
One last time

Love takes off the mask we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. -James Baldwin It’s hard to forget someone who was once very close to you but it’s harder to stop loving them. This is a story about a young and beautiful woman, Silvia Green who believes that one day she will find someone who will love and cherish her like she is the most precious thing in his life and Kevin Austin whose heart has been broken into tiny pieces by the only important person in his life. His trust and believe in true love also crumbled down along with his heart. What do you think will happen when a woman who wants to be and a man who doesn’t have any faith in love come together? Will they ever find love? Will Silvia manage to ignite the magic of love in Kevin’s heart again or will Kevin make Silvia lose her strong faith in love? ..... In the middle of the night Silvia woke up when she saw him sitting up straight in the bed. Placing her hand on his shoulder, Silvia asked, "What’s wrong?" Pulling her into his embrace, Kevin murmured, "Help me please. I don’t wanna be like this.” ..... To interact with other readers and me join the discord channel: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 If you want to support my work, send me a ko-if: https://ko-fi.com/sofia05 P.S: The cover doesn’t belong to me.

Sofia05 · Urban
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360 Chs


Pulling Silvia closer, Kevin kissed her forehead and smiled. He still couldn't believe that she acted all defensive because of him. 

" My fearless queen." Kevin said before giving her a peck on her lips.

Just then Kevin received a call from Chris.

" I was waiting for your call." Kevin said.

Caressing Martha's bareback, Chris grinned and said," I guess you already heard."

" Hmm I did." Kevin said.

" Martha told me what happened at the cafe. Is everything solved or you want me to solve it for you?" Chris asked.

" No need, it's already done." Kevin said.

" Ahh, that's nice, what did you do?" Chris asked.

" Nothing much, I just bought the cafe." Kevin said.

Chris: *_*

" So there is nothing to worry about." Kevin said.

" You bought an entire cafe?" Chris asked.

Kevin nodded his head and said," Yes, Silvia likes that cafe anyway so-"

" Dude you are unbelievable." Chris said.