
Omoghip Zaptaloas

It's a war-torn world, people are starving and the corrupt government gets even more tax money from humble people, this way people starving is dying, people tired of this life of oppression, people decide to create factions to steal money from the rich and give it to the poor, thus the era of factions is born

DaoistUGlKgh · Fantasie
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20 Chs


Chapter 14

soon all alliance factions of the world went to the government headquarters to rescue the respected leader Dexter Lancaster.

but there was a problem the government would not surrender so easily so he summoned the best military among them had the Belloc and colton two iron-fisted generals to fight the alliance of factions.

the next day the military took Dexter Lancaster for public execution to show the world.

Military who are on watch saw various factions riding towards the government headquarters on horseback.

the military soon shouted.

military:the factions are coming.

the two iron generals Belloc and Colton stepped out to watch the factions coming the two showed no fear at all their gazes were blank so Colton ordered.

Colton: throw balls.

The army obeyed immediately and threw a large amount of balls into the air, aiming towards the factions. All of the faction heads reacted quickly and turned to look at the balls, avoiding the projectiles. The commanders of the factions ordered the cavalry to move closer towards the two groups and prepare a formation to intercept any attempt the leaders make to run.

However, before the commander of the group of factions could move any further the ball that had missed the leaders flew right past the group and hit him directly in the neck.

Colton: what is happening.

all of the warriors of the alliance were astonished and turned to watch as the leader of the group that had been shot by the ball fell from his horse in front of the soldiers. His lifeless body crashed to the ground, leaving a trail of dust behind his dead body.

a messenger ran towards the commander of the group with bad news and informed him that the leader of the group of factions had been killed, leaving his men without a leader and they were currently advancing towards the palace.

All of the forces in all three factions turned to run towards the royal palace of Ralafell.

soon another faction arrived led by the powerful female leader Wendell Beck.

Wendell Beck: you all have a goal and so do i have to rescue Dexter Lancaster at all costs.

she rode her steed right to the foot of the pyramid steps and shouted: "we will rescue our beloved brother!". The rest of her troops followed suit.

they entered the castle and quickly rushed past guards that blocked their way through the corridors. They reached the throne room in no time and stormed inside to confront the emperor of the country.

but the Iron General Colton stood in front of them and launched a lightning power which knocked out all the horses of Wendell Bec's faction.

all of the elites of the empire stood at the top of the pyramid and stared in awe at the powerful warrior standing atop it.

Wendell Bec's eyes narrowed and his lips curled into an arrogant smile.

Wendell Bec: I am Wendell Beechen of the Beecher Family and I will kill you!!

The Iron General Colton smirked as he stared at Wendell Bec arrogantly.

he laughed coldly and said: You may think that you can defeat me by yourself but we don't want to take our chances with the rest of the forces of the entire empire! Even though you all are strong you still aren't strong enough to beat us.

Wendell Bec frowned at Colton's words and ordered the elite soldiers of his faction to surround the Iron General Colton and force him to surrender.

The Iron General Colton laughed: Are you serious?

Colton used his lightning power again and knocked out all of Wendell Beck's warriors.

Colton didn't move.

Wendell Bec's frown deepened and he roared in fury at the arrogant warrior, ordering his army to fire upon Colton who remained perfectly still.

Colton didn't move an inch.

he laughed mockingly at Wendell Bec's attempt to intimidate him.

Wendell Bec: I swear! If I die today, you will pay dearly for your insolence!

Wendell Bec pointed at Colton.

Wendell Bec: Fire!

the elite soldiers aimed their weapons at Colton.

Colton laughed again at the order but this time, he did not move.

Wendell Bec: Stop!!!

Wendell Bec's eyes widened in shock as Colton's smirk suddenly vanished and his eyes glowed menacingly in anger. The whole army stared at Colton in horror. All along, they had thought that Colton wouldn't dare to stand against them.

Colton: I'm done playing

Colton: spoke in a serious tone

Colton made a hand signal and soon lightning struck all of Wendell Beck's warriors with a single lightning strike from General Colton. They fell backwards, lifeless, to lie motionless on the ground, blood staining their armour and the stone underneath them red.

Wendell Bec stood in complete silence, staring at Colton wide eyed and slack jawed. Then he screamed in rage as he charged forward towards Colton.

suddenly General Belloc appears in front of Colton out of nowhere and kicks Wendell Beck's head in the ah, the kick throws Wendell Beck against the wall.

Belloc: you know better than to try anything.

Wendell Bec glared at the general but remained silent.

General Belloc: I think I should teach you a lesson.

Belloc summoned a sharp glass cactus and charged forward against Wendell Beck.

Wendell Bec: wait!!

Belloc looked puzzled at Wendell Bec but he waited a few moments.

Wendell Bec: please let us talk, we can work out some kind of deal…

He pleaded with the general.

Belloc: what deal?

Wendell Beck: I'll tell you where the other factions are hiding and their hideouts and plan the next strategy to get Dexter Lancaster back from the government. That's a fair trade doesn't it?

Belloc: it's really.