
Omnipotent Odyssey

Omniscience; the ability to know and understand everything, everyone and all there is to both existence and nonexistence. Omnipotence; the ability to do anything both sensible or not. It is the capability and authority to do as one please when one pleases. However, do these two really grant freedom as one expects. My name is David Stone, I am nigh-omnipotent and nigh-Omniscient. However, I do not think I am free. Responsibility is a bitch. ××××××××××× This is not a rewrite of the fanfiction, I just wanted to post it here on this account. You can read ahead on my patreon @patreon.com/Ink_Verse

Ink_Verse · Anime und Comics
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"What are you doing here, angel? " a different voice was heard.

The voice sounded ancient and ethereal as though coming from some sort of unmatched existence.

"This is the office of the Administrator of sector 2910o2, bow for you are in the presence of a god" the angel said as it forced my head down.

"However at the same time, this is the Administrator who was the cause of your death, so you may choose to forego that tradition"

"I see, I am guessing I can't do anything to him other than compensate him for his loss" The Administrator asked

"Yes, my lord" the Angel replied.

"Then you can go, let the Human and I discuss"

"As you wish" The angel replied before it bowed then turned towards me

"Remember he can't do anything to you ensure to get what you wabt" the angel said

"Isn't he omnipotent? " I asked

What did it mean by, the administrator couldn't do anything to me. I am just me and he was a god.

"He is; however, there are infinites greater than some infinites and you are currently protected by a greater infinity so ensure to get what you want before you approve a return" The Angel said before the pillar took it away

Seeing it again, the pillar reminded me of the Bifrost from the Marvel Movies. It seemed to serve the same functions.

"I believe it told you the terms so what do you want? " the Administrator asked

Its body and face still hidden, in fact I couldn't find proof of its existence anywhere but at least I could hear it's voice so why not.

"I don't even understand what is happening, how could I know what I want… I wasn't told the limits of things I could ask for"

"Let me make it simple for you, you aren't supposed to be here so as compensation, law dictates that the cause of your problems reincarnates you while granting you a perk or wish for your new life so you have that going on for you now"

"What?... Are you serious?, I get to return with any wish of my choice"

"It is so"

Hearing him, a massive smile appeared on my face. I may not know for others but this was basically a dream come true. I had imagined such a scenario on multiple occasions in my life.

In fact I had imagined such a scenario that my answer had been refined to fit whatever the situation may be.

"First I have to ask, when you say return, will it be my own Earth or another one"

"Your return is randomized so there is a possibility of you even entering a fictional universe as you call it"

"Okay this is a randomized situation, can't I select where to be reincarnated to"

"No you cant"

"Okay then I ask for a Mother box from DC Comics, I want it bound to me"

"That is what you are going with? " the Administrator asked

"Yes, it ticks all the boxes for me" I replied

There was nothing he planned to say that could possibly make me change my mind. This was an answer I had come up with after years of successful elimination of answers.

"Okay then if you wish it so, then good bye human, our deal is finished" The Administrator said before I felt everything go dark.

It was a surreal experience but I could still feel my existence. I could feel something new within me… well not really within because I could feel it wrap around my soul.

After that I lost consciousness, I could feel nothing. It was as though I died again.

You can read ahead on my patreon


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