
OMG I Became a System

Most people who transmigrate want to wake up with a system that will help them achieve their goals. The MC, however, was transformed into a system, this time, a newborn blank system. Join the MC on his quest to help his host while gaining a new body and gaining freedom. Also, discover the difficulties that MC encounters when dealing with unreasonable hosts and hosts who fail to activate their system. System Race, a support parasite, necessitates the presence of a host. They need to host in order to survive and live, so they must help their hosts achieve their goals in exchange. The main goal of most systems is to be able to reincarnate into a new body or their own new body. Others are killed, and the reasons for their deaths are unknown. Systems have a long life and can be found in the System Link dimension. They never truly die; instead, based on their rating, they reincarnate into a new physical body. >>>>>> Disclaimer: This novel is written by a newbie author. So most of the time, it might be painful to read. So be warned. I still hope you will enjoy reading it. >>>>> Due to reader comments and reviews about grammar issues and errors,. So I finally decided to edit the novel. To fix the error. Disclaimer: It has been a year since I uploaded a new chapter. So I started to edit it, and it will be a slow process. So sorry if you read it without the edited version; you might get confused. I will start uploading new chapters after this. Thanks for reading and your patience :-)

PattyBu · Fantasie
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141 Chs

Chapter 12 - Host Gain a New Skill ( Edited)

[Host pass the requirement of the system]

" YES! at last he managed to finish his first mission." Yssa BB can help cheer.

[Mission is Done]

[Mission Details: Cook 1 meal that meets system standards.]

[Reward: To activate Host Profile Tab and 3 exp]

[Host, please wait; the system will distribute the rewards.]

"This Host is definitely not compatible with me." All Yssa can do is sigh. He understands that there is no room for regret.

[Do you want to receive the Rewards as a host?]

[Yes] / [No]

"YES, received," Frz exclaimed, noting that it had taken him four months just to meet the system's cooking requirements.

It was difficult for him. First, he was not good at cooking in his previous life, and while he was confident in his cooking in this life, the system requirement is a bit unusual for him.

Most likely due to Yssa BB not having access to world knowledge at the moment and with limited information, the requirement is a bit unclear

[The Host Profile Tab is Enabled]

[ Received 3 experience points]

Host: Frz Reedi


Race: Ancient Human



Level:0 (3/10 to Level 1)

Talent: 1 ??? Locked (Please meet the requirement to unlocked)

2 ??? Locked (Please meet the requirement to unlocked)

"Wow, I can see it," Frz exclaimed in awe.

