
One Kick Man

Kenji, was finding a job while a monster came up to him and tried to kill him. Through sheer will he defeated the monster. After that incident, he oath to become a hero. Days later, he met a man while he was training, the two stared at each other and felt a spark. They felt that they have the same objective and the same circumstances. They later became best-friends but they didn't know that the strongest duo was born. Join Kenji and Saitama on their journey as the strongest duo. Can the world handle the two of them? Certainly not! I plan in following the canon but not too much though I'm just planning in putting the MC in the original story which makes it slightly different. -I don't own One Punch Man-

ConqueredSleep · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

The Banquet

[AN: Author-san will be gone for a few days, since I have to take care of some personal problems. But don't worry, I won't drop this fanfic. I'll be back next week. I hope you guys will understand.

This chapter has 3000+ words as an apology gift. That's all from me, Enjoy and Peace out.]


S-Class Dorm, First Floor,

A beautiful attendant led Kenji's group to the Banquet Hall.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at a huge hall that was full of people.

Executives, attendants, VIPs, waiters, waitresses, S-Class Heroes, etc.

They're finally going to meet their fellow S-Class comrades.

The group agreed to split up so that they can enjoy themselves.

Saitama and Genos went to the dining table and ate the food there without restraint.

Sonic grabbed a wine glass and went to a corner. He was intently looking at a long haired man.

Tatsumaki silently snatched some cake with her ESP and munched on it in a corner.

And Kenji was walking around, minding his own business.

Until a voice called him out from behind.

"Hey, pretty boy. You're the new S-Class right? You got a date tonight?"

Kenji shuddered. It was fine if it was a woman's voice...

But sadly he heard a deep manly voice behind him.

Kenji glanced at his back to see who was calling for him.

A large muscular man with a stubbly, cleft chin, large lips, and black bushy hair. He has a well-defined jawline and light blue eyes with long eyelashes.

He wore black suit but what's weird is he was wearing a prison jumpsuit under it!

He didn't even bother to change his leggings!

And what's also weird is there's a metal ball cuffed on his calf.

He looks like he broke out from prison just to go here...

AN: Here's the pic.

"Now that I look at you very closely, you're much more handsome than any other men I've met." The buffed man scanned Kenji's body with his eyes.

Kenji felt uncomfortable with his gaze. He kicked the ground and disappeared somewhere.

"That's a shame, he got a fine ass though." The buffed man continued walking and talked to the waiters.

Meanwhile, Kenji was panting. Even though he wasn't physically tired.

He was mentally exhausted because of that man.

He walked to the dining table and patted at 'Saitama'.

"Yo dude, I was just mentally scarred for life by a grown ass man." Kenji told his experience with the man he met earlier.

"Oh, you mean Puri Puri Prisoner? You'll get used to him being weird. And by the way who's Saitama?"

A voice that doesn't sound like Saitama sounded.

Kenji flinched and slowly remove his hand from the man's back and looked up.

A tall and extremely muscular man was in front of Kenji. His skin has a dark complexion and gives off a lustrous shine.

His head was bald, and he has full lips, dark eyes, and thick eyebrows.

He wore a black suit but his muscles were so large that the suit was about to rip.

And what's weird he didn't wear black leggings, but wore a black speedo!

AN: Here's the pic.

"Another weird one came out!" Kenji screamed and disappeared again.

The muscular man had a question mark in his head. What was that all about?

He then thought back on where Kenji patted his hand on his back.

'Even though he's weird, he's strong.' The muscular man thought. He went back to eating at the dining table.


At the back side of the hotel,

Kenji could be seen standing in a corner. He finally calmed down from all the drama.

He just stood there enjoying the silence.

Moments later,

Kenji broke the silence while he voiced out.

"Oi, what do you want? " Kenji asked even though no one was in front of him.

"Hm, nothing really. I just saw you run, you're pretty fast." A man suddenly appeared in front of Kenji and walked towards him.

Kenji could now see the man stalking him clearly.

a man with sharp blue eyes, long ice-blonde hair and bangs brushed to the right side of his face could be seen.

He has two eight-pointed stars on either side of his head.

He wore a normal black suit, black leggings and black leather shoes.

He has a chain strapped around his waist that holds his sheath and sword in place.

AN: Here's the pic.

'Finally a normal perso-'

When Kenji was finally relieved that he met a normal person.

