
Omniversal Lord:...

When Eric Lord's world is shattered by betrayal and loss, he's thrust into a desperate fight for survival. But fate has other plans. A mysterious Orb, a budding omniverse, crashes into his reality, and Eric becomes its chosen host - the Omniversal Lord. Transformed by the Orb's power, Eric's mortal shell is replaced by an immortal body, capable of wielding the Prism's boundless energy. As he embarks on a journey of cultivation, Eric must master his newfound abilities and confront the darkness of his own past. With the winds of fate and destiny at his back, Eric is catapulted into a multiverse-spanning adventure. He'll encounter enigmatic mentors, forge unbreakable bonds, and unravel the secrets of the Omniversal Prism. But as Eric's power grows, so do the stakes. Ancient entities, hidden civilizations, and rival Omniversal Lords will stop at nothing to claim the Prism's might for themselves. Eric must confront the ultimate question: will he become a beacon of hope or a force of destruction in the multiverse? *The Omniversal Lord* is a heart-pumping, action-packed fantasy epic that explores the true cost of power, the nature of reality, and the unbreakable bonds of destiny.

paaogitek · Fantasie
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21 Chs

The inevitable death?

With a thought, the being directed the crystal screen to display the vast expanse of space surrounding the meteorite. Stars twinkled like diamonds against the inky blackness, and planets glowed with a soft, ethereal light. She breathed in the celestial beauty, her essence resonating with the harmony of the universe.

"Follow the traces of the vile talks"

Her bright eyes darkened a little as her vision shifted to a blurry dark space filled with crooked lines converging at a point. A mysterious power in white light flickered. Severing the connections between the lines and something else. And she knew this flickering light, the "Divine shroud"

A mystical and powerful divine artefact that was used to sever the connection that has existed between the Divine kingdom she hails from and the people that worshipped them millions of years ago.

Her body trembled slightly as a transparent figure of herself appeared in the dark space, The Faith-line-network.

Her gaze narrowed as she focused on the Faith-Line-Network, once a vibrant tapestry of devotion and belief. Now, the lines appeared twisted and frayed, like a spider's web ravaged by time. The being's eyes gleamed with a soft, white light as she inspected the damage.

Within this realm, she could see the fractured remains of the Faith-line-network, the lingering echoes of devotion and belief that once connected the people to the Divine kingdom.


A faint hum, like the whisper of a harp string, emanated from the crystal ball as the being's consciousness latched onto a crimson-tinted faith line. She felt an unexpected jolt of curiosity, like a spark igniting within her core. This anomaly was impossible – nefarious faith energy shouldn't be able to breach the Divine shroud.

With a gentle thought, the crystal screen shifted its focus to the source of the crimson line: a young man around the age of 20, paralyzed and cursing, in an ancient forest on Earth. The being's gaze lingered on the scene, her essence stirring with a mix of emotions – fascination, concern, and a hint of nostalgia.

"Earth, beautiful as always," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the celestial hum. "Even in damage, there's a beauty that calls to me."

She refocused on the paralyzed young man, seeking confirmation.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE..." she exclaimed, astonishment etched in her voice.

"How can someone possess an undefined lifeline and numerous destiny lines, despite being on the brink of death?"

As she watched, the wolf's jaws clamped down to young boy's leg, it's fangs sinking deep into his flesh as it dragged him further away seeking a secluded spot to savor it's prize.

As she watched the wolf drag the young boy away, the mysterious being's thoughts turned to the predator itself. "That wolf... it's not ordinary," she mused. "Its power, its speed, its ferocity... it's as if it's been augmented by an unknown force." She paused, her gaze fixed on the wolf's retreating form. "A force that doesn't seem to align with any known divine or malevolent energy."

With a flicker of her fingers, she summoned a vision of the wolf's essence. The image revealed a unique resonance, unlike anything she had seen before. "Fascinating," she whispered. "This energy signature is unlike any I've encountered. It's as if the wolf has tapped into a hidden current, one that amplifies its natural abilities."

Her eyes narrowed, pondering the implications. "But what is the source of this energy? And how does it relate to the young man's destiny?"

"Let me continue watching as the wolf can't hide from me" she thought.
