
Omniverse Journey To Kill The Author(Genshin Impact Arc)

In the world of Nirmek Earth, a young man named, Venus Eros Ambrosio, figured out that his life was nothing more than a cheap alternative version of reality written by some third-rate author. Having discovered the secret of his reality, he immediately fell into the hands of the author, who would revel in the phenomenon and change things as it pleased. Nothing could be done to stop this being that existed far beyond his existence, after all, he was a mere creation derived from the mind of the same being he was trying to oppose, was it even possible? That was when the system first appeared and began to give him knowledge, and even reward him as he completed the scenarios the author put forth. Eventually, he was told of 'The Facade' title which would be his first step to true freedom, from this tyrannical being. Now having finally gotten 'The Facade' title and had sex with his sister, Venus decided it was time to have sex with his mother, before departing on his adventure through the Omniverse, in order to kill the author. _____________________________________________ 1st World: Genshin Impact Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

Kikinori27 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 2: Mood Swings

The absurdity continued a few more minutes before Sarah woke up, and her grip on Venus finally loosened and he escaped.

"... Onii-chan, why were you inside me?" Sarah asked as she looked at Venus with her eyes narrowed.

"I would like to ask you that, I don't know, I woke up like that and you wouldn't wake up no matter how much I tried. As to how it happened, you move a lot while you sleep and I fell asleep hugging you from behind, so while unlikely, I think it would have been impossible for you to have moved a little too much, or maybe you sleep walk, who knows? Anyway, It's not a big deal anyway, I'm sure we'll be laughing at this in the future whenever I tell this story." Venus made a malevolent smile as he teased Sarah.

"What?! No way! You're never telling anyone about this! NEVER!" Sarah shook her head and hands in full rejection of the idea.

"Ok then, I'll make sure to remember that when I do." Venus smirked.

"Good, you had me worr-... VENUS!" Having realized what he did, Sarah hit Venus on his shoulder.

"Ouch, how violent. You do know I could easily escalate this to a domestic violence case and sue you, right?" Venus responded with his signature evil smile.

"Are you seriously that petty?" Sarah narrowed one of her eyes and completely opened the other looking at Venus with disbelief.

"Oh, sweetie, you'd be surprised." Venus continued the teasing as he even smiled sweetly as he spoke.

"Ok then, sue me. Do you dare?" Sarah caught on to the teasing and let go of the blanket before getting on all fours on the bed, and moving to Venus up until their faces were a mere centimeter away from each other.

"How daring, but I'm not sure if it's enough to convince me." Venus responded with 'try me' eyes.

Sarah in response kissed him lightly but with passion before backing away and replying. "How about now?" With a confident and cute smile that warms hearts.

"Hum... Maybe, I'll think about it." Venus smiled back not even bothering to try to seem evil or sweet, just a pure joyous smile.

Unsatisfied with the answer Sarah pounced on Venus, before beginning to aggressively make out with him, leaving no room for breathing, they went at it for almost 3 whole minutes.

*Huff* *Huff* Breathing heavily as an effect of the exchange, Sarah once again questioned. "How about now?" Already with a victory smile.

*Chuckles* seeing her efforts Venus could not contain a small laugh, before booping Sarah on the nose and saying. "Hum... Ok, I'll let it slide this time."

Immediately Sarah booped Venus back thrice before declaring. "I'm the one doing this booping in this house!" Her pouty and overly energetic mannerisms almost killed Venus of diabetes with how sweet it was.

"Hahaha! If that's what you want, I'll give you that one, but I'll have the rest of the privileges, what do you think?" Venus posed a question.

Letting herself lie in Venus' embrace, she looks at him and responds. "Ok, you can, but if later I don't like it, I'll just fight you for the rest of the privileges. I'm stronger than I look, you know."

*Chuckles* Venus just pulled her in closer and snuggled with her.

"I'd like to see you try, but right I think we better bathe and dress up before we start fucking again, and end up getting caught by mom." Venus suggested.

"Mom... Mom?! It's laundry day today! I have to leave fast before she gets here!" Sarah immediately up and began hurrying to get ready.

