

"It wasn't your fault!" Yixing shouted for the nth time at Huobai. They were back in Hong Kong, they departed from Korea the night after the final match. 

Yes, they were running away. Yes, they were hiding in Hong Kong. And yes, they lost the match in third place. Well, lost in understatement. 

They had lost in such a way that no player would ever want to end up like that. Five deaths, no kill. That was their score. Mainly because they had been so dispirited by the previous loss. Or maybe because it simply wasn't their day. 

So they simply fled to Hong Kong and had been hiding in the compound since then. Actually, Huobai had been so devastated by the loss he wasn't coming out of his room and Yixing had to sleep in Chao's bed. 

And silence was his answer. He looked at the phone when it started ringing and saw the person he needed the most right now. 

"Yixing here," he said, picking up.