
Once More

CurseOneII · Andere
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

"Yes, then I choose for our battle to commence in this place" Potenciano declared.

The map he had chosen was an open grassland with no obstacles or hindrances to be seen from a mile away.

"This a surprise I thought you would choose a more advantageous place like the first battle." said Rico as surmised why Potenciano chose the place.

"Well, even if I choose a place where I have prior knowledge it would help me significantly but as this is a trial to test my worthiness after all. So I might as well try it" said Potenciano with pride in his voice.

"Oh did you now. Well, fine if that is your choice then so be it. Grassland has been chosen as the battlefield. May Princess Urduja pick which weapon to be used for the battle." asked Rico to Datu Urduja as she nods of her understanding. As she unhesitatingly pick the a single sword weaponry, as she finish picking on the gallery of weapons.

"Miss Urdaja chosen has for the weapon for the battle would be a single sword type." Rico announced as he begun preparing the battlefield as he reminded "There is a 10 minute preparation, please choose which weapon to bring to battle"

As soon as Rico's voice faded both of them were transported to their respective restroom.

When Potenciano arrived, he tried to remember which weapon to use against Datu Urduja as he doesn't know which would be best to fight against a princess warrior and has a status of a Datu with it.

"I can once more choose the katana since I became familiar with it but since the armor would be the same as last time I should pick an armlet since my fight with Atubang without an armlet made my blocking options smaller."

"Hmmm.... Kind think of it, what kind of weapon would Datu Urduja use?" murmured Potenciano as he thinks about what weapon to use.

"Let's just use the same weapon, I don't think I would have any other options to choose from anyway since changing weapon would make me give time to adapt on it then and then familiarize myself with it. I should have gone and taken some lessons on martial arts if this was going to happen to me in the beginning." Potenciano lamented to himself.

"Ok, then I have chosen my weapon for the battle, Sir Rico." Potenciano shouted, as the voice of Rico answered.

"Are you sure of your choices, Sir Potenciano?"

"Yes, I am sure."

"Ok, then your weapons and armor are sent to you now. You have five minutes to before you are send to the battlefield"

Rico reminded

"Thank you"

"I got to take all the time I need to rest since that battle with Atubang was to much taxing to me and I can't still feel much on both my arms due to the numbness" Potenciano lamented as he relaxed until the timer was about to end

"Ok, then let's see how powerful a Datu was in there time." A bright light came as both him and Datu Urduja were covered by the light as they were transported to a grassland where the dew of the grass are fresh, with fresh air blowing to their faces as it had no pollution whatsoever.

As they arrived, Potenciano made the first move as he sprinted away into Datu Urduja's position since it was an open field and there was nothing to hide around. As he found her, Potenciano bowed to her as a sign of respect as did Datu Urduja answered it as well.

"My name's Potenciano Mactanggol, pleasure to fight you Datu Urduja."

"****************" (A pleasure to fight you as well, Sir Potenciano. As you may know this princess name is Urduja) translated by Rico after Urduja finished what her saying.

"Very well, miss. I wish to battle you in a fair battle but that can't be allowed due to this trial thus please teach this lowly one how a hero and ruler of Pangasinan how powerful she is in her in the past." Potenciano boldly stated even though the effects of his battle with Atubang hasn't yet healed and was only reeling it in as he show a strong front to the legendary princess warrior of the Philippines.

"*************************" (You're a bold one, Sir Potenciano. Very well, I will teach you what I have done to all those whom I fought with in the past and then ingrain it into your being how terrifying this princess is."

After she said that, she made a stance that of a fencer as she holds a kampilan that was lighter than the one Atubang used. As she posed, she then curled her fingers as if saying 'Come at me'.

Potenciano obliged as he made a stance as well but in a aggressive position that like of Master Yi from LoL since he knew that the longer the fight took the more his stamina will run out. As such, he made the first move.

He dashed to her as he made his katana a horizontal slash as if to cleave her body into two parts but was blocked by Datu Urduja with a change of stance as she holds her kampilan's sharp edge sideways as she holds it downright and her left palm holding the blade of the kampilan.

After blocking Potenciano's attack, Datu Urduja countered with a twist of her body as she slashed her kampilan in a graceful vertical slash with her right hand at Potenciano.

