
Lively idiot

"You idiot! I told you to be careful! What did you eat!" Huobai exclaimed and punched Yixing into his shoulder. He kept punching and punching. While repeating those sentences again and again. 

After a while, he stopped talking and punching and just shook Yixing's arm.

"If you don't want me to die, you should stop using me as a punching bag." Huobai heard, and he raised from Yixing's arms and looked stunned at his face. 

He had his eyes open and his complexity looked a lot better. His skin flushed, and the swelling subsided. His eyes were open and the corners of his mouth were lifted in an amused smile. 

"You idiot! You should watch what you eat!" Huobai exclaimed and stood up. He leaned over and helped Yixing sit up as he tried to do it himself.

"Hey, I always watch what I eat. I had only chicken and pork. Nothing else." Yixing defended himself and Huobai slapped him over his shoulder again.