
One-Click Cultivation System Instant Million-Level. (HIATUS)

"Ding! The first function has activated, launching automatic cultivation; cultivation speed equating to a super demonic entity!" A spark ignites in the world where cultivation reigns supreme. The air thrums with anticipation as Su Lang embarks on this newfound path. "Ding! Function upgrade, cultivation speed doubled; another upgrade, and cultivation speed doubles again!" The resonance of each chime marks a leap in progress, a transformative journey compressed into moments. "Ding! The second function activates, initiating automatic martial arts practice..." The sound rings through the air, heralding new horizons. "Ding! The third function activates..." The chimes continue, a symphony of power and promise. Cultivation difficult? Pardon the audacity, but a day in Su Lang's practice equals your decades of toil. Martial arts hard to learn? Excuse the presumption, but without breaking a sweat, countless techniques are effortlessly mastered. Alchemy a challenging craft? Apologies, but the elixirs are so abundant they're nearly turning to mold! Following a transcendental crossover, Su Lang obtains a one-click cultivation system, growing stronger with every tick of the clock. From this moment on, he's poised to overpower all, with no rivals under the heavens.

NotImmortal · Ost
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: The Man with Ulterior Motives

The map is divided into six distinct colors: white, green, orange, red, deep purple, and black.

These represent various zones: urban areas, and regions of F-level, E-level, D-level, and C-level ferocious beasts.

The might of these beasts corresponds to the martial arts levels.

The F-level beasts, equal to the body tempering stage, are almost uncountable.

The E-level beasts, comparable to the martial artist stage, are also numerous.

Above that are the D-level beasts, akin to a martial master, and the C-level beasts, similar to a martial general.

It is said that once, a B-level beast appeared at the Red Maple City Base, almost annihilating the entire base.

As for the A-level beasts, they have never appeared in the Red Maple City Base, but if such a powerful creature were to emerge, it would symbolize the doom of the city, a disaster resulting in the death of its people!

Above the A-level, legends speak of an S-level beast, an entity capable of destroying heaven and earth, though no one has ever witnessed it.

Moreover, while beasts generally stay within their corresponding regions, the chance of higher-level beasts venturing into lower-level areas is not small.

Many have met their deaths due to encounters with higher-level beasts in lower-level zones.

Within the map, the whole of Red Maple City Base is marked in white.

Outside the city, encircling the barrier, is a vast ring of green, further divided into irregular segments.

These green zones are the relatively safe F-level areas, including the Wind Wolf Zone.

"I've found you!"

Su Lang's eyes narrowed, a hint of killing intent in his gaze.


Suddenly, someone gently tapped his shoulder.


Su Lang turned, his eyes sharp as knives, fixed on the newcomer—an intermediate-level body tempering man with a goatee.

"Don't be alarmed! Ah ha, my name is Tan Zicheng."

Tan Zicheng's face broke into a smile, "I see you studying the map. Are you planning to hunt outside the city?"

"What's it to you?"

Su Lang asked indifferently.

"You really are going hunting? Not to say, it's not only dangerous outside but also troublesome."

Tan Zicheng chuckled, "I serve as a guide, helping hand, porter, and runner, just earning a living fee. Do you need me?"

"How much?"

Su Lang glanced at Tan Zicheng, an enigmatic smile on his lips.

"Only 50 silver coins!"

Tan Zicheng quickly replied, "You won't have to worry about anything except fighting. If you need me in battle, it will cost more."

"I happen to need a guide."

Su Lang nodded, "Come with me. We'll leave the city after dinner."

Soon after, they headed to a restaurant, Tan Zicheng trailing behind, nodding and bowing.

The restaurant's menu was rich, with dishes made from various ferocious beast meats and even vegetables containing spiritual energy.

Su Lang ordered a lavish feast for 10 silver coins.

"This is so sumptuous!"

Tan Zicheng was visibly excited, "I've never had such a grand meal. Thank you so much."

"Eat up."

Su Lang smiled faintly.

After a voracious meal, Su Lang and Tan Zicheng returned to the city hall.

Moments later, they passed through a narrow corridor to reach outside the barrier.

"This is the world outside the city!"

Before Su Lang's eyes stretched an endless hilly terrain, meeting the sky at the horizon was a dark and terrifying primordial jungle!

Beyond lay towering peaks, like giant behemoths touching the sky, majestic and magnificent.

"Let's go to the F-level Wind Wolf Zone."

Su Lang handed his backpack to Tan Zicheng, holding only his black sword.

"F-level Wind Wolf Zone? That's the territory of the Broken Axe Hunting Group."

Tan Zicheng's face changed, and he cast a surreptitious glance at Su Lang's earlobe.

Su Lang smiled faintly, "I've heard they're quite domineering. Just going to look, not to cause trouble."

"That's good, that's good! I'll lead the way!"

Tan Zicheng's face relaxed, a smile returning, "You've found the right person. I happen to know a shortcut to the Wind Wolf Zone, only 4 hours away."

With that, Tan Zicheng led the way.

The path outside the city was rough, filled with pits and bumps, occasionally revealing bleached remains of ferocious beasts.

Halfway through their journey in a gloomy forest, Tan Zicheng suddenly stopped.