

After confirming where and when he was, Natami went back to his apartment to begin making a plan on r he was going to save Amanai Riko. He began to list the available resources he had, r threats, opportunities and allies.

At the end of the day the plan looked like this:

• Increase personal strength by becoming more familiar with 'Absolute curse manipulation

• Get into Jujutsu tech in order to get closer to Gojo and Geto in essence Riko

• Figure out how to defeat Toji

• Source of income

• Possibly bang mei mei


After listing his objectives Natami released a sigh, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. At least now he had a plan, though it may not be fool proof, but at least it gave him a sense of direction.

Now what he needed to do now was get more familiar with his ability 'Absolute curse manipulation' this would be the backbone of his plan. Whether or not he is able to succeed depends solely on his ability to grow this ability. And for that to happen he needed to know the ins and out of this technique.

"From what I understand this technique should be able to give me absolute control over curses and curse energy."

He got up from the chair he was sitting on and began to pace around the room, this was how he used to think in his previous life- a habit of sorts.

"The curses part is quite understandable, it's the curse energy control part that seems a bit off. How exactly do I use it"

He came to a stop, making a gesture with his thumb and index finger on his chin. After a while he stretched out his hand and imagined the movement of curse energy In his body to his hand. An ethereal blue flame came to take place around it dancing wildly. He then willed it to take the form of a blade, a dagger to be precise. Expectedly a blue dagger materialized a few centimetres above his hand.

He released a happy sigh seeing that it worked and began to employ other shapes from an arrow to a spear to gauntlets he tried all sorts of weapons he could imagine and was able to form them all.

But then a sudden realisation came to mind

'Absolute control should most likely mean absolute decree which means that as long as I will it, theoretically, it should do whatever is it that I will. Well as long as it within the confines of curse energy.'

He began to remember every curse technique he could, and then settled for Hanami's tree curse technique. Crouching down he put his hand on the floor and willed his curse energy to grow and manipulate plant life.

At first nothing happened but he stilled remained like that trying to visualize how Hanami did it, several other people who he had watched use the familiar element came to mind; Hashirama Senju, Groot and a certain woodman hero. It wasn't until long before he felt a tingling sensation and small shoot bust forth from the ground. Seeing this, Natami was ecstatic, sweat dripping from his entire body soaking his clothes as he held on to the thin consciousness he had left.

'It seems that doing just that drain me completely. How pitiful. But at least one of my theories worked, I am now officially the god of shinobi'

Cringing at his own joke Natami decided to put the matter concerning curse energy capacity at a later date. Dragging his body to his bed he fell face flat and in a few moments he was gone, drifting away the dreamland.


*Time skip 1year*


Mc's current age:5


Natami POV:

It's been a year since I was dropped into this world. I've gained certain mastery over my ability.

I found out that It actually works like a servant-master kind of relationship, i give the order and the curse energy or curse obeys. Though there are certain limitations to this ability such as amount of curse energy, strength of the curse which I am trying g to control, and imagery capability. Since the technique itself grants flawless energy control i just need to provide the necessary requirements. Take it like this my ability is the machine and I'm the power source and also the program on which it runs. Well techniques such infinity are still far from me. I believe that if I can just get exposed to the technique, I will be able to replicate it but for now I just use something akin to telekinesis.

I also discovered that my energy reserves increased passively and whenever I exhaust it during training. Though if I was to go by this method I doubt I would have enough energy to contend with the likes of Gojo and Geto, so I created a solution for this by making something similar to a chakra pathway. This pathway Includes a nerve-like connection between 3 storage units across my body: my head, heart and dantian; each of these act as a reservoir of cursed energy which I can use at any time.

Their also capable of drawing surrounding cursed energy to fill those reserves and at the same time passively strengthen my body. I can feel my strength increasing everyday. MY reserves are what have made the largest improvement, I think I should possess reserves comparable to a 3rd grade Jujutsu sorcerer.

I have also created many applications for my Absolute curse manipulation. Right now I'm facing off what I might judge as a 3 grade curse in a secluded alley. Its has a grotesque face that has a singular eye in front with no other facial features and multiple finger like appendages dangling from beneath it as it floats in the air.

"okay, let's try this"

I made a clapping motion with my hand similar to how Hashirama does it

"Curse technique: Wood seal!"

I realised that because of my chakra pathways making signs like this helps me to visualise my techniques better, that doesn't mean I can't do it without them.

Several branches burst forth from The ground at a speed that the curse could not react to.

Despite its pathetic attempt to dodge my branches still ensnare it and hold it down, at the same time draining curse energy from it. I'm sure Hashirama would be proud of me.

Moving closer to the now bound curse I begin to attempt something I've been putting off for some time.... curse absorption. Not just what Geto does I want to be able to completely absorb everything about it and use it to strengthen myself, it's energy, it's constitution and it's technique. Well only special and some first grade curses have techniques so I'm not expecting much from this especially since its just a 3rd grade.

Crouching down, I raise my right hand and make a seal with only my index and middle finger while stretching my left hand towards it

"Curse technique: Absolute Absorb"

Picturing exactly what I want my curse energy to do, my curse energy begins to move towards the curse the curse sensing the intrusion of curse energy into its body begins to squirm and make weird noises


It's struggle proves futile as it's body begins to stretch and turns into pure curse energy flowing into my body through my chest. Not even a second later and I begin to feel the changes

Increase in curse energy capacity

Increase in overall physique

And.... flotation?

Well it was floating so Its alright for me to have this, moreover because I am absorbing the entirety of its being I'll feel no strain of having the multiple techniques which is far better than trying to imitate it with my ACM[Absolute Curse manipulation].

"this is great! Although the thought of having an army of curses at my back and call does appease me for now I'll have to grow my personal strength. I have no doubt after this that I'll be able to reproduce Geto's technique"

Smiling I stood up and headed back to my home to prepare for another day of grinding, after all the grind is eternal.

Creation is hard

would greatly appreciate your opinions


LORD_SHADOOWcreators' thoughts