
Dancing House

"Old and New Town? More like Old and Older Town," Wuchen said when Lili told them the year another building was made. They all laughed, but apparently, everything in Prague was either Yuan and Ming Dynasty or… early Qing Dynasty. In the part of town where they now were, which was just a few hundred meters from their hotel. 

"Okay, the next stop should be the Astronomical clock, but I can actually show it on YouTube what it does, so nevermind, and let's go to the next place…" Lili said. She actually knew it wasn't that interesting. She alone had heard it like at least five times and it was getting boring even for her, not saying for someone who was even younger. 

"Astronomical clock?" Yinli asked, suddenly interested. Lili pulled out her phone and decided to show it to them. 

"It's an old clock that opens every hour and you can see puppets of Saints going around." She showed them the footage and then pulled her phone back.