(I could tell her, mom's already been here, but she's working fast right now, so let's wait until she's done.) Venus began preparing himself for his own bath.

-A morning routine later-

"Ok! I'm all done, I'll be leaving before mom gets here." Sarah gave Venus a last peck on his lips before turning around to leave.

"Oh yeah. Mom's actually already been here, but you were working so efficiently that I couldn't put myself to tell you." Venus made a purposefully fake sad face as he said so, as a way to tease her some more.

"You meanie! I was going to leave you alone for a bit, but now you're going to have breakfast with me and stay with me until I feel like letting you go." Sarah turned back to Venus before grabbing onto his arm and began guiding him.

"How possessive of you, and while I appreciate it, you should know I want a harem of beauties like you." Venus confessed bluntly.

"YOU WHAT?! We just got together after this long and you're already thinking of some random bitches?!" Sarah as expected was enraged by this discovery.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew who I'm thinking of..." Venus responded.

"Seriously?! You literally already have someone in mind?! What am I?! One of your dumb anime figurines?! Part of some sort of crazy collection?!" The fury in Sarah's voice only intensified.

"Well, I wouldn't look at it that way since I'm only doing this for women that actually ignite passion in my heart! Someone who can make me feel like you do." Venus answered.

"Passion in your heart?... If that's the case, why let me think we could be a normal couple?... As normal as siblings dating could get... But still! Why not tell me before taking my virginity?! Am I some sort of game score for you?! Why not just be fully honest before?!" Sarah questioned still mad.

(I would have if I was not playing a scenario, but I can't tell her that. Not that I don't want to, but aside from being insane, and hard to explain it's literally not currently possible as everyone in the story without 4th wall awareness can't understand things related to the story meta like the author, or anything like that. It's literally censured for them.) Venus stood there in silence as he thought of the answer to himself.

"No answer? Wow, so you really just wanted to play me?... Then, I'm sorry I was so easy to play, you were probably bored!"Sarah said before slapping the crap out of Venus and then leaving while aggressively closing the door.

"Well, that went... Not the worst way possible, at least she didn't try to kick me in my balls... *Sigh* I'll give her some time and we can talk later." Venus shook his head as he sighed because touching his cheek, right where he got slapped, and walked to his bed.

Now laying on his bed, Venus wanted to bask in the silence to reflect on a few things, but unfortunately, that was interrupted.

"Hello, meek struggler, I bring great news for us." It was then that out of thin air, a dark figure covered in an even darker veil, appeared in his room, and announced.

"Seriously? Now? Can't you, I don't know, come back when I'm actually dying?" Venus responded as he rolled his eyes, and continued to lie on his bed.

[Report. Quest 1: Court Death

Objective: Bring Death to your side before the end of end chapter 2.

Failure condition: Death leaves.

Reward: Upgrade Outsourcing x1]

(Hum... Oh well, nothing too impossible.) Venus thought to himself.

"How unsavory of you to rudely dismiss me. Especially when I'm working for our future. You're so lucky I took a liking to you struggler." The veiled being answered.

"Why do you even bother? Aren't there tons of dying creatures you should be focused on right now?" Venus replied.

"Oh, how unprecedented, my meek struggler has grow bolder. Maybe I should refer to you as mischievous struggler, don't you agree that would be better suited?" The being continued to speak.

"What are you even doing here? I didn't even almost die this time." Venus inquired.

The being disappeared and reappeared sitting on Venus' lap before pulling him in, making him sit up, as it then placed its hand on his chin, and began explaining. "It is as you say, this is a special visit, in order to inform you that I've been linked to your lifeline. As such you will eventually be mine."

"And that means?" Venus questioned.

"That when you die, no other entity in charge of death will be able to claim you, as that privilege is now, solely mine." It clarified.

"You're going pretty far for me, why is that? Why does the Nirmek Death, Mera Mortalis, want my soul? You're a powerful comic entity, what do you gain from this?" Venus asked.