Seeing this, Potenciano hurriedly blocked with a defensive stance as his katana's sharp side made contact with Datu Urduja's kampilan as it made sparks flying as they both have their face a few centimeters away from sticking.

"**********************" (You're good for a new generation but your nothing like those of my time) said Datu Urduja as Rico translates her words in time.

"You flatter me with your words. I didn't know you have this kind of strength for a lady, Datu Urduja. But I will not give up just yet even if your a lady" Potenciano answered back as he begin putting more power in his katana as he pushes of Datu Urduja a few centimeters from where she's standing.

"**********************" (I'm not even showing my skills yet, Sir Potenciano. This is just my strength I'm using and not my prowess) As she said it, she put her left hand to the handle of her kampilan as she puts power to it and then she tilted her weapon as it slides of Potenciano's weapon to the side, as she twisted her body as she uses the momentum of her weapon to make a beautiful arc as she begin bearing down once more with a downstroke slash on Potenciano.

As the kampilan came bearing down on him. He begin to lift his weapon to interfere with the oncoming slash as he puts power on increasing his speed to meet the slash so as to negate the momentum that Urduja's attack has made.

As the two attack meet, sparks once more came flying as the katana came on contact with the kampilan as the two kept on slashing at each other as the timer turned to 42 minutes left.

Potenciano begun to lose pace and advantage on the fight as the numbness and fatigue begins to accumulate in his body while his opponent started increasing the speed of the slashes as well as the number of attacks hitting him as some slash mark begin appearing on his arms as well his body.

"******************?" (Is this all you have?)

"*****************?" (Is this how far your determination can reach?)

"**************" (I'm disappointed with you, Sir Potenciano)

As she saw her opponent begins to lose, she started taunting Potenciano just to rile him up because she saw a great potential in him when she first saw him when they first faced off. If this rough gem can be polished of nicely, he could become if not a great warrior if this battle with her could further polish this guy's potential.

When he heard Datu Urduja's word and the disappointed look on her face. He begin to feel a rage in his heart seeing his opponent look at him with disappointment and pity that he felt adrenaline came rushing into him as he felt light as he begun to pick up the pace as he started slashing faster as his attacks begin to show on Datu Urduja's body as slash marks begin to appear after Potenciano's rage peaked.

"Haaa....!!!" screamed Potenciano as his attack finally given fruit as he had somehow fend off Datu Urduja's attack and even caused damage to her which made him speed up some more.

"***************" (Hmmp.... Its time to take this more seriously) muttered Urduja as she started dodging.

As the timer reached 32 minutes, Datu Urduja begin to counter Potenciano as she started to dodge them by weaving through them and her footsteps begin to move like those of belly dancers as her attacks begin to connect as Potenciano receive a severe slash on his left arm as blood gushes from it.

"Arggh.... I'm reaching my limit. I have to end this somehow." thought Potenciano as he felt his strength leaving him.

And as there were 25 minutes left for the battle to end, opportunity showed when Potenciano saw the pattern on Datu Urduja's footsteps and strikes as such he followed her movements and attacked by grabbing her hand as she was slashing sideways and then he closed the distance and aimed his weapon at the neck of Datu Urduja.

"Do you surrender this battle, Datu Urduja?"

"Hahaha....****************" (Hahaha.... Yes, I surrender) laughed Datu Urduja and continued

"*********************" (You fought brilliantly, Sir Potenciano but a warrior should be cool headed when they are fighting or that would be a flaw that your opponent would use as advantage)

"I understand. Thank you for the tip, Datu Urduja." said Potenciano as he separate from her as he begin doing first aid on his wounds especially the big gash on his arm as blood continue to pour from it.

"***************" (Your welcome. I believe this will be our last meeting as such till we meet again) As she said, she started to disappear from her feet to her waist.

"***********" (Good luck on your final trial as your opponent will be much more adept in fight then me)

"I will remember it, Datu Urduja" said Potenciano

"**************" (I'm happy that the blood of us warrior are still running till this day)

"What do you mean?" asked Potenciano

"********" (You will know after you win this trial) As she said she smiled at Potenciano as she disappear completely as her purpose was finished

"The winner of the second battle is Potenciano Mactanggol" Rico announced as Potenciano was once again transported to his resting area.