"But I'm faster."

The man in front of him suddenly said.

"What?" Kenji was confused. What is he talking about.

"Even though you're fast, I'm still faster than you." The man repeated what he said.

"What's your name?" Kenji asked while he looked down at the ground and smiled.

"Me? I go by the name Flashy Flash." The man replied to Kenji.

"Well, then. How about we test your speed." Kenji calmly looked at Flashy Flash.

A tick mark appeared at Flashy Flash's forehead.

"Fine, then. What are the rules?" Flashy Flash looked at the calm Kenji.

"It's simple we'll just have to run around the building and whoever arrives at the finish line first wins." Kenji explained the rules of the race.

"That's easy. What's the punishment for the loser?" Flashy Flash asked.

"Punishment? Hmmm..."

"How about you give me your hero rank If you lose." Kenji proposed.

He doesn't really care about rankings but he said it because it would be fun.

"And what happens if I win?" Flashy flashed asked. He doesn't want to carelessly agree if he has no benefit.

"I'll be your servant for the rest of my life and I will never disobey your orders." Kenji looked at Flashy Flash with a smile.

'It's going to be fun if he agrees.' Kenji thought.

Flashy Flash was surprised. Is this man serious? He then shook his head.

"Nah, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff. How about this, if you win, you get my rank and you'll have to tell me your training regimen."

"And if you lose, tell me your training regimen so that I can improve it." Flashy Flash looked at Kenji and said.

Since he sees Kenji as a talent that could be improved even further.

"What? That's all?" Kenji was surprised. Why is he so obsessed in knowing my training regimen?

"Yeah, training is what makes you strong. If you beat me, then that means you trained way harder than me." Flashy Flash explained.

"Ok then." Kenji agreed with his conditions.


Two men could be seen standing in the middle of the entrance of the building.

People were whispering and talking to themselves while watching the two.

"Ok, ready set..." Kenji said.

Both of them tensed their leg muscles and took a squat position.



The two disappeared instantly, leaving the people around shocked.

Kenji and Flashy Flash moved through the obstacles in high speeds.

To make it more fun Kenji attacked Flashy Flash when they were running.

Luckily Flashy Flash blocked it on time. He was surprised that Kenji suddenly attacked him.

"Oi! What the hell!" Flashy Flash felt his bones creak when the attack struck his arm.

Flashy Flash then slashed his sword at Kenji in speeds that even some of the S-Class Heroes can't see.

Kenji dodged the attacks perfectly and didn't even break a sweat.

A few seconds later,

Kenji arrived first, before the slightly panting Flashy Flash arrived.

"Ok, it's my win." Kenji turned around to Flashy Flash and said.

"Yeah, whatever. I respect you since you're strong. You can have my rank but tell me how you got this fast." Flashy Flash looked at Kenji seriously.

Flashy Flash was shocked of Kenji's speed. He didn't even have a chance to begin with.

"Come with me." Kenji looked at a certain direction, kicked the ground with his feet, and disappeared.

Flashy Flash followed him since Kenji moved in a speed where Flashy Flash can still see him.

Moments later,

They arrived at the back of the building where no one was around.

"Now tell me, how did you get this fast?" Flashy Flash intently looked at the man before him.

"Fine, it's not really a secret or anything." Kenji looked the serious Flashy Flash and signed.

Silence in the air, while two men looked at each other very seriously.

Kenji broke the silence by yelling.

"100 push ups! 100 sit ups! 100 squats! And a 10km run every single day!" Kenji looked at Flashy Flash with a serious face.

Flashy Flash was dumbstruck. Isn't that way too easy?

Just as Flashy Flash was about to complain.

Kenji gently raised his hand and stopped Flashy Flash from speaking.

"And here's the fun part. Look for strong monsters that could possibly kill you and break your limits."

"It isn't easy to break your limits. You'll have to go through life and death situations many times and it's pretty rare. But it is completely worth it."

"There are actually levels to limit breaking. But I don't wanna talk about it since it takes way too long to explain."

Kenji looked at the contemplating Flashy Flash.

He then nodded at him, kicked the ground and disappeared.


Kenji went back inside the banquet hall. He then went to the dining table and ate.

While munching on grapes, Kenji heard a voice behind him.

"Hey there young fella, mind if I join you?" Kenji turned around and looked at who was talking to him.

