
Omniverse Traveler: Spiderman Harem.

After living his entire life bedridden was rewarded by his action that helped many and given the power to travel through any reality without limit and accompanied by a Female Goudere Venom reincarnated as the most beloved by sadist author, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. Warning: It's large harem with little character development. Also I won't do smut and just mentioned small mention but won't go into details. World - Marvel - Claymore - Then back to Marvel

Try_hard · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 10 - I'm Back

Peter was still on top of the highest building looking at the time that was currently 2 Pm and had enough to continue his crusade in fighting crimes. He needs to help more people and be the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Claymore worlds was too violent and felt rather homesick after spending nearly a week there.

'Oh I can appear in whatever time I want huh? Good to know. Well I kind of miss Aunt May and Uncle Ben. As well as Ned. Maybe I can find Doctor Strange to train him.' Peter was unsure what version of marvel he was in but he hoped that it's where Doctor strange already existed. He stretched even though his body is malleable and can change form into whatever he wants.

"Maybe I should walk around first before I hunt some thugs later." Peter thought to himself opening a portal walking into an alleyway transforming his clothes into a more casual outfit. He couldn't believe how things were going walking around missing the nostalgic building.

'Cortona, can you find a suitable place to build my personal lair? Like a batcave…hehehe spider cave.' He jokingly thought to himself hoping he could perform experiments and store his creature even though he didn't do them when he can simply rewrite reality but someone who lives most of his life relying on someone wants to accomplish something on his own because it feels more rewarding.

{ Do you wish for me to buy a property and mansion? } Cortana asked hovering close by displaying holographic images.

'Yeah, something that fits all of us including the girls and also relay some information you obtain.' Peter needed a place for the Claymore girls to stay and reminded himself that he'll bring them once they finish the northern mission.

{ Done. This is the home currently available. Though personally I liked this one, what do you think, Venom? } Cortana showed an array of images that displayed different kinds of properties and mansion. She made sure it included many rooms that can fill a large number of people.

[ Personally, I prefer a more traditional home but it's all up to our Darling. ] Venom said as she remained within Peter and telepathically sent her answer. Peter looked at their recommendation and they were all great choices but prefer to be far from people.

'I'll take this one. It's easy to revise it anyway.' Peter can simply manipulate the space and provide more rooms when needed. The property was a bit close to the ocean, having a traditional mansion with a large number of rooms. He went to a store to buy some ice coffee and once he paid for his food glance at the television when he saw the live news report. It was about his help in saving the bank and the witnesses told what they saw shouting out their gratitude.

"People said this new vigilante is going to be the protector of New York but for me it's simply another menace!" The man in the television telling the report was none other than John Jonah Jameson that Peter Parker won't ever go work for. He didn't hate him and understand his reasoning but won't torture himself for it.

[ Should I kill him? ] Venom was angry that her beloved was being bad mouthed by someone and planning on killing him in his sleep.

'No, it would make it worse. Let him be and I don't have a personal grudge against him.' Peter said as he took his order then placed the Coffee shop walking down the streets and noticed something in the back alley way. He simply shapeshifted into his suit while he remained unmasked looking at the top of the room spotting a man in a medieval suit in front of a young woman around the same age as him that had long black hair and asian features.

'Isn't that Cindy Moon and Morlun?' Peter thought to himself while still drinking his ice coffee and observed for a moment. From what he knows and remembers is that she was also bitten by the same spider that bit him and would have one day had to be locked away because she was being hunted by Morlun, a villain who hunts spider people. He is a vampiric being, an inhabitant of Earth-001, and is a recurring foe of Spider-Man.

Along with his family known as the Inheritors, he hunts for "Totems", the core power of the universe that resides in animal-themed superheroes, across the Multiverse. This has led to him battling various versions of Peter Parker in an attempt to absorb their life force.

'It was unfortunate she couldn't be with her family for 10 Fucking years because of that bastard." He calmly thought to himself putting a mask over his eyes while sipping on his ice coffee. Peter appeared in front of Cindy who struggled to think due to the overwhelming feeling for her Silk senses. It calmed down upon the arrival of Peter as she looked up to look at him and saw his back that sprouted spiderlegs.

'What the hell is going on?' Cindy Moon remembers yesterday when she was bitten by a spider on her ankle and felt strange coming back home falling asleep waking up with unbelievable strength and senses. She was shocked upon breaking her faucet and felt overwhelmed from the changes.

She thought she needed a breather from the stress after finding out the boy that she's been dating for a few months cheated on her and had thought the exhibit that she visited would help her but Cindy's luck was bad(?)

Just thinking it wouldn't get any worse went to meet up with some friends only for her to stop being overwhelmed and was in an alleyway. Now some guy wanted to kill her.

"Spider man…" Morlun recognized Peter from his life force and had great fear for him after being defeated in the fast. He avoids the 616 universe due to this trauma but continues his quest in having his revenge and needs to grow stronger than ever.

"Two totems in a single day. Isn't this quite the feast!?" He laughed after finding Cindy Moon met Peter Parker thinking it would be a great day for him but his laughter was simply interrupted by Peter finishing his ice coffee, annoying Morlun.

