
On The Path Of Cultivation To Become God

The Chaos War, a time when even the gods fought for survival, was an unexpected and cataclysmic event. The reasons for its occurrence remain shrouded in mystery, and in the new era, all traces of the world before the war have been erased from existence. The universe, the immortal realm, and even the domain of the gods were all affected, and no one was spared from the aftermath of the conflict. The beings who lived before the war are now known as ancient gods, and their legends continue to captivate and inspire the people of the new era. Chen Tian, who was killed due to a treasure from the ancient era, finds himself reincarnated in a strange and unfamiliar place known as Earth. Unlike his previous life, the people here are only mortal and rely heavily on technology for their daily lives, and the concept of cultivation is unknown to them. Thinking that he would have an easy life in this new world, Chen Tian quickly realizes this world is far from simple. Join Chen Tian on his journey in discovering mysteries that will leave even gods shocked, and witness how he becomes a powerful cultivator, fighting against immortals and gods. PS: I don't own the cover. I got it from pinterest.

Lord_Olethros · Fantasie
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357 Chs

Chaos God Body

As Chen Tian looked at his reflection in the mirror, he gasped in disbelief. His muscles had become more defined, and his body was now leaner and more athletic than before.

"What on Earth..."

With his new and more defined muscles, he had transformed into a leaner and more athletic version of himself. His six-pack was now clearly visible, and his entire physique had undergone an astonishing metamorphosis.

But the changes didn't stop there. His short black hair, which once hugged his scalp, had grown long and now cascaded down to his neck. And then there was that one hair that stood out, a white strand that added a touch of uniqueness to his appearance.

However, what really caught his attention were his eyes. Once a deep and dark black, they now sparkled with a brilliant blue hue that drew people in.

He looked like a completely different person.

People who had known him before would struggle to recognize him now.

As if his impressive physical transformation wasn't enough, Chen Tian had also grown taller.

He stood at a modest 175 centimeters. But now, he towered over most people at an impressive height of 180 centimeters. It wasn't just his height that had changed, either. Chen Tian's entire demeanor had undergone a remarkable shift.

His previous look had been a perfect 10, but his new look was off the charts at a 15. As Chen Tian gazed at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help but feel perplexed by the transformation. He wondered what had caused this sudden shift in his physical appearance.

"What exactly happened?" Chen Tian murmured, He struggled to recall the events leading up to the moment he lost consciousness.

Suddenly, his eyes widened in horror as he remembered what had happened to his dantian. It had been shattered, leaving him feeling powerless.

Chen Tian shut his eyes and focused his mind on feeling the energy within his body. As he delved deeper into his consciousness, he felt a strange sensation coursing through his veins. It was as though an invisible force was pulling him.

"What the hell is that?!" he shouted as he arrived at the place where his dantian should have been located. However, what he found there left him in shock.

Instead of his dantian, there was a mysterious round shape emitting an aura that Chen Tian had never experienced before. It was as if it possessed an unfathomable power, making him feel minuscule in comparison.

"Where did this come from? And where is my dantian?" Chen Tian thought as he looked at the unknown object.

Chen Tian's mind raced with questions. "Where did this come from? What happened to my dantian? Was it destroyed or replaced?" As he pondered over these thoughts, he took a closer look at the unknown object.

The closer Chen Tian looked, the more he felt an inexplicable pull toward it.

Without warning, he reached out to touch the object. As soon as his fingers made contact, a wave of energy surged through him, causing him to stagger back. He fell to the ground, gasping for breath as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.

After a few moments, Chen Tian slowly regained his footing, his gaze fixated on the enigmatic object in front of him. He knew that he had to uncover the true nature of the mysterious artifact.

"This energy, it feels so familiar... Where have I felt it before?" Chen Tian closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to recall where he had previously encountered similar energy. Suddenly, a vivid memory flashed in his mind.

"Chaos Piece!"

Realization dawned on him as he made the connection. "This is the same energy that I sensed while studying the Chaos Piece," he murmured to himself.

"But what is it doing here?" he thought to himself. His confusion only grew when he realized he couldn't locate his dantian.

