

memory disappeared

Mr. Satoru's blue eyes looked at me one last time, before leaving the shop. After that, I waited on the edge of the fountain for the group to gather.

During his two long hours, I rehearsed the store scene over and over again. Visualizing every detail, on my old teacher, to engrave them in my mind.

I didn't want her sky blue eyes to disappear from my thoughts. Let him keep looking at me, even when I close my eyes. Tracing every shade of color in his irises, which metaphorically plunge me into the sea.

The typewriter wrapped at my feet catches my eye a second time. I lift her up to rest her on my lap, and hold her gently against me. This object in my hands, present my exit door, from the boarding school. I had to serve this machine, and cherish it as much as possible, to thank Mr. Satoru.