
One-Click Cultivation System Instant Million-Level. (HIATUS)

"Ding! The first function has activated, launching automatic cultivation; cultivation speed equating to a super demonic entity!" A spark ignites in the world where cultivation reigns supreme. The air thrums with anticipation as Su Lang embarks on this newfound path. "Ding! Function upgrade, cultivation speed doubled; another upgrade, and cultivation speed doubles again!" The resonance of each chime marks a leap in progress, a transformative journey compressed into moments. "Ding! The second function activates, initiating automatic martial arts practice..." The sound rings through the air, heralding new horizons. "Ding! The third function activates..." The chimes continue, a symphony of power and promise. Cultivation difficult? Pardon the audacity, but a day in Su Lang's practice equals your decades of toil. Martial arts hard to learn? Excuse the presumption, but without breaking a sweat, countless techniques are effortlessly mastered. Alchemy a challenging craft? Apologies, but the elixirs are so abundant they're nearly turning to mold! Following a transcendental crossover, Su Lang obtains a one-click cultivation system, growing stronger with every tick of the clock. From this moment on, he's poised to overpower all, with no rivals under the heavens.

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20 Chs

Chapter 1: One-Click Cultivation System!

Cough! Cough! Hurl—!

In a bedroom, Su Lang, lying on the bed, suddenly bends his body, coughing up a large mouthful of blood.

"Ah, it hurts. Where am I?"

"Didn't I jump off a building after assassinating my target? Didn't I fall to my death?"

Su Lang opens his eyes in pain and confusion, and immediately, countless fragments of memory surface, causing a severe headache!

"Red Maple City Base?"

"The owner of this body is also named Su Lang!?"

"Is this also Blue Star? But what about the barricade, Martial Artists, Fierce Beasts?"

Reading through the memories in his mind, Su Lang's eyes gradually widen, and his heart surges with shock.

Moments later, Su Lang understands his situation—he has traveled through time!

This is also Blue Star, but two thousand years later, everything has changed.

Two thousand years ago, the Rebirth of Spiritual Energy occurred, and Heavenly Calamity descended, causing mass destruction.

In desperation, humans turned to the ancient Chinese martial way, developing the brilliant Martial Civilization.

However, a thousand years ago, a Space-Time Rift emerged, and endless Fierce Beasts invaded Blue Star.

Humans were continually retreating, constructing towering barricades, forming base after base, continuing to resist the invasion of Fierce Beasts.

At this moment, Su Lang is in Red Maple City Base, a weak human stronghold.

Su Lang's former life was reasonably good, with a family of three, and both parents were official Martial Artists.

Martial Artist ranks are divided into Body Tempering, Martial Artist, Martial Master, Martial General, Martial Commander, Martial King, etc.

Official Martial Artists are respected figures, having some privileges and respect from most people.

In theory, Su Lang's former life should have had a bright future, having parents as Martial Artists.

However, despairingly, his body was an Impure Body that couldn't cultivate martial arts, making him unparalleled in being worthless.

His parents spent all their family wealth, even borrowing from others, trying to make him a Martial Artist, but in the end, he couldn't even enter the Body Tempering stage.

But this was not the worst part.

The worst was that not long ago, his parents died outside the city while hunting!

Without his parents' protection, Su Lang's former life became pitiful and friendless.

In a short time, he deeply experienced the truth of the saying, "Life has always been full of hardships, and the world's warmth and coldness are known only to oneself."

Just yesterday, the former life was severely injured by two bullies, and died, ending a tragic life.

"My God, I'm so miserable!"

Su Lang gasps in astonishment, "What's the point of me coming here? It would have been better to die from the fall!"

If he couldn't become a Martial Artist, he would always be at the very bottom, bullied and insulted every day without even a chance for revenge. It would be better to die!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!"

"Little waste, hurry up and open the door for me!"

A violent knocking on the door, accompanied by a brazen shout, resounds loudly.

Hearing the wild scolding outside, Su Lang takes a breath, and a lot of images suddenly appear in his mind.

Being looked down upon and insulted as worthless, trash, even his recently deceased parents were insulted!

Being harassed at the front door with garbage, even urination, making the front door foul and unbearable!

Being cornered in the staircase and extorted, not complying meant hair-pulling and slapping!

All these various insults come from one person, Chu Gang, who rents the apartment across from him!

When his parents were around, Chu Gang called Su Lang "Young Master Su."

When his parents were missing, Chu Gang called Su Lang "stinky boy."

When his parents were confirmed dead, Chu Gang called Su Lang "little waste."

As time went on, Chu Gang began to bully Su Lang, increasingly aggressive and relentless.

Now, he's bullying again!!

"Damn it, my predecessor was way too timid, being bullied to this extent and still not fighting back with a saber!?"

Su Lang grits his teeth in hatred, veins popping.

He's not one to hold grudges, because once he has one, he takes revenge immediately!

Such humiliation as endured by his predecessor is absolutely unacceptable!

"Where's the saber? My saber? I'll fight him!"

Su Lang notices a black saber on the wall and is about to get off the bed to grab the sword and fight, but at that moment, a sudden intense pain sweeps over him, draining his strength.

"Damn it, the pain! This injury, inflicted by the villain who has been the tormentor of my family unto death!!"

Su Lang clutched his chest, his face ashen, his eyes bloodshot with rage that seemed to ignite the very air around him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The knocking had turned to pounding. Were it not for the wood of this new age of spiritual power being so much sturdier, the door would likely have been kicked in by Chu Gang long ago.

"The door won't hold much longer. What are we going to do?"

Su Lang's fists clenched in furious resolve, "Sit here and await our doom? No!"

Suddenly, a voice resounded in his mind, appearing out of nowhere.

Suddenly, a voice rings in his mind out of nowhere.

"Ding! One-Click Cultivation System is bound, activating now!"

"1%... 12%... 56%..."