came from and saw two girls walking in their direction.

Peizhi smiles upon seeing Yanmei looking at him.

"Babe! There you are!"

He said so and opened his arms for Yanmei, but the girl didn't hug him.

This caused Roulan to snort, to which he replied with a glare.

"Is there a problem?"

He asks, clenching his fist as he readies himself to fight Roulan at any time.

Lanfen and Yu held Roulan's arms, causing the girl to clear her throat and shake her head.

"Nothing. I'm so sorry to bump into you."

Roulan bows down, followed by Yu and Lanfen, before she goes and grabs the paper bags that are on the floor.

"Sorry? Do you think that can save me time? I have a date with me."

Peizhi pulled Yanmei alongside him.

Roulan looks at the two before she shakes her head, bowing down to say sorry again for bumping into Peizhi.

"Peizhi, your hands."

Yanmei said, glaring at the guy.

The latter smiles before putting his hands away from Yanmei's waist, making Roulan doubt that they are on a date.

Yanmei approaches Roulan and bows down at her, shocking Guang, who gasps secretly behind Peizhi.

"I apologize for his behavior."

"Ah, don't worry about it."

Roulan felt hands around her arms, and she looked at Lanfen, who smiled at her.

"Let's go now, Roulan; we still need to eat."

"Hey! Pay for the damages first!"

Peizhi interrupted.

Roulan looks at him, and he shows her the watch he just bought earlier; it has a small scratch on the side.

Roulan gulps and looks at the glaring eyes of Peizhi.

"What? You don't have any money?"

"Excuse me, sir, I don't think it's because of my friend's doing."

Yu interrupted and stepped forward.

Peizhi furrowed his eyebrows and yelled at her.

"What the hell are you talking about!? Look at the damage!"

This caught the attention of everyone.

The mall manager went in their direction and asked what was wrong.

"This girl damages my brand new watch."

Peizhi said, pointing at Roulan.

The manager looks at Roulan before he bows down to Peizhi and calls security.

"What? Why are you taking her?"

Lanfen said as the guard pushed her away from Roulan.

The girl was thankful for being saved by Yu, as she almost hit the floor because of how hard the guard pushed her.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang, but I don't think it's necessary to detain her."

Peizhi looks at Yanmei in confusion.

"What? Baby, how about my watch?"

"Quit calling me that! And besides, you can afford anything you want."

Yanmei glares at him before looking back at Roulan, who's calming Lanfen as she tries to fight the guard that is holding her.

Guang went to her side and nudged her, taking her out of her trance.

"What's gotten into you?"


"I could see how you look at her."

Yanmei looks at her as Guang gives her a smirk.

"We'll talk about this later."


"I'm so sorry, Yanmei; I ruined our date."

"It's not a date."

"It is a date! Why do you keep-"

Peizhi stops talking as he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He sighs and looks at the caller before looking back at Yanmei, who seems to be looking at something.

"I'll get going first. Father asks for my presence."


Peizhi waits for anything Yanmei would say, but he only receives the cold treatment he always gets.

He takes a step forward and hugs Yanmei, making the girl push her away quickly.

"What the heck!?"

"I'll make it up to you."

He said that before leaving.

As he went away, Guang went towards Yanmei and nudged her again.

"Who are you looking at?"

Guang followed Yanmei's eyes and saw the girl from earlier.

Yanmei had to talk to Peizhi at the corner to ask him to stop the fight with Roulan.

Peizhi had to fight back at her because the watch he just bought got scratched, and Roulan doesn't seem to care about the expensive thing he bought.

Yanmei had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the guy and tell him she'd pay for the damages.

Of course, Peizhi didn't want that and insisted on letting the poor girl pay for it.

But Yanmei threatened him that if he did ask for the money, she'd ignore him for two months.

Peizhi didn't like that idea, so he gave up.

And that's how they resolved the commotion earlier.

"Are you attracted to her?"

"What? No, I'm not! I'm straight, remember?"

"I don't believe you."

Guang said and sipped on her drink.

They had to eat again, and Yanmei dragged Guang to where the three girls went.

Yanmei seems to take an interest in Roulan, which surprises Guang.

Because she remembers Yanmei telling her that she won't ever look at a girl in that way.

"You know what's crazy."

Yanmei removes her eyes from Roulan and looks at Guang with a confused face.

"You told me last time you wouldn't look at a girl in that way, but you're slowly bending toward her."

Guang said, referring to Roulan.

"Also earlier, you even bowed down and said sorry to her instead of Peizhi."

"You also offered Peizhi that you'd pay for the damages."

"It's like I don't know you."

Yanmei looks at Roulan, who's getting fed by Lanfen.

She looks away and sighs before picking up her utensils and eating the remaining food on her plate.

"And look, you're jealous."

"Can you stop?"

"What? Why? It's the time I can finally see my best friend falling in love with REAL."

Guang emphasizes the word "real."

"Stop. That's a stupid assumption."

"What's stupid there?"

"And hear me out, you're falling for a girl! Isn't that amazing?"

Guang said with a smile on her face.

Yanmei sighs and puts down the utensils before looking back at Roulan, who's laughing with her friends.

"I'm not in love with her; she's just quite interesting."

"What the hell?"

Roulan laughs and hits Yu, who quickly winces and glares at Roulan.

"Yeah! Aren't you there?"

Lanfen wipes the tears from her eyes as she looks at Roulan, who's sitting beside Yu.

"I'm not; I didn't know Yu did that."

"Stop already."

Yu said and groans as she remembers what she just did back then.

Lanfen told Roulan about what happened at the last party they attended, and Roulan was shocked at what Yu did.

The girl came up to the stage and grabbed the mic, singing her heart out but getting the lyrics wrong.

She also lifted her shirt, showing her body, to which Lanfen quickly responded and dragged the drunk girl out of the house.

It's embarrassing upon hearing the story from Lanfen, and Yu only wants to forget it.

But then she still decided to tell Roulan.

"I didn't know you could be that wild."


The three looked up and saw Huiqing, who was smiling at them.


Yu stands up from her chair and hugs the girl.

Huiqing reciprocated the hug and smiled at Roulan upon seeing her look.

Roulan clears her throat and looks out of the restaurant, blushing.

With her action, Huiqing furrowed her eyebrows and pulled away from Yu.

"Nice to meet you again."

Lanfen stands up and offers her hands to the girl.

Huiqing smiled and accepted her hands, sitting down beside Roulan as Yu offered her a chair.

"She likes her."

Guang said, snapping Yanmei out of her trance yet again.


Yanmei said, tearing her gaze away from Roulan yet again.

"The girl you have an interest in likes the girl beside her."

"How do you say so?"

Guang looks at Yanmei in confusion.

"Duh, it's very obvious."

"We're the same, though I feel like she's a lot gayer than I am."

Yanmei shakes her head and chuckles at what Guang just said.

Hey! Is the update schedule alright with y'all?

Quinn_Blitecreators' thoughts