
Sending a thank you note

What a wonderful idea! I've looked forward for an opportunity to send a thank you note and it looks like this time has come. Of course that such a perfectionist like me is still looking forward to handwrite a thank you note but now an iMessage will do just fine! I must be quite modern if my thank you note history starts via I-Phone. Doesn't this make me an alpha generation as well? Well not to cringe over the fact that I'm a millennial. Yes! I will send a thank you sms to the mother whose child I started looking after this week. My job is to be caretaker. I've handled 100+ years people and people whose senses are differently wired that those of ordinary people and even people and children with different DNA structure. Not to brag but I myself think that I work with aliens. Even when I sleep my dreams take me to a land where I feel pretty much alive. In my teen years I used to have this repetitive dream where I would take three steps back and taking them forward I would depart myself from the land and start flying over my neighbourhood. I used to sit up there and keep a bird eye over my playmates and my dear crush who lived in the block next door to me. Oh how creative I had to be in the first part of the day when I was home alone and knew he was also home and the only way I could get a glimpse of him was through my parents bedrooms window. There I could see his open window and a whole new horizon for hope to bright possibilities. The afternoons were not easy either when awkward encounters could have happen when my mom would send me to the store to buy something and on the way there or back home I would meet him and have silly conversations trying to show him what a self sufficient girl I am since today I made eggs and sausages for lunch. Set in the audio repertoire of my brain that conversation could have sounded so much better if only I could stand my emotions around him! Now it's been more than ten years since my teen crush but it's not excluded that my alien sense started about that age. And I have reasons to believe that. Superpowers or extra gifted child, I've always felt amazing and extremely lucky to be alive on this Earth. Like the Earth is lucky, bright and shiny for existing in the same time as me as well. Like I could have been sent to a different universe where I would be another shape with a different lifespan than the ones I have here and now. My connections with the alter universes are clean and clear, fact that allows me to be such a good caretaker. It's funny because it's thought that good manners are something a young lady should learn then sending a thank you note is extremely appropriate to bridge a mannerly connection between parts. That's what I'm going to do with the mother who's son I started to look after. Simply because she as a mom and woman represents all the goodies universes may give. And she was lucky enough to receive a different species child as well. As I learned from his father, he was born normal but after three days on this planet he retook his super powers back and then the doctors could simply explain that his DNA had a genetic modification.

Take this Planet Earth! Someone who shouldn't change just to fit it. What a wonderful, joyful and honorific opportunity for all of us to meet around you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to connect with each other through your super powers. How else could I be in the house of your parents, eating cereals in the morning with your mom or having an ice cream with your dad and sister in the afternoon together with you and your good manners. What a fantastic meeting I had with you parents when I came to have the interview about the job to take care of you because as I said, this is my fourth language that I carry myself in. Then being acknowledged as a professional in my field by speaking this forth language plays a pretty fantastic role. Baby we're here to play! Because you're developed as a 9 to 12 months old person and I keep on my superpowers we can easily understand each other and most importantly help each other having a good time! Then this thank you note is for you DreamBoy. Dear DreamBoy, thank you! Yours, you name me. No worries I've also sent that iMessage to your parents just so I'm in the charts. So that's how my thank you note history begins simply via I-Phone. I wonder how my first handwritten thank you note will take place. What a attractive activity to dream and hope and look brightly into the future. Just like my teen's crushes open window, a horizon full of opportunities. And I didn't mention that him and me could stay together hanging by the windows just to see our funny heads smiling at each other for what felt like hours. I've always wondered how is the environment for him in that Little balcony from where he was coming out because on my side I had to pay attention to my mom's hanging flowers and vertical curtains then only by staying in the edge of the corner could I make it so far out to see him. Somehow i hoped he would be hindered as well with his mom's old/adult baggage. That would also excuse him from not being there every single minute. What a nightmare started when my sister and mom and far away country sided visiting cousin found out about my teen crush and somehow started to crush it! What a cruel world.