
one night (on)

Angelo Reis is an omega who is destroyed by a decision without his alpha's consent. Now sitting in a bar downtown, Angelo reflects on the day's events as he sips his delicious but very strong fruit drink. ps: story of my authorship translated. oh...um....its is the contemporâny romance

Rhuam_Bomfin · Urban
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4 Chs

capther 3

I got nervous, picked up the drink and smelled it. It had the same smell as the other cup, but had a more bitter smell than the others. Still looking at the drink I caught a glimpse of the bear's wide-eyed gaze glaring at me.

- ...Could you stop looking at me like that? - I said shyly and embarrassed.

- Oh, sure, sorry. - the bear scratched his head absently. - and that this is a spice that few have access to, I wanted to see how you would react," he continued, with apparent confusion at having been caught in the act.

- Oh yes... sorry, I thought it would be something else. -turned my gaze to the drink in front of him, before asking again. - what kind of spice is this?

- A-a....- the bear closed his eyes tightly, and Angelo could hear some low grumbling, before I saw him open his eyes again and together with a ladinho smile. - well, the name is called opiot. It is a delicacy of the aboriginal lands of north central nerfmor, a small black fruit that has a yellowish liquid inside, this liquid is strangely sweet. Widely used in the andertryl cuisine, this liquid is used to sharpen the senses of human beings, especially the omegas - when he said omega, his voice became deeper and some alpha hormones were released into the air. - omegas that take this liquid are prone to have their heat delayed for up to two weeks. But it is rarely found here in riotryczd.

- that's cool, but I didn't need all that effort just to give something like this to a stranger and I am not an omega either! - I said that out loud and some of the men near me moved away a little while others just ignored my statement and continued sitting there. The bear next to me just looked at me, and in his eyes his disbelief in my words was clear. His eyes emitted a strange glow, which left me mesmerized whenever I looked at him. He moved closer to my ear before whispering

- no need to lie, omega. I know the truth," he said, and a strange air came out of his nostrils and everything around me went dark for a few seconds before coming back to reality. - you see? You are affected by the sense of an alpha. Don't lie to my omega anymore, I won't hurt you. Actually, it's only been a short time since I found out that you're an omega. - he said, before smiling with all his beautiful, perfect white teeth, turning and taking another sip of his margarita.

- How did you know? - I ask confused, because in all the time I have been here, he is the only alpha who has said this.

- Have you ever heard of alpha sense? - he asks.

- no... - I lower my head and look at the black granite, which reflects the neon colors more softly.

-fuck... - speaks angrily - I'll explain it to you ok? - I nod my head. He looks at the cup in his hand -alpha sense is simply like a primordial instinct used for everything. That means we can basically identify everything around us within a few hundred meters, depending on the alpha. But there are some things and some people who can be immune to this. I think you are one of them, because as soon as I entered I noticed several alphas, omegas and betas together and mixed, but I couldn't feel anything coming from you. And look that my sense is 20 meters in all directions that I look and stand. But the main point to discover that you were omega, was when I offered you the drink. Even close, I didn't feel anything, however, when you smelled the drink I ordered, you released your 'aura'. At first I was startled by the sudden sweet smell in the air, but after I calmed down I could understand that it was coming from you. - He concluded his explanation with a slight smile on his beautiful face, his yellowish eyes were bent as they roamed the place, and his cheeks were flushed.