


The sky had a gloomy kind of feel to it, with rain pouring down heavily and wind at war with every single drop of rain.

There was a little boy in the middle of the street, he sat there curled up clueless of his own surroundings, all drenched by the rain. He kept his face covered by his hands as he wept uncontrollably. No person really [aid much attention to him. The sounds he made while crying, spoke cruelly towards James’s ears, more like a cry for help. He could tell by the change of whether that the boy had a huge ache in his heart.

Just when James started to walk towards the boy, the whether started to clear itself up.

More like every step James took closer to the kid came as a sort of comfort to him, and right when he had finally reached the boy, standing right in front of him, the clouds disappeared from the sky as they allowed a beautiful ray of sunlight to shine. And when he was about to speak to the kid, the child embraced tightly, so much that James had to take a moment in order to be able to gather himself again before embracing the child back.

He did so while patting the kids back, he spoke to him with a soothing voice and said, “It’s ok, it’s alright now, I’ve got you. There is no need to worry anymore.” The chid sighed with a breath of relief, and right at that moment, James found himself in a room filled with mirrors all around. The boy had vanished into thin air as well.

Almost all the mirrors had a reflection of a little boy who had no face, expect for the mirror which James stood in front of. All he saw in the mirror was a reflection of himself, covered with bruises all over. The image he saw gave him a sense of regret and sadness so much that he could not bare to look inside of the mirror any longer. He tilted his head down in despair, and right when he had closed his eyes and a tear from his left eye streamed down his face, he heard the sound of foot steps. They grew closer, and closer to him until he could feel a presence next to him. As he opened his eyes to witness what being was beside him, he saw the little boy from earlier, but there was something different about the child. Instead of the scared little boy he had met minutes a go, the child in front of him was proud, certain and the emotions he emitted from his eyes were that of hatred, not sadness.

The figure which James had seen in the mirror had vanished as well, replaced by an image of a person facing backwards instead. James looked at the figure intently, just to understand what emotions were really being concealed by it. He placed his hand on the mirror, and something sucked him inside.

The place James found himself in then was the lawn of a house, it was at night and because of the time, he could not tell what the house looked like exactly, but it did seem to be a house built for a well-off family. He began to walk towards the front porch of the house, but was interrupted by a child who ran passed him in tears in a hurry, wailing as he sprinted out of the house. No body ran after him though, seemed more like there wasn't any person who paid attention to a little child wandering off alone in the middle of the night.

When James entered the house he could not believe the number of bodies which were on the ground, ...