Kenji could see an elderly man with a slight hunch in his back.

He has light blue eyes and tan skin. He has spike white hair, thick white eyebrows, and a thick white mustache.

He wore a black suit, black leggings, black necktie and black leather shoes.

AN: Here's the pic of best grandpa.

"I feel so out of place since I'm the only one wearing brown leather shoes." Kenji mumbled while he looked at the old man in front of him.

He actually didn't know what he's doing when he was in his bedroom.

He just picked up whatever he thinks that looks cool and put it on.

"Well, you do look out of place. Since you're a handsome young lad." The old man smiled at Kenji and took a seat beside him.

The old man completely heard what he's mumbling.

"Haha... You're flattering me, Gramps." Kenji awkwardly laughed while he looked at the old man beside him.

He's 100% sure that this old man wants something from him.

He prayed that it won't be the same as that man he met earlier.

"You got good moves. I was actually following you and Flashy Flash having fun. Your kicks have a pretty sturdy foundation."

Kenji was surprised. He followed us when we were running at high speeds? This old man is pretty impressive.

"Well I was way slower than you two. But I can still see you guys move." The old man explained while he shook his head.

"So, what do you want from me, Gramps?" Kenji cautiously looked at the old man.

"Nothing really, I just want you to join my Dojo and become my student."

Kenji released a sigh of relief. Even though it's still unreasonable, it's still much better than the man he met earlier.

"No thanks Gramps, I don't have the time." Kenji waved his hand at the old man.

"That's too bad, My name's Bang. How about we have a toast." The old man picked up his wine glass.

"Sure." Kenji also picked up his wine glass.


They bumped their glasses together and drank the wine.


Kenji was walking around in the First Floor after he drank wine with the old man.

After wandering around for a couple of seconds.

He saw a middle-aged man sitting on the floor with two swords leaning on him.

Who's this man? Why is he even sitting on the floor?

Kenji scanned the man with his eyes. Wondering if there's something wrong with the man's head.

The middle-aged man noticed someone was staring and looked at the direction where Kenji is.

Kenji could now clearly see what he looked like.

The man has long black hair tied in a ponytail. He has dark eyes and a defined jawline. He also has a small goatee. And what's weird he was chewing on grass!

He wore a black suit, black leggings, he has no necktie(surprising right?). He didn't wear black leather shoes but... wore a geta.

AN: here's the pic of the coolest swordsman in OPM.

AN: Geta is a traditional Japanese footwear resembling flip-flops. They are a kind of sandal with a flat wooden base elevated with up to three prongs, held on the foot with a fabric thong, which keeps the foot above the ground.

"You're the new S-Class right? Don't get too excited because you're here. Don't forget to train and aim higher." The middle-aged man looked at Kenji.

"Ok, old man." Kenji replied to the middle-aged man.

"Bwoooshh! *Cough* *Cough* Don't call me old man! I'm still 37 years old!" The middle-aged man spat his sake when he heard Kenji.

"Isn't 37 still old?" Kenji looked at the middle-aged man.

"Wha- I'm still in my prime!" The middle-aged man grumbled while he looked at Kenji.

"Anyways, what's your name old man?" Kenji walked towards the middle-aged man and sat beside him.

"Didn't I just say to not call me old man?!" The middle-aged man scolded Kenji who was laughing.

"Anyways, my name's Kamikaze, my hero name's Atomic Samurai." The middle-aged man introduced himself.

"Oh, so you're the Rank 4 S-Class right?" Kenji said while he poured Atomic Samurai's sake in his wine glass. (strange right?)

"Hey that's my sake! I even traveled 20 hours just to get that!" Atomic Samurai glared at Kenji who was drinking his sake.

The two then talked about life, training, etc.

Moments later,

Kenji left Atomic Samurai after talking to him for minutes.

"That old man's sword style is pretty interesting." Kenji whispered while walking around the hall.

He then saw a little figure munching on cake in a corner.

Kenji wore a shrewd smile and walked towards the figure.


Tatsumaki was minding her own business in the corner.

Until a hand was placed on her waist and a deep voice came out beside her.

"Hey pretty lady, you got a date tonight?" A deep man's voice whispered to Tatsumaki's ear.

"Wha- where do you think your touching!" Tatsumaki used her ESP to blow away the man behind her.

