
Omoghip Zaptaloas

It's a war-torn world, people are starving and the corrupt government gets even more tax money from humble people, this way people starving is dying, people tired of this life of oppression, people decide to create factions to steal money from the rich and give it to the poor, thus the era of factions is born

DaoistUGlKgh · Fantasie
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20 Chs


the era of factions has begun.

In a world called Poirse there were three great nations, calls Jutrus,Iaplouze,Dutheulor.

these great nations have warred with each other for years for world domination but none of these three have really achieved the goal, the only thing they gained was the death of innocent people, and the waste of supplies.

people starved during all times of war between these three countries,Jutrus,Iaplouze,Dutheulor.

so tired of these wars of countries and governments made people started to create their factions, thus was born the age of factions.

Chapter 1

Mival Brower POV.

"No! I cannot do this…" Mival thought bitterly as he watched his best friend being beaten senseless by the other members of The Brotherhood of Mutants. He had to stop them, otherwise…"They'll kill me too." He didn't want that, not if he could help it. 'Heh, it would be funny though.' His mind whispered darkly. This thought caused his mouth to twitch into a grim smirk. But then another one came to his mind that was far worse. They'd probably kill everyone in this small village who knows where, including him. If anyone knew where the hell he was, he'd be found and executed without a doubt. Then Mival would join his father's tomb and his mother's grave together. The pain that Mival had felt over his entire childhood and adulthood was nothing compared to what he'd feel when he finally joined his father, and mother at rest in the soil. That was a good thought, Mival thought. Maybe he could take down some of the Brotherhood, maybe he could make it possible for his friends to live free and safe…Maybe he could save them…No, that was ridiculous. It was just an idea…it couldn't possibly work. Still though…

suddenly the mutants were attacked by wave of arrows by a faction called, Squadron of The End led by Dexter Lancaster.

In a matter of seconds a whole squadron of rebels were dead or wounded. One mutant had been stabbed multiple times, others were barely alive.

That was it. Mival was going to take the opportunity and escape while he had the chance.

"I am so sorry for all this," Mival muttered before taking off running.

Mival Brower bump with leader Dexter Lancaster. "Hey man, are you alright? You got shot pretty badly. Let me bandage that up for you."

"No no! I mean thank you, sir, but my comrades need me," Mival said.

"Your comrades? What buddies? Yours? I don't know about the others but you don't sound like your buddies," Lancaster replied skeptically. He grabbed Mival's wrist gently and pulled him along with him as he ran. "Come on let's go save those poor bastards!"

"My friends need me! Please!" Mival tried to yank his hand away but Lancaster was surprisingly strong. In fact he wasn't very big for an older mutant, maybe because of how tall he was?

"What, like you can actually save them by yourself?" Lancaster asked incredulously.

"Yes," Mival said simply.

"Oh, come on man. There aren't enough of them left to go around," Lancaster told him. He was starting to get irritated by Mival's stubbornness now.

The two of them were now almost to the edge of town, and they weren't the only ones getting ready to leave.