
On your shoulder

Strange_Hunter · Fantasie
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2 Chs

High-school bullies

"Bingo!" she says in her head. She had a typical round face and was an ordinary girl. When she smiles, her eyes sparkle amazingly, and her lips were as plump as a piece of candy. She also has chubby cheeks. Under her eyes, she has freckles. The only flaw in her facial features was her nose. Her face was gloomy because she rarely visits beauty parlours.

I'm going to high school today; unfortunately, I won't be able to see my friends and I'll be in a new place. Her eyes lose their sparkle and take on a sorrowful appearance all of a sudden. She didn't need to speak because anyone could tell everything from her facial expressions, which were extraordinarily expressive. This week, they relocated from their hometown, a village, to a new city that is actually 10 times more modern than their hometown.

"Dab my daughter, breakfast is ready, you're going to be late on your first day get up," her mother said with an exceptionally beautiful aura. If beauty is a number, she must score a 99. Dab exited her room wearing her school uniform, glasses, and no makeup; she had a lot of energy today and was excited because she was going to high school. She ate her breakfast in a hurry and rode her new bicycle through the gate. She was overjoyed.

She was on her way to school when she came across a boy who was extremely attractive. The boy's face is attractive and he has cat eyes. He was different from other boys, who tend to have average faces. the features on his face have the power to draw people's attention. She will not stop seeing him until he is out of her sight. Her face appeared surprised, but all she could think about was how great it would be if he could be her boyfriend.

Her ride to school took barely 15 minutes from her home. She arrived at school, everything was going well, and she thought today would be a fantastic day. It was the most erroneous thought she had ever had. She had no clue what her day was going to be like. She entered the classroom cheerfully and greeted her classmates.

People in the classroom were looking at her with judgemental looks as if she were an alien or something as she entered. She didn't even have time to consider why they were acting in this way. The bell rang, and she sat quickly at her desk. That's when it all started, the teacher came in and asked the students to come forward and introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Alysha. I was a topper at school, and I hope I can continue to be one here. I'm interested in playing the piano," she said. Everyone applauded as Dab was thinking, "She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen." Dab was confident in her facial appearance, but she always noticed when other people looked good.

Dab was thinking about what she was going to say when her turn came. She stood up, her skirt ripped apart, and everyone laughed at her. She wondered, "Who could it be?" "Why would anyone do that?" and "How can someone be that mean?". Her cheeks get even redder. Anyone can tell how embarrassed she was by the surprised and disappointed expression on her face.

What could be more embarrassing than this, she wondered? If she had to choose one of her most embarrassing moments, it would be the first. The handsome boy she had seen earlier entered the classroom and read the entire situation. He was a kind boy on the inside and a serious one outside. He approached the girl quickly and was donning an amazing jacket. He wrapped his jacket around her waist and sat quietly in his seat. Saving a girl at this time would have been ideal.

She could feel something inside her stomach, and it was nothing but butterflies. All of her embarrassment vanishes at once. The lecture bell rang as she sat down. She was expecting the best day of her life, but it began with the worst, but at least she had someone by her side. The same boy approached her and offered her his sports attire, which she took. Before she can say "thank you," the boy leaves.

She wore his outfit for the remaining lectures. She suddenly appeared to be the centre of jealousy for every girl in the class. She was unaware of what was happening. She was inexperienced with every scenario. It was time for lunch. She went to the cafeteria to get her lunch. She had never seen a cafeteria like this before. There were numerous tables in the huge cafeteria. Students were seated at tables with their buddies in small groupings. When she entered the cafeteria, she had confidence in her eyes.

It was in a very long line when a group of three girls pushed her and all the food fell to the ground. When she realised the girls were classmates. She had no idea how to respond to such behaviour because it was her first encounter with bullies. "Sorry, we didn't see you," they apologised before she could respond. They move over and take a seat at the table where Dab was going to.

Dab was still lying on the ground while all of this hardly took a minute. Chad, here he comes. The charming young man who helped dab in the morning had a name, and it was Chad. When he wiped his eyes, he could see a Dab on the ground. He approached her to lift her up off the ground. His posture showed that he is annoyed since she always seems to get into problems. Dab was wondering in the meantime why this boy always came to rescue me.

Chad proceeded to get his dinner without waiting. The other girls move aside to make room for him. Anyone can determine his level of recognition. He grabs his meal and sits down at a table where a young woman had already seated. Oh, here is Alysha, a piano lover.

Everything was being observed by dab. She moves toward the bathroom. As she cleansed her face, she thought about what a fantastic start to her day had been and how things were going. but she was unaware that it was still not over. The door was locked as she was about to leave to eat her lunch outside. Since the bathroom was quite a distance from the classroom area, she attempted to call for help but no one responded. While waiting for help, she waited in the bathroom. "My village was the best," "I shouldn't have come," and "People are the rudest here." These were the emotions that crossed her mind. She hugged the staff woman who had just opened the door as if she had saved her life.

Her new bicycle's tire punctured, leaving her to walk home. She kept everything from her mother. She didn't want her mother to worry about anything since they were already having trouble because of the migration. Specially relocated for Dab's studies. Dab went to her room she didn't take a bite of food. She cried a lot. The last time she cried was when she was 9 years old because of the death of her father. She slept while she was crying without realization

To be continued…