
Side Chapter: The Great Monkey King System 2

2010, Republic of South Korea. Seoul.

Infront of an abandoned warehouse deep in a godforsaken forest, the body of a youth who looked to be in his teens lay on the ground. His eyes were lifeless and blood soaked his t-shirt.

The rain which fell on the body made it a more disgusting sight.

The body had multiple stab wounds. His limbs were broken and were twisted in an unholy angle. Blood seeped from his wounds and dyed the ground red.

It was too gruesome. But the kicker was, this person was not yet dead! His attackers had purposely left him alive so that he suffers before leaving this world.

'What's happening? I can't hear anything. Its dark. Am I asleep? Why can't I feel anything? My body is soo numb.......... Ah! I remember. I was lured here and beaten up. How did it end up like this? Who's going to protect my family?'

This youth, who was on the verge of death, began to contemplate the events that had led to his tragic demise.

His name was Gil Jin-Sang. He was the current boss of Bundang High School. He was the boss of the delinquents that extorted money and bullied students and weaker people alike. He wasn't always a delinquent though.

Circumstances had forced him to be like this. Until a few months ago, he was the son of an elite family that held one of the top positions in South Korea. He disliked violence and preferred to settle disputes with discussions.

As a child of a wealthy couple, he was trained in various martial arts as a form of self defense. He had mastered boxing, jiujutsu, taekwondo and kung fu. He was extremely good looking and always had straight As.

And then disaster struck. His parents were on a trip to visit some friends of theirs with his little siblings. Since he had a test that day, he could not accompany them.

While his parents were on a highway, a truck which had lost control was heading towards their way. In a state of panic, his dad, Gil Jii veered towards the right causing the car to topple over the highway and crush.

It was after school that he had a call from the police about the incident that had occured. Luckily, Gil Eui, the sister that came after him and Gil Shik, the last born had survived the crush. His mother also survived the crush, but unfortunately his dad died.

Even though his siblings had survived, their injuries were severe. His sister had lost her ability to walk and was still in the hospital. As for  eleven year old Gil Shik, he was unconscious. The doctors did not know when he would wake up. His mother too was in a similar situation as Gil Shik. Only his sister was conscious.

Gil Jin-Sang was devastated. He fell into depression and didn't know what to do. In this state, Gil Jin-Sang's relatives took the chance to strike.

Due to his unstable nature and his depression, his relatives managed to take away most of the properties his parents had left. Or so it seemed.

The amount of resources it took to support his family who were in the hospital was devastating. But because Gil Jin-Sang had always had an easy life, this blow made him almost turn into an idiot.

He continued on like this for about two months. He kept on going to his elite school but was always absent minded. People in school always whispered when they saw him approach. But it seemed fate had not finished dealing with him.

In the third month, he was called in by the hospital and was told that the money that was left in the bank could no longer support the lives of his family. He was flabbergasted. His parents had soo much money that he could literally burn some without a care in the world.

So how was the money depleted? And suddenly it hit him. All the documents his relatives had made him sign when he was depressed and absent minded, this is what they had done? After this realisation, he went to the relatives and knelt infront of their gate begging for them to help pay for the medical bills. But no one answered his call.

The relatives who were willing to help just didn't have enough money to support him, while the others just ignored him.

At this point, he didn't have the heart to visit his family anymore, for shame of what he had done. After a few days of wallowing in self pity, he gathered courage and went to the hospital to visit Gil Eui.

As soon as he entered the room, Gil Eui gave him a bright smile. This hit Gil Jin-Sang in the heart. Even though his sister was suffering more than him, she always supported him in the past few months.

This realization became a wake up call to him. He began to steel himself and persevere forward.

During his visit, the president of the hospital called for him.

They stood outside the ward where his family was placed.

"Mr. Gil Jin-Sang, as I informed you earlier, your money has been depleted. Payment is due tomorrow, if you can't get the money by then, we will have to discharge your family"

This hit Gil Jin-Sang like a thunderbolt. Life wasn't all dandy and roses, the people who got to live were the people who persevered. Since the encounter with his relatives, he had slowly began to rise up from the pit of despair and understand how the world really worked.

After thinking of all the possibilities, he couldn't find a solution. Then the president spoke.

"Mr. Gil Jin-Sang. If you can't find a solution, I have a suggestion but you might not like it"

"Go on"

"The money currently left is sufficient enough to pay the bills for only two people. This would give you a month to find a better way of getting money"

Gil Jin-Sang was confused.