Chen Tian attempted to gather some Qi from his surroundings to test if his dantian was indeed destroyed.

He couldn't store the Qi in his body anymore if his dantian was really destroyed, which is why he attempted to absorb Qi, hoping to see if it would be stored or not. The moment the Qi entered the area where he was, it was rapidly drawn towards a mysterious object that appeared to have a strong attraction force.

Suddenly, the orb began to pulse rapidly, and Chen Tian felt as if it was communicating with him. He closed his eyes, trying to focus his mind and decipher the message. A series of images flashed through his mind, and he felt his body absorb the energy from the orb.

As he stared at the object before him, the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "This can't be possible; does such a thing truly exist?" He muttered to himself. The information he had just received left him stunned and bewildered.

The supposed orb was not just any ordinary orb; it was the Chaos Piece. But to be more precise, it was not an orb at all. It was a dantian.

Chen Tian was in disbelief as he gazed upon the dantian before him. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, filled to the brim with an overwhelming amount of chaotic energy.

He couldn't fathom how someone could possess such a remarkable dantian.

As he examined it further, he noticed a faint glow emanating from within, pulsating with an almost otherworldly power.

The energy seemed to dance and swirl within the dantian, as if it had a life of its own.

Chen Tian felt a shiver run down his spine as he realized the immense potential contained within this dantian. He couldn't help but wonder who its owner could be.

Suddenly, a radiant light emanated from within Chen Tian's Chaos Dantian, shooting towards his forehead. As the light engulfed him, he felt a surge of new knowledge flooding his mind, as if the Dantian itself possessed a consciousness.

Overwhelmed by the revelation, Chen Tian couldn't contain his excitement. "Now I understand!" he exclaimed in disbelief, "This is a treasure beyond imagination. Oh my god!"

Chen Tian was shocked by what the Chaos Piece, now known as the Chaos Dantian, did to his body.

His body was no longer normal, as he had been bestowed with a new physique known as the Chaos God Body.

Although he was uncertain of the rank of this body, he was confident that it was of a high level. The power surging through his veins was unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

In Chen Tian's past life, he had never possessed a special body or any extraordinary abilities.

However, in his current life, he was granted a unique physique endowed with two exceptional skills: the Heaven Devouring Chaos technique and Chaos Insight.

The Heaven Devouring Chaos Technique was a unique ability that only Chen Tian, with his Chaos God Body, could use.

By using this technique, Chen Tian is able to absorb various forms of energy and matter, including that from living beings, and convert it into his own power. This allowed him to gain the strength of the enemies he killed.

However, as powerful as this technique was, it had its limitations. One of the drawbacks was that it couldn't absorb the Qi in the atmosphere, which meant that Chen Tian had to rely solely on himself.

As the Chaos God Body manifested yet another ability, Chen Tian felt a surge of excitement rush through his veins. The ability was unparalleled, as it allowed him to harness the power of all elements with ease.

He could now learn any elemental cultivation technique or skill and wield it to its fullest potential. However, there seemed to be a missing link, an elusive piece of the puzzle that eluded Chen Tian's understanding or use of this ability.

"There must be something I'm overlooking."

He pondered over it, trying to figure out what it could be, but nothing came to mind. It was as though the ability was waiting for something to unlock its full potential. Chen Tian knew that he had to delve deeper and explore this new ability to its fullest extent.

On the other hand, Chaos Insight had bestowed upon Chen Tian a powerful ability to appraise, allowing him to expertly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his opponents or any object.

With this technique at his disposal, he could quickly analyze any enemy and determine the best strategy to defeat them.

After thoroughly mastering the skills and familiarizing himself with his new physique, Chen Tian shifted his attention towards the Chaos Dantian.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Tian centered his consciousness on his dantian.

As a cultivator, he knew that the dantian was the source of his power, containing the Qi that he had absorbed and the techniques he had learned. With a focused mind, Chen Tian delved deeper into his dantian, attempting to see what lay inside.

"What in the name of God is this?"


(Author Note: Don't forget to vote, your support through the use of power stones would greatly benefit this story. Your time and attention are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.)

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