
One-Click Cultivation System Instant Million-Level. (HIATUS)

"Ding! The first function has activated, launching automatic cultivation; cultivation speed equating to a super demonic entity!" A spark ignites in the world where cultivation reigns supreme. The air thrums with anticipation as Su Lang embarks on this newfound path. "Ding! Function upgrade, cultivation speed doubled; another upgrade, and cultivation speed doubles again!" The resonance of each chime marks a leap in progress, a transformative journey compressed into moments. "Ding! The second function activates, initiating automatic martial arts practice..." The sound rings through the air, heralding new horizons. "Ding! The third function activates..." The chimes continue, a symphony of power and promise. Cultivation difficult? Pardon the audacity, but a day in Su Lang's practice equals your decades of toil. Martial arts hard to learn? Excuse the presumption, but without breaking a sweat, countless techniques are effortlessly mastered. Alchemy a challenging craft? Apologies, but the elixirs are so abundant they're nearly turning to mold! Following a transcendental crossover, Su Lang obtains a one-click cultivation system, growing stronger with every tick of the clock. From this moment on, he's poised to overpower all, with no rivals under the heavens.

NotImmortal · Ost
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: The Benefits of the Martial Alliance

Upon returning home, Su Lang found himself facing another dilemma.

Earning 94 gold coins through labor was an impossibility—a feat he knew he would never accomplish in his lifetime.

His only choice was to consider alternative solutions. After a moment of contemplation, Su Lang's mind sparked with two possible methods.

The first option was to sell his house! Though Su Lang's abode was modest, it was worth twenty to thirty gold coins.

Surely, becoming homeless would only be temporary. For once he advanced his system to a higher-level martial artist, wouldn't it be a matter of mere minutes? Then, he would find himself looking down on grand villas sprawled across acres of land.

The second method involved claiming a Early-stage Body Tempering subsidy from the Martial Alliance's Hall.

The Martial Alliance, founded a millennium ago by martial artists to fend off the invasion of ferocious beasts, has grown into an official organization. Its jurisdiction encompasses various outposts and bases, wielding immense power.

To stimulate relentless training and protect the homeland from the wild beasts, the Martial Alliance offers substantial benefits.

Every person who advances to Early-stage Body Tempering can receive 10 gold coins as cultivation capital from the Martial Alliance. Moreover, each breakthrough in a small realm allows them to claim further subsidies, with greater rewards for higher realms.

For instance, breaking through from Early to Middle-stage Body Tempering earns 20 gold coins.

Additionally, martial artists receive monthly subsidies, though modest in comparison to the breakthrough rewards.

"These benefits are fantastic!" Su Lang exclaimed excitedly. "First, I'll sell the house, then claim the subsidy, and head to the F-level Wind Wolf area to check out the Broken Axe hunting squad's outpost."

With determination, Su Lang began packing his belongings. His home was modest, with little to take. Soon he was out the door, backpack slung over his shoulder, his Tang sword by his side.

After leaving his community, he sold his house at a nearby second-hand property shop for 25 gold coins. The process was convenient as the shop was well acquainted with Su Lang's neighborhood.

With 31 gold coins in pocket, Su Lang boarded the spiritual energy bus, headed for the Martial Alliance Building.

In the aftermath of the great catastrophe, most technological products were rendered useless, including traditional cars, whether gasoline or electric.

However, two thousand years provided ample time for the development of new transportation means—spiritual energy cars. Though exceedingly expensive in both purchase and maintenance, even formal martial artists struggled to own one privately.

As for capturing ferocious beasts for mounts? An impossibility. Countless attempts over centuries had all ended in failure.

The spiritual energy bus pressed on, and Su Lang's gaze remained fixed on the white figure within his one-click cultivation space. The initial taste of breakthrough left him enthralled, unwilling to look away from the circulating golden flow of energy. The sensation was pure ecstasy!

Half an hour later, they arrived at the Martial Alliance Building.

"This is the Martial Alliance Building? Truly grand!" Su Lang, worldly as he was, found himself awestruck by the structure.

It loomed like a dark crystal tower, several times taller than Dubai's Burj Khalifa and covering a vast area, resembling a colossal peak.

The Martial Alliance Building served as the base for the alliance, housing various offices, shops, training rooms, and practice halls.

Su Lang's destination was the office designated for subsidy collection.

Located on the ground floor, also known as the Martial Alliance Hall, it was a sprawling space, resplendent with gold.

Within, people bustled about, with no fewer than a hundred reception windows. Each window catered to martial artists of different ranks, with higher-ranking members enjoying priority access.

In this era, where martial prowess was revered, privilege was omnipresent.

"Tempering Window. Over here." Su Lang surveyed the room and headed left.

Body Tempering was the lowest rank for martial artists, and those seeking subsidies were numerous. Long queues formed at every window.