
Once a normal highschooler

The story is about a certain highschooler who was part of a group that had been chosen to be heroes in another world. The highschooler and the other members of the group had great time and have gained many achievements in their journey however the fate of that single highschooler would change in the journey he goes as he would go down the path of evil.

Author_Author · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Ch 1 How the heroes came

I was sitting on my seat looking outside the window. All my classmates were having either talking with each other or on their phones. While I was sitting on my seat and just looking outside like some dead fish.

I had forgotten my phone so I couldn't spend my time reading on it. I sighed and thought to myself how boring life was for me not doing anything excited except going to school and coming back home where no one was at home.

I was about to close my eyes resting them for a bit when the bus stopped its movement suddenly. I flew to the seat in front of me straight into my face hurt a lot my nose had also hurt a lot, but it didn't seem to have been broken.

I covered my nose and stood up I looked to see what happened and the first thing I had noticed was blood on the windscreen. The bus driver was unconscious on his seat I looked at the other passengers who all were either scared or a bit in panic.

I walked out from my seat and went to the windscreen. The windscreen had blood on it I was sure that it was blood, but no damage had been put on the glass.

`Did someone throw a blood beg on the bus? ´

That was something I thought may had happened. However now was the question who would do this and why they would do something so stupid and dangerous. My heart was pounding I could hear my own heartbeat clearly.

I was feeling excited as there may be finally a difference in my life as I came closer to the window and tried to look down to see if there was even a corpse a light emitted from the street.

The light had blinded me which made me close my eyes and walk backwards. I stumbled upon something and fell down my head had hit something hard which made me lose my conscious. After some seconds I had woken up but the place I woke up wasn't the bus neither a hospital instead it was a place which was completely white and seemingly empty of anything.

I touched the floor or that's at least what I assumed to touch. I stood up and looked around but there was nothing that I could see so I tried to shout. Nothing had come out from my mouth I tried to shout again but no matter how much I tried there was just no sound coming out.

I was afraid.

My body was scared and shouting that this place is dangerous a place where there is nothing nor somebody can speak. I thought to myself in that moment: `Is that hell? `.

I was no believer of heaven or hell still such a thought came in my mind as this white place was not something I could explain otherwise.

"My child" a soft male voice said.

I looked around but there was no one. I couldn't tell if I was going insane or if I had heard a real voice.

"My child I can tell what you are thinking but I brought you to this place for a reason. You were chosen to be part of the hero party.

`Hero party what do you mean´

"Don't be afraid in that world you won't have a boring life"

Something was blinding me seemingly a light. I couldn't tell what it was as it was blending with the white color that was just all around the place I had been standing.

Everything was black.

Just black.

I was still conscious but unable to move my body in anyway. I was afraid I wanted to cry but no tears came out from my body. My own body didn't listen to me in a place that was dark so dark I felt blind.

In this endless darkness I started to see light the light had formed to a hand. I could feel my body responding to me, so I reached my right hand out to the hand that I was seeing and grabbed it.

From darkness I saw a roof. I blinked multiple times it didn't feel real for me, so I also pinched myself, but it was real.

"Oh, he woke up" A feminine voice said aloud.

I looked at the direction where the voice had come from. I saw a girl she seemed to be the same age as me. Beside her were another girl and a boy seemingly the same age as the girl. I suddenly felt how something was behind me and when I looked around, I saw a man he looked older than the other three people.

"Great that you woke up" The man had smiled. I felt some comfort the way he was smiling at me I couldn't explain the reason to myself of why I felt comfort from it.