
One More Random Fanfiction

My atg fanfiction

OtherRandomWriter · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Basic Information

The laws will be divided into the following levels: Basic, Elementary, Mastered and Perfected.

A law in its perfect state means many things, one of which is that the cultivator can reach the True God Realm in the future, in addition to the cultivation base, perfect mastery of at least one of the laws is also required.

Simply put... The protagonist will already start the story trying the minimum requirements to ascend to the True God Realm and above.

About Daos: Briefly saying, I will use the Word Dao to refer to weapons, spears, swords, bows, hammers, etc., also divided into four great levels as the laws.

Possessing the basic understanding of the Law of Nothingness, the protagonist will be able to use this to their advantage, whether to understand other laws or simply devour cores of Profound Beasts, Pill or Energy Crystals and Profound Herb's.

But it won't ascend up in 10 or 30 chapters like most fanfics expect, I honestly don't see the fun in starting at the top without any effort.

About the harem, nothing is set yet except for an OC girl. I want it that way and that's how it will be for now, this is not a wish-fulfillment fanfic where everything is too easy and the heroines just fall from the sky to the protagonist's bed.

About the story itself, this is a fanfic of a great story, so don't expect something original, for me a fanfic is nothing more than a modified version of the original novel, there will be changes, but nothing that can be called innovation or original work.

I'm writing purely for fun, I have no obligation to obey anyone, if you read and don't like it, it's very easy to leave without bothering me, comments and reviews that I consider unnecessary will just be deleted without any replies.