
One-Click Cultivation System Instant Million-Level. (HIATUS)

"Ding! The first function has activated, launching automatic cultivation; cultivation speed equating to a super demonic entity!" A spark ignites in the world where cultivation reigns supreme. The air thrums with anticipation as Su Lang embarks on this newfound path. "Ding! Function upgrade, cultivation speed doubled; another upgrade, and cultivation speed doubles again!" The resonance of each chime marks a leap in progress, a transformative journey compressed into moments. "Ding! The second function activates, initiating automatic martial arts practice..." The sound rings through the air, heralding new horizons. "Ding! The third function activates..." The chimes continue, a symphony of power and promise. Cultivation difficult? Pardon the audacity, but a day in Su Lang's practice equals your decades of toil. Martial arts hard to learn? Excuse the presumption, but without breaking a sweat, countless techniques are effortlessly mastered. Alchemy a challenging craft? Apologies, but the elixirs are so abundant they're nearly turning to mold! Following a transcendental crossover, Su Lang obtains a one-click cultivation system, growing stronger with every tick of the clock. From this moment on, he's poised to overpower all, with no rivals under the heavens.

NotImmortal · Ost
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20 Chs

Chapter 3: You Wanted to Kill Me, Didn’t You?

Su Lang could hardly contain his excitement as realization dawned on him. "I can break through already? That's incredibly fast, even by my standards!"

With no time to lose, he commanded, "System, let me break through!"

In an instant, Su Lang felt a scorching heat engulf his body, his eyes flashing with an intense light.

"Body Tempering, the Early-Stage – reached!"

Su Lang rolled out of bed, feeling as though his body had been transformed. It was like comparing heaven and earth to his condition before the breakthrough.

To give an idea of his previous state, Su Lang was gravely injured, looking like a lifeless corpse, pale and frail.

But now, his wounds had healed completely, his complexion flushed with health, his eyes sharp and radiant, his body strong and upright.

In a flash, he had gone from an invalid to a dashing young man!

"Ha!" Su Lang couldn't help but throw a few punches, creating a strong gust of wind with each swing.

"This power is even greater than the body I had forged through endless training in my previous life, and this is just the start of my Body Tempering journey!"

The sensation of controlling such strength felt incredibly sweet, like having a firm grip on his own destiny. Confidence surged through him like never before.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Worthless Su Lang, if you don't open the door now, I'll kill you!"

The furious banging and insults from Chu Gang became more and more intense.

"Kill me? Heh, heh, heh, heh!"

Su Lang looked towards the thundering front door, dust flying, a thick sneer spreading across his face.

Chu Gang might be domineering and cruel, but he was nothing more than a mere mortal, not even at the Early-Stage of Body Tempering.

Su Lang, who had been an assassin in his previous life and had just reached Body Tempering, was afraid of this ordinary man?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"You mutt, aren't you going to open the door?"

Chu Gang's ferocious voice came from outside, and the door seemed ready to shatter under his violent kicking.

"Stop kicking!"

Su Lang firmly shut the window and yelled, then opened the door with a cold smile on his face.

Standing outside was a thin, dark-skinned bald man.

This was Chu Gang!

"What took you so long to open the damn door?" Chu Gang pushed his way in impatiently, "What were you yelling about?"


Su Lang sneered coldly and without a word, slapped Chu Gang's meaty face.


The sharp sound of the slap echoed in the stairwell.

Chu Gang was sent spinning by Su Lang's blow, stumbling against the wall, his entire right cheek numb.

"You dare hit me?"

Chu Gang clutched his burning face, looking at Su Lang incredulously.

As a Body Tempering practitioner, Su Lang couldn't yet emanate spiritual waves, so Chu Gang thought Su Lang was still the same weakling.

In Chu Gang's eyes, Su Lang had surely gone mad.

He himself had been caught off guard and thus hit.

"I'll kill you!"

Chu Gang was beside himself with rage, throwing a punch at Su Lang's temple with all his strength.

An ordinary person would've been severely injured if not killed by such a blow.


A dull sound was heard as Su Lang effortlessly caught Chu Gang's fist.

"How is this possible!?"

Just as Chu Gang's face showed disbelief, Su Lang twisted down violently.


A bloody stump of bone protruded from the flesh, exposed to the air.


Chu Gang could not bear such excruciating pain, and he screamed in agony.

"You wanted to kill me, didn't you?"

Su Lang tossed aside Chu Gang's severed arm and delivered another hard slap.


This time it was Chu Gang's left face. He was slapped to the ground, his face swollen, his bald head resembling a pig's.

"Ah! My hand!"

Chu Gang's face twisted in pain, clutching his severed arm and howling, his previous arrogance gone.

"That's just one hand, and you can't handle it?"

Su Lang closed the door and looked down at Chu Gang, "How will you endure the pain of all your limbs being broken?"

"Su Lang! Stop, you stop!"

Chu Gang, hearing Su Lang's threat, was terrified.

"Stop? Heh, heh..."

Su Lang's mouth twitched upward in a sinister smile, his foot firmly pressing down on Chu Gang's head. "Did you forget how you humiliated me before?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt.

"I admit I was wrong," Chu Gang pleaded desperately, his face twisted in terror. He struggled violently, shaking his head as he continued, "But if you don't want to die, let me go!"

His eyes widened, and his voice trembled with urgency as he went on, "I tell you, I've joined the Broken Axe Hunting Group! Every member of the Broken Axe Hunting Group has a tattoo on their earlobe. Look at my earlobe!"

His voice rose to a frantic crescendo as he spat out his final warning, "I warn you, if you dare lay a finger on me, your fate will be absolutely dreadful!"