
episode 9 - Betrayal of Kai

"Do you really believe you can do that?" the man asked. Asked.

Elen just said one word, "yes".

Leaning against the rock behind him, the man fell into thought and said after a few seconds, "You're too weak, you need to work harder to get stronger."

Elen was taken aback. "This guy just said he came to kill me but now he says I'm weaker and need to get stronger, who is this guy?" he asked himself.


The man stood up and put his hand on his head and said shyly, "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Kai earth element user."

Elen stood up like the same man and said, "My name is Elen dark element user too."

"Don't say that everywhere," Kai said in a low voice, "now show me what techniques you know, except for those elemental techniques."

Elen lowered her head and said, "I only know them," and took off the illusion technique on her ring and said, "I want to learn more about this, but it's impossible without someone."

Kai said, "Learn well, I hope you know, you can add your own interpretation to the techniques."

"So how can I add my own interpretation?" Elen asked incomprehensibly.

Kai said, "I mean, you can make them stronger by improving them, but you need to work hard for this", then he took a breath and said, "I hope they teach them at the school you go to."

Elen didn't hear the word 'school' and got excited and said, "Yes, I hope they teach, by the way, how many days until the schools start?" Asked .

Kai said, "Today is August 20, ten days later, on the first of September, schools will open."

Elen was even more excited to hear that there were ten days left.

Kai took the illusion technique in Elen's hand, examined it a bit and threw it aside, "Now I will help you to understand the logic of the illusion technique briefly, first of all, the illusion technique is with the eyes, you send the things you created in your mind to the eyes of the other man with your own energy, if you can achieve this. The person in front of you sees what you want," he said.

After Elen said "I understand", Kai said "good" and sat down on the floor and added "now try it on me".

"Your?" Elen was surprised. Asked .

Kai looked around and said, "I'm the only one here who can help to practice this technique, so trap me in illusion."

Elen said "okay" and looked into Kai's eyes.

Elen wanted to make Kai live by combining an image she had created in her mind with her energy, but this was not an easy task as it seemed.

He tried a few times but got no results.

Kai laughed and said, "You are such a clumsy person, I couldn't understand after seeing you. How could you kill the fox village and the four soldiers of the turtle kingdom, you are showing off by saying that someone else did it, and I did it".

Elen Kai's words became very angry and he took the sword from his ring and plunged it into Kai's stomach.

Kai had no response.

"Never shoot me, don't underestimate time," Elen said.

Kai couldn't even understand what was going on , a pathetic cry came out of his mouth as the sword entered his stomach .

Kai just said, "Why did you do that?" Asked .

Elen broke the illusion after she said "I haven't done anything yet" with a sly smile on her face.

After the illusion was broken, Kai immediately looked at his stomach, there was no sword there, and Elen was standing right in front of him.

Kai knew that when people are angry, they can push their limits and move forward, and he tried it on Elen, but he never thought it would be this successful.

Kai stood up and said, "I'm going to find some food." He started to walk slowly towards the exit of the cave.

While Kai was walking slowly through the forest, he said in a low voice, "A genius monster appeared, a great combination of both, his intelligence and his ability to kill people without blinking, I hope we don't come face-to-face when Elen grows up and becomes stronger, or the winner will not be determined," and disappeared.

After Kai left, Elen was left alone in the cave.

Elen started walking around the cave saying, "School auditions will start in ten days, I need to collect some information about the schools after Kai comes, but the gods know when he will come."

Five minutes later, Elen sighed heavily and said "I'm bored" and went out of the cave. While she was thinking about what to do, she had a good idea.

He got the idea to work on techniques until Kai came along to use them better by working on his techniques.

A few hours later, Kai was standing behind a tree with two bunnies in his hand, watching Elen, and saying in a low voice, "Other kids play in her spare time, but this girl is working on techniques", she paused for a second and said, "She's an interesting girl." He got up from the ground and started to move towards Elen.

Kai said from afar, "Hey Elen, how are things?" Elen was using the spiked cage technique when asked.

"I've been working on Kai techniques on the way things are going," Elen said.

"You're doing well," Kai said, pointing to the two bunnies in his hand, and adding, "Let's go have some food and then work again."

Elen broke the spiked cage technique and said, "Okay, I'm hungry too," and started moving towards the cave with Kai.

After the two had their dinner, Kai looked at the fire and said, "These techniques are actually not very functional."

Elen uncomprehendingly "How so? What do you mean by functional?" Asked.

Kai said, "Let me tell you, all elements have a flaw, for example, water and fire, water extinguishes fire, or air and earth, air destroys earth."

Elen "so what should we do then Kai?" she asked.

Without saying a word, Kai popped out a blue bubble in his hand, about an inch high.

"Watch out," Kai said slowly, placing his hand on the wall.

With the hand touching the wall, cracks appeared in the wall.

Kai took his hand away from the wall and said, "One's own energy is superior to all elements, if you can use your own energy correctly, then you can fight all elements."

Elen "So how am I going to do this?" She asked excitedly.