
Chapter 67

“You think Oliver doesn’t know we’re here already?”

“What’s up with the stealth then?”

Darren grinned. “It’s more fun this way. Come on.”

Even in the dim light, he could see August roll her eyes, but she didn’t quite subdue the grin that mirrored his. “I think you should take the lead.”

Darren nodded, wiping his blade off on the slain wolf’s coat before replacing it on his belt. Beneath the continuous alarm, they moved silently once again. Darren opened the door, revealing another stairwell, as they expected, and took a deep breath before moving up the first stair. The walls were narrow, and he couldn’t make out if there was another door at the top, or just a landing. There was no window, no light from the moon outside, and Darren didn’t dare search out a light switch.

When August closed the door behind them, they were plunged into a perfect darkness.

“Do you have the goggles?”

“Yeah.” He felt something cool and smooth press into his hand. “Here.”