
On the Brink of Suicide

The story follows shock, a young boy who has a dysfunctional family, he's bullied at school and nobody loves him. Why must I care about the people around me when they don't care about me? says shock Venting to the sky his one and only friend As the stars shine brightly listening to the boy's thoughts A glimmering hope reigns from the sky... Companionship Will companionship stop shock from leaving everything behind? Will companionship restore his family's once happy life and will companionship Soothe the boy's heart (there is no story its merely a rant) *Hi greetings men, women, trans, and everybody!⁹ I'm writing this as the first webnovel support novel, Feel free to vent your frustrations here but keep in mind the terms DNH and INH, DNH stands for Don't need help and INH stands for I need help Talk to us about how you feel about life? does it suck do you wish to end it all, mourning the loss of a loved one through the form of writing, not everyone needs help because sometimes we just need someone to talk to, someone who loves us for the freaks we are! If society judged us as useless than so be it (please don't report any comments I wish for everyone to feel like they can talk to someone) Whether you're struggling from mental health or just need someone to talk to someone out there is here for you I love you all even if you don't love yourself, thinking of killing myself makes me want to cry but it makes me happy, we all struggle with something whether we admit it or not and I want everyone to feel supported, we don't encourage negative behavior in replies but if that's what you need go for it! No favoritism no biasim just preach your truth

Mysteri0us_Vendor · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: My Suicidal Ideations

I frequently get bad thoughts about ending my own life and sometimes I just need to let my emotions out so I cry and cry until my eyes hurt and then go back to being normal is it alright for me to cry when I'm alone or should I just keep suppressing my emotions, I don't want to talk to anybody irl about it because I don't want to be judged by people so I'd like to ask you.

Therapy has never helped me and I merely said it did so my peers stop being worried about me, my suicidal ideation have been getting worse and more frequent lately to the point I feel like giving in I hear life gets better over time but is that really true? They say your life should be exciting but mine just isn't. They say as a man you shouldn't cry so I've tried my best not to but it really just hurts me inside more and more! I want to end it all just so I don't have to live this life anymore it's so boring so stressful so irritating I wish everybody would just leave me alone but I'm too scared to pull the trigger I know on the inside I'm too scared to actually commit suicide but I just turn to cutting myself, pentrating myself with objects until my skin tears and I bleed and it helps for some relief but the scars left behind will worry people I guess sometimes you just gotta cope through it but it's hard