
Secret, not so much anymore

Yixing did really come back totally pissed. It was soon after Chao ended the call. He slammed the door to the guest house and stamped through the gaming room to it in his place. 

He literally fell in his chair and slammed the mouse around before logging in. He never said a word, not even a greeting, which made everyone look at him with curiosity. Why was it this bad…

"Yiyi?" Huobai asked, his voice soft and calm. 

"NO!" he exclaimed, and put on his headset. Huobai raised his eyebrows and saw others did the same. 

"I guess it was bad…" Wuchen said and put his legs up on the table again. Huobai only chuckled when he saw that, but then his gaze fell upon frowning Yixing again. 

Yixing was really pissed. Huobai could hear the rock music Yixing was listening to, blasting from the headset. He rarely listened to it this loudly, and never when Huobai was by his side.