
Omoghip Zaptaloas

It's a war-torn world, people are starving and the corrupt government gets even more tax money from humble people, this way people starving is dying, people tired of this life of oppression, people decide to create factions to steal money from the rich and give it to the poor, thus the era of factions is born

DaoistUGlKgh · Fantasie
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20 Chs


Chapter 12

an event happened in a village called froburgh, a battle of Dexter Lancaster vs Waldemar Holland.

Dexter Lancaster: you will pay for killing my family Waldemar Holland.

Holland: and I will pay for destroying the forest and ruining our crops Dexter Lancaster.

the battle had begun.

holland: Dexter!

Dexter had jumped forward and slashed furiously at holland, hoping to cut him open with his swords. But unfortunately, the enemy king had managed to avoid every attack. Instead of dodging and jumping backwards, like most fighters in duels did in order to get enough distance between themselves, he just kept charging forward without giving Dex a chance to strike back. He was too quick; much faster than any person Dex had ever seen before, except maybe Ferd. When their swords collided, holland moved his blade slightly to the side and managed to catch the tip of Dex's sword on the surface of his sword and push it aside. The force of the blow threw Dex off balance. While he struggled to regain his footing, holland moved his sword upwards, slicing the left side of Dex's shirt and cutting a few stitches. The wound wasn't deep and it wouldn't have seriously hurt him if he hadn't lost his grip of his sword and fallen to his knees. He cursed silently under his breath, feeling the blood dripping down his side and onto the ground. Forcing himself to get up.

Dexter Lancaster used his water power to hit the Waldemar Holland dodged the attack and used his firepower to throw fireballs at Dexter Lancaster. The latter blocked each projectile with his own fire magic using his powers and eventually managed to push holland's weapon away from him. However, it was only a matter of time until either of them ended up injured and they had both known that. With an angry grunt, Dexter jumped forward and attempted again to attack holland. Unfortunately for both of them, he had underestimated holland's ability. While Dexter had jumped forward, he hadn't taken into account his opponent's speed. The moment he tried to land a hit on him, the enemy king had already jumped over him, knocking the wind out of him by pushing him aside violently with his sword. The impact with the floor had left a nasty gash across his side and he knew that he needed to hurry before the wound began bleeding again.

He scrambled to his feet, ignoring the pain shooting through his side and began running away. The sound of Haldon shouting angrily filled the air once more and Dex winced, unable to hide his grin from forming on his face. If he hadn't already known that he was being followed by Haldon, he definitely would have recognised him as the same person who had visited Gillian the previous evening. If they hadn't met here.

Dexter Lancaster use your tsunami water power and turn to face Waldemar Holland

that be using your firepower, The two collide and make a huge explosion of power.