"Sorry, I know you're going to have a big villain speech about vengeance and stop. But to be honest it is quite the red flag man. Alright I'm done. Let's throw hands." Peter spoke rather carefree that surprised Cindymoon as she was trying to find Morlun the best she could. Morlun became angry and lounged at him as he threw the ice coffee to the side webbing it then prepared himself.

"Mocking me is the last mistake you ever made, Spider Man!" Morlun threw the first punch and his power did counter his spider sense as it was inferior to Cindy's own Silk sense. Peter threw a beautiful tornado kick but Morlun blocked it and tried to grab his legs only for Peter to attack him using his spider legs pushing Morlun away.

"Tch! Even with your symbiote this is inevitable! You're nothing but food!!" He roared and Peter dodges, bringing Morlun away from Cindy.

"Dude, just order some take out. Even if you try you won't ever hit me." Peter annoys him to keep his attention to him only while he takes a peek at Cindy who is watching intently as they fight.

'Is he a new superhero? Spider-Man?' Cindy thought to herself feeling her Silk Sense settle the moment he arrived and felt a connection to him that made her feel strange. The pheromones that exude from Peter was affecting her and comforted by it intently watching as he fought Peter.

'His a lot more skilled than I am. To be fair I'm an inexperienced fighter and haven't fought a strong opponent before…he seems to be absorbing my life force as we fight.' Peter could end the fight whenever he wanted but we simply enjoyed toying with him. He wanted to feel his body growing stronger and becoming better than he's unable to in the past.

Peter strikes him only for Morlun to grab and about to crash it only for him to attack using his spider legs forcing Morlun to let go and deflect them all. He is able to keep up with the incredible speed of his spider legs that are faster than a human could comprehend.

"You damn pest!!" Morlun moved in blinding speed breaking the spider legs while rushing, grabbing Peter by the neck pinning him to the wall while Cindy Moon could still see them clearly despite being several dozen feet away. She is able to keep up with their speed and starts to slowly adapt with her power when Peter's presence helps speed up the metamorphosis that she has.

"Dammit…" Peter curses as Morlun bares his fang enjoying that he was able to hold him. He had been hunting spider totems throughout the multiverse and was successful as this wasn't the first time he met someone with a symbiote spider man.

"They struggle and fight but eventually you will end by our hands. You might win some time in the future but we will continue to hunt each and every last of you totems!" Morlun growled, started to absorb his spider totems and laughed seeing his success only for it to immediately die down when he saw Peter wasn't even struggling seemingly unaffected by his action.

"What!? How come you're not even struggling!?" He started to feel distressed and Peter chuckled instantly at a slice of Morlun's hand who screamed in pain.

"This…is impossible! You shouldn't be!" Morlun saw Peter stand tall, overshadow his body as the sun set and the sky darkened that enveloped the spider totem hunter.

"It's a bit annoying that I can't keep up with your experience but…that doesn't matter anymore." Peter's shadow moved and started to infect Morlun who realized his mistake. He wasn't fighting ordinary spider totems. Perhaps if he had his family joined forces they had the chance. Morlun was there to feast but he actually presented a feast to someone else.

"Daaaamn you Peter Parker!!!! I curse!! Spat you!!! I vow that even if you kill me someone else shall take my place!!!" Morlun understood he stepped into something he shouldn't have and fear began to creep into his mind as the darkness started to envelop him.

"Then I shall hunt each last of you inheritors. You obtained the essence of many spider totems then I shall take them back!" Peter saw the opportunity to gain the experience of another spider man across the Multiverse that Morlun absorbed and aimed to return them to life after getting what he needed.

Morlun tried to escape, removing the black slime that snared at him like the animal that he is. He became more animalistic helplessly trying to survive but he had gaze far too long into the abyss that it finally stared back at him. Eventually, he was absorbed into the Hive and stripped of any remnant of his consciousness allowing Peter to gain the years of experience that spider man before him.

He acquired the Way of the spider or Spider-fu that enhances his skill in combat making him harder to win. Peter acquired the Venom Strike of Miles Morales and ninja skills of a Spider ninja. Peter let Venom handle Morlun turned to Cindy Moon who looked at him in daze.

"Are you alright?" Peter still had his mask on while Cindy simply stared at him and nodded. She was still in shock from everything happening to her.

"Thank goodness you're safe. First things first, do you trust me?" Peter wanted to take Cindy and explained everything to her. He might need to start his spider army early and thought that it is possible more spider people are coming.

'I wonder if Miguel is going to do the canon event nonsense.' Peter thought to himself recalling the recent Spider verse movie and thought that he was being manipulated since the Web of Life and destiny are made to give freedom to everyone and he is going against it.

'I'll deal with him later but for now.' He looked at Cindy who was unsure what to do but felt compelled to trust him and with little option decided to trust him.

"Y-Yes, you saved me and I want to know why that man is after me and why is this happening to me." Cindy answered and Peter nodded, reaching out his hand.

"Then Take my hand and I'll take you somewhere safe and I'll explain everything." Peter said as she looked at his hand for a moment before taking it as he opened a portal below them that moved upward taking them somewhere before people arrived to investigate what was happening.