"Two? There are three people there. What the hell are you suggesting!"

"Mr. Gil Jin-Sang, this is the only solution. Your little brother, Gil Shik, has no hope of waking up. I suggest you pull the plug on him so your other family members can liv-"


"Aahh" the president screamed while holding his bloody nose.

"Never say that bullshit again. I'll get you all the money you need by tomorrow"

With that, he turned and went back to his sister. That night, Gil Jin-Sang contemplated alot of things. Stealing, robbery and various other heinous crimes. But he couldn't bring himself to do it.

When the next day arrived, and the deadline was near. He had not found any solution. He sat on his bed in frustration and tears. Does this mean he would have to let his little brother die?

He cried buckets until there was no tears left. He contemplated what his parents would do in this situation, and then it hit him.

'Mother would never want me to choose her over any of my siblings. Even if there was a tiny bit of chance that any of us could live our parents would always choose us'

He smiled as more tears fell from his eyes.

'So I'll have to do the same. This is no different from killing my own mother. But for the sake of my precious siblings I'll bear all the sins. I'll carry this sin alone'

With this resolve in his heart, he made his way to the hospital.


The door of the president's office was snapped open, causing the president of the hospital to jump.

"Oh? Mr. Gil Jin-Sang. You are here? I presume you have the money"

Gil Jin-Sang gently walked into the room.

"I would like you to-"

The words were not coming out. He couldn't say the one sentence that would cause his mother to die. But the moment he remembered his siblings in the hospital bed, and what his parents would have done in this situation. The only thing he could do to tune out the pain in his heart was to make his heart cold and wicked, steel it to the extreme!

"I would like you to pull the plug on my mother"

He said without hesitation.

"What? Are you sure Mr. Gil Jin-Sang? By my calculations, your mother has a higher chance of survival than your brother!" The president blurted out.

Gil Jin-Sang looked at the president with cold eyes.

"I won't repeat myself. Let it be done immediately!"

He turned and walked out. The president looked at Gil Jin-Sang walk out with his mouth agape.

'What is wrong with this kid? How can he so cold heartedly say that?'

Gil Jin-Sang walked to his sister's ward to break the news to his her.


"It was between Shik and mom, I couldn't let Shik die"

"But you can let mom die?! And what do they mean we don't have enough money to pay the bills? WE HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY THIS HOSPITAL!"

Gil Jin-Sang bowed his head in shame as he heard this.

"Eui, we don't have money anymore. Some sick bastards stole all our money"


At this point, the look on Gil Eui's face broke Jin-Sang's heart. All her brightness had left her. She was a husk of her old self as she tried to digest the information.

Gil Eui clenched her fist as tears begun to stream from her eyes.

"It was your fault wasn't it? There's no way they could have just taken all our money"

Gil Jin-Sang said nothing. Gil Eui took her pillow and threw it at her brother. She begun to take various objects that were close to her and threw them at her brother.


she screamed at the top of her lungs while she cried.

Gil Jin-Sang quietly got up and walked to the door. He turned back and said;

"I'm sorry"


As Gil Jin-Sang made his way out of the hospital, nurses and doctors begun gossiping about him.

He quickly made his way to their mansion and entered his room. Luckily, his relatives had left their mansion alone.

He banged the door behind him and leaned unto the door.


He begun to scream and trash his room, breaking various equipments in the room.


He screamed again as he fell to the ground. He felt like his heart was being torn to pieces.

"No. Wait. This isn't the time for this. I have to find a way to make money. And fast"

Repressing all his emotions, he attained a cold demeanor. He got up and flopped unto his bed and begun to contemplate.

The next evening.

Gil Jin-Sang sat in the couch with his arms folded.

'It seems this is the only way. To make a huge amount of money in a month everytime is almost impossible. But if I join a gang, it would be easy. I've already decided to bear my sins, why not add a few more.'

There was one problem though, gangs didn't let people join them easily unless they benefited them in some way. He had to do something mind blowing. And then it struck him. Bundang High School! The school run by the Vicious Wolf gang. If he could attend that school and dominate it, he would get the attention of the upper echelons of the gang!

'One week. I only need one week to become the boss of Bundang High'

Gil Jin-Sang was extremely gifted in martial arts. Even though he had a lean figure, his muscles were thick with a well defined body. He could easily dominate Bundang High!

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I assumed I would need only 2 chapters to complete this side chapter. I was wrong. One more side chapter left for The Great Monkey King System!