"You. That's what I gain. You might not see yourself in a special light, but I can see that your soul has a special tinge to it that the others don't. Though that isn't why I want you, no, my reason for wanting your soul is much simpler. The same way you human try to find beauty in the simple moments to enjoy what you have left of life, I too try to find beauty in the moments of life/death struggle that you face, and you mischievous struggler, have experienced so many moments like those that, you could say I got attached to having you around. Your presence became a constant for me, and it was in a way an anchor to my own pleasure." Mera said.

Venus looked at Mera and stayed silent.

"So, I decided to spend more time with you and that feeling got worse. You, humans, believe you can treasure things cause you won't always be here, well someone like me who will always be here appreciates the beauty of the finite much more than you can imagine. Cause you're so precious yet you will end, and that makes it all the more enticing." As she spoke, Mera removed her dark veil to show blue-greyish skin, with her face covered behind a white mask of a neutral face full of cracks but having no real openings.

"So, you're doing this for fun?" Venus calmly posed a question.

"In a way, I guess you could say so, but I do believe there is more to it than that, maybe something closer to what humans feel toward their pets, or maybe it's something more. Honestly, I'm not sure myself." Mera declared.

"If that's the case, why torture me?!" Venus inquired.

"I was required to do so in order to spend time with a mortal such as yourself, and I was planning to be as gentle as possible, but whenever I got near you, I would feel compelled to do it aggressively.... Quite strange honestly. Anyway, though I apologize for it, I must admit that with time I've come to like doing that." Mera responded.

(Compelled huh? It has to be the dastardly author!! I knew it was that pest's doing! I'm definitely going to torture that fuck before enacting my revenge on and finally killing it!) Venus thought.

(I don't necessarily forgive Mera for it, but she did heal me every time, so I'll give her a chance and keep her around for now, after all having someone with her standing, knowledge, and experience will be useful. Though I still plan to get my payback to her. All in due time.) Venus concluded with a smile on his face.

"If you really wish to be by my side that bad, why not just accompany me?" Venus questioned.

"I cannot, the rule of Death force will not allow it." Mera answered.

(System? Is there anything you can do about this?) Venus inquired.

[Report. It is possible to change the source of her powers and connect her to the system instead, but doing so will throw her back to being a mortal, though in compensation she will have much higher talent and potential than previously]

"What if I tell you that I have a way, but you'll have to become a mortal again first?" Venus proposed.

"But that's not possible.... How would you?... Well, if there was a method, I would be willing to try." Mera was confused and slightly intrigued yet still replied.

"Then just kiss me, and you'll be mine." Venus smiled slightly as he left the choice to her.

Mera was surprised by this sudden request, and despite knowing that there was no way he could do what he claimed, she still wanted to do it. She had been observing him, and even interacting with him for a while as this desire in her built up, as she found herself wanting more of him. Now the chance was given to her by him of all people, and even if in the end it was just a fantasy, wouldn't it be more blissful than just quietly surrendering to reality... Well, whatever the case, she was going to do what she felt was right for her.

Fortunately for Venus, she was feeling quite thirsty that day.

Mera leaned in for a kiss and unlike anything he had experienced before, her mouth and skill were both cold but sweet, though, what was mind-boggling was how he felt sucked in by her the longer their exchange lasted. It was as if his soul was trying to leave his body and dive into her mouth, it was an electrifying experience that drive shivers through his body. Soon though, that sweet feeling began to melt away as a bloody and metallic taste took over and pain spread throughout his body. This was simultaneously the best and worst kiss of his life, not that Venus had that much experience just yet since most of his knowledge comes from the last scenario, which still had all its information in his head.

[Report. Activating power source management. Redirecting the domain of the individual 'Mera Mortalis' to the system's internal Death force... Process complete. Individual 'Mera Mortalis' has been successfully connected to the system and is now in servitude of Master. She is no longer able to intentionally harm master or act against him, though she still retains the rest of her free will. If she were to break the rules through some external means, she will be permanently turned into a mortal losing all the ability to grow more powerful]

It was then that the mystical clothing that Mera was wearing as well as her skin changed. Her clothes became normal and lost the incomprehensible darkness that surrounded them, while her skin changed from greyish to a dark complexion.

