
Chapter 246 : Returning it To Its Rightful Owner

"So this is where the forgotten continent is."

"Technically, it's not forgotten but isolated. A sage from the past cast a powerful illusion barrier around it, separating it from the rest of the world to spare it from the catastrophe that occurred ten thousand years ago. I guess, in a way, that sage knew about the dangers that'll befall on Astria and decided to act early."

The copy was also amazed by the level of the Illusion spell, it was the first time he saw something of this level, it's definitely not someone any illusion Magic expert could do.

"The great library is the center of the continent, right?"

"It should be, Zodiak's notes are always accurate."(copy)

Arthur nodded his head and raised his hand, clawing the air with his fingers as soft and thin invisible threads twirled around him.

The threads wrapped around his body, creating a white armor that seemed pretty fragile.

The next step was injecting this armor with a mind-numbing amount of Demonic Lightning.