But she noticed that it didn't work. She was about to increase her power when a voice sounded.

"Yo chill! It's me, Kenji!"

Tatsumaki turned around and saw Kenji smiling at her.

"Ah, it was you! And don't casually touch my waist!" Tatsumaki scolded the smiling Kenji.

"Alright, Alright. I'm sorry." Kenji apologized to Tatsumaki.

Well you can tell that he's not sorry since he still has a grin on his face.

After scolding Kenji, Tatsumaki recalled what happened.

'He placed his h-hand on my waist and I can still feel his breath touching my n-neck." Tatsumaki covered her face with her hands while she blushed.

While Tatsumaki was still in her world a voice called out to her.

"Anyways, how about you come with me so that we can have fun together." Kenji looked at Tatsumaki who was currently covering her face with her hands.

'She's so cute whenever she's being teased.' Kenji smiled at Tatsumaki.

"O-okay..." Tatsumaki snapped back to reality and replied.

The two then went together as they explored and had fun in the hall.


Somewhere in the Dark Continent, a month earlier,

"My Lord, it is the perfect time to attack the humans and finally eradicate them from this planet." A demon that resembles a human was 5 meters tall, has 6 arms and 4 legs.

AN: here's the pic, this is the closest I can get.

He was talking to a demon sitting on a throne that was largely similar to a human. His body was white as snow and black stripes that has a tint of blue could be seen all over his body.

He was as tall as an average human being.

To be exact he looked like your average human being but different.

Two large horns could also be seen on top of his head and he was wearing a crown of limbs.

AN: here's the pic.

"GOD has already given us power to conquer the whole universe."

"We only came back to this planet to get rid of 2 people that will foil our plans." The man said to his subordinate.

"I also heard there are aliens saying that they conquered the whole universe." The man looked at the huge demon in front of him.

"Yes, My Lord. They call themselves 'Dark Matter Thieves'." The huge demon replied.

"They say that since we still didn't make a move." The man said.

"Anyways, send Psykos to the humans. I doubt she can get rid of the 2 people but it will buy us time." The man ordered to his subordinate.

AN: Here's the pic of another monster waifu.

"Yes, My Lord."


At the S-class dorm, First Floor, Banquet Hall, 20 minutes after Kenji invited Tatsumaki to have fun,

"Give a round of applause for the four newly appointed S-Class Heroes!" An emcee said to the mic.

Kenji, Saitama, Sonic, and Genos walked onto the stage.

"This is the first time in the history of the Hero Association of gaining not only 1 and not only 2, but 4 S-Class Heroes in a single Hero Exam!"

The emcee continued praising the Hero Association and the 4 newly appointed S-Class Heroes.

The 4 men waved at the crowd and the cameras, this moment has been broadcasted for the whole world to see.

Happiness were in the air as all the people smiled. They were currently having fun and laughing.

"Sir! I-It's an emergency!"

A panicked voice sounded. An executive ran to the bearded man.

"Monsters appeared outside the cities! There are too many to count!" The executive yelled.

Everyone was in panic, they were running around and terrified looks were seen on their faces.

"Ah, I was getting pretty bored but since I heard that scream, I'm pretty fired up now." Saitama looked to Kenji and said.

"Yeah, me too." Kenji replied to his bald friend.

"Sonic. Genos. Kill every monster you encounter." Kenji looked at the two guys behind him and ordered.

"Yes! Teacher/Kenji-sensei!" Both of them yelled and disappeared into the crowd.

"Oi! Old man! Don't die alright!" Kenji screamed at Atomic Samurai far away.

"Like hell I'll die! I'm still too young to die!" Atomic Samurai glared at Kenji and went outside the building.

Kenji looked at Bang walking towards him.

"Can you handle it, Gramps?" Kenji said.

"Even though I'm old, don't underestimate me." Bang replied to Kenji.

"Ok then." Kenji turned his head in front and looked at the panicked crowd.

Tatsumaki flew to where Kenji was and sat on his shoulder.

AN: Tatsumaki isn't THAT small. She's just using her ESP to sit on his shoulder.

Kenji crazily smiled while he tensed his leg muscles.

"Now then."

"Let's get the party started."

"I'll be back." - Terminator

And I also read the latest chapter of the OPM manga.

Blast is realllll!!!!

ConqueredSleepcreators' thoughts