"What?! How?! My powers?!" Mera realized what had just happened and was in absolute shock to see herself turn into a mortal.

[You have completed quest 1. You have acquired Upgrade Outsourcing x1]

(Gosh... That was both great and horrible... I'm slightly conflicted, but only slightly.) Venus was marveling at the kiss he just experienced.

"Venus?! What did you do? This is not good..." Mera began rubbing her forehead.

"I did what you just agreed to, and don't worry you can recover your powers. Plus your talent and potential are now higher." Venus calmly explained.

"That's... That's not the problem! Yeah, it's nice to have those and all! But I just lost eons of work!! How could you just do this?!" Mera's stress was noticeable in her expression as veins accumulated on her face.

"Remember, you agreed to this." Venus remainded her.

"I know! That's why I didn't just hit you! But still! Couldn't you have I don't know, at least made it clear that it wasn't just flirting?! There's so much I still had to prepare and get ready for the future! Not to mention all the work that just became air! Huurrhghh! This can't be happening..." Mera was having a whole breakdown right there on Venus' lap.

"That's why I asked you... Though I do admit that I could have been a bit more specific." Venus refused to admit that he slightly manipulated the outcome by acting flirtatious.

"You! How would I know you can just do this?! Who exactly are you?!... Gosh! This was being such a great day and you were so much more approachable and we even had that kiss and it was.... Well, that doesn't matter, but what now?!" Mera's stress did not lessen and she continued to ramble.

"Now, you live with me as part of my harem. We're going to be leaving this world to go on a pretty long journey soon." Venus explained with a smile.

"You!... A part of me wants to punch you so bad right now, but I'm also at fault here so I'm not doing it. Even still, you have to understand that I had a big duty to fulfill and had been doing it for longer than I remember... I can't just not do it anymore... Plus, there will certainly be weird consequences for the world because of my absence, and I don't even know if our universe's ruler will send someone after us because of this... Such much to worry about! Just when things were falling right in place, this happens!" Mera proceeded to continue rambling like there was no tomorrow.

Even when Venus tried to talk to her she wouldn't listen, so he just decided to focus on his reward for now.

(System, what does this do?) Venus questioned while doing his best to ignore Mera's rambling in the background.

[Report. Upgrade Outsourcings are used to add a new type of system to me from other sources in the outerverse. For now, the system will be limited, but with time and as you grow stronger systems will be available]

(Then, show me the available ones) Venus ordered.

[Report. Using Upgrade Outsourcing x1.

List of Systems:

-Generic System

-The Gamer(Lite Version)

-Template System

-Essence System(Lite Version)

-Vampire System

-Vampire Primordial God System

-Evolution System

-Harem System

-Harem God System

-Gatcha System

-Infinity System

-Strongest System

-Reality System

-Reality Tyrant System

-Golden Finger System

-Martial Arts System

-Grimoire System

-Super Necromancer System

-Legacy System

-Imposter System

-Parasyte System

-Eye System

-Inventors System

-Inverse System

-Assassination System

-Historical System

-Thanatos System

-Pornstar System

-Adventurer System

-Binding System

-Dominator System

-Netori System

-Unrivaled System

-Fantasy System

-Dark system

-Dark Fantasy System

-Sunlight System

-Subordination System

-Overpowered System

-Hack System

-Demonic System

-Integration System

-Primordial System

-System-Giver System

-Eleseed System

-Choice System

-Death System

-Dimension System

-Upgrade system

-Core System

-Leading system

-Hypnosis System

-Forbidden system

-Immortal System

-Challenge System

-Angelic System

-Erotica System

-Mystic System

-Incarnation system

-Eros System

-Hentai System

-Superhero system

-Villian System

-Incubus System

-Origin System

-Skill System

-Mastery System ]


AN: Yo! I'm here again... So, I just wanted to give you guys the opportunity to vote for whatever system you would to the unlocked first, by commenting.

Anyway, if you got questions just ask.

Stay healthy and thanks for reading!!