
One-Click Cultivation System Instant Million-Level. (HIATUS)

"Ding! The first function has activated, launching automatic cultivation; cultivation speed equating to a super demonic entity!" A spark ignites in the world where cultivation reigns supreme. The air thrums with anticipation as Su Lang embarks on this newfound path. "Ding! Function upgrade, cultivation speed doubled; another upgrade, and cultivation speed doubles again!" The resonance of each chime marks a leap in progress, a transformative journey compressed into moments. "Ding! The second function activates, initiating automatic martial arts practice..." The sound rings through the air, heralding new horizons. "Ding! The third function activates..." The chimes continue, a symphony of power and promise. Cultivation difficult? Pardon the audacity, but a day in Su Lang's practice equals your decades of toil. Martial arts hard to learn? Excuse the presumption, but without breaking a sweat, countless techniques are effortlessly mastered. Alchemy a challenging craft? Apologies, but the elixirs are so abundant they're nearly turning to mold! Following a transcendental crossover, Su Lang obtains a one-click cultivation system, growing stronger with every tick of the clock. From this moment on, he's poised to overpower all, with no rivals under the heavens.

NotImmortal · Ost
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20 Chs

Chapter 20: Don't Let Him Die Easily

"No, I swear I didn't lie!"

A burly man with tattoos on his arms jolted awake from a semi-conscious state, issuing a harrowing cry, "You promised to spare my life!"

"I didn't say they would spare you," Su Lang said, a nonchalant smile playing on his lips.

Facing a group of terror-stricken women, he urged, "The opportunity for revenge is right before your eyes, what are you waiting for? If you don't even have the courage to exact revenge, perhaps I should relieve you of your misery myself."

The women, who had endured unspeakable humiliation, trembled in fear. Yet, memories of the various torments they had suffered ignited a gradually swelling tide of hatred in their hearts.

"I'll... I'll do it!!"

Finally, a woman stood up, quivering and trembling, her teeth chattering. But her eyes were alight with a hatred and murderous intent that was almost overwhelming!

"I'll do it too!"

The second woman stood, followed by a third, fourth, until all eight women were on their feet.

They picked up the ropes, chains, and gags that had once been used to bind them and tied the tattooed man securely.

"You can play with him for a while, just don't let him die too easily, eh?"

Su Lang nodded in satisfaction, leaving an encouraging smile behind as he turned to leave.

After shutting the door of this house of sin, muffled screams resembling those of a slaughtered pig faintly drifted from within.

"Retribution indeed~"

Su Lang smiled faintly, heading toward the guardian's residence.

The stronghold wasn't large, and within minutes, Su Lang arrived at his destination.

The door to the guardian's dwelling was firmly closed, but that posed no challenge to Su Lang. Opening locks was a requisite skill for a qualified assassin.

Soon enough, he had picked the lock and slipped inside.

"Who's there?"

A woman's voice came from within, followed by the appearance of a woman in blue in Su Lang's field of vision.

A early-stage body tempering, she had an appealing appearance, marred by some bruises on her face. Her eyes were filled with fear and trepidation, but upon realizing that the intruder wasn't who she'd expected and noticing his earlobes were free of tattoos, a glimmer of hope sparkled in her eyes.

"You're one of the captured women?"

Su Lang asked indifferently, examining the woman in blue.

The woman's excitement knew no bounds: "Yes, who are you? How did you get in? Can you take me away?"

"I'll leave here, and so can you, but not right now," Su Lang smiled, "Do you know about a safe? The one where the guardian keeps his gold and silver coins?"

"I do! I even know the combination; he inadvertently revealed it once when he was drunk!"

The woman in blue was overwhelmed with joy at the prospect of escape and nodded repeatedly.

"That's wonderful; lead me to it!" Su Lang's surprise matched her delight. He hadn't encountered safes of this era before and had no assurance of opening one. Having the combination was a tremendous time-saver.

"The safe's this way; the combination is ******."

The woman in blue led the way, speaking as she moved at a swift pace.

Seconds later, a mechanical combination safe, as large and solid as a wardrobe, appeared before Su Lang.

Entering the combination, the safe opened with a clank, revealing a dazzling array of gold and silver that momentarily blinded him.

The woman in blue, standing nearby, was equally transfixed by the sight of so much gold, which exceeded her wildest imagination.

"Excellent, excellent!"

Su Lang, gazing at the heaps of gold and silver coins, exulted, "I wonder if it's enough to level up the system!"

He grabbed a handful of gold coins, directly storing them in the system.

Within the mysterious black space, the number behind the gold coin icon immediately changed to 26!

The woman in blue, who had witnessed the coins vanish from Su Lang's hand, was struck dumb with astonishment. Possessing the ability to store items in thin air indicated ownership of a spatial ring, something that only high-ranking warriors could have. What terrifying background must one have to own a spatial ring at such a basic cultivation stage?

Her gaze towards Su Lang became filled with reverence, though he remained oblivious to her thoughts. Laughing softly, he continued to store the coins, one handful after another, until all were in the system, exchanged for gold coins.

The number behind the gold coin icon rose from tens to hundreds, finally reaching 1568!

"Over a thousand, hahaha!" Su Lang clenched his fist in delight, mentally exclaiming, "System, quickly upgrade my one-click cultivation function!"

This might be the worst novel I've translated so far. If you want to see more, then for every 10 5-star reviews, I'll upload ten chapters. Please refrain from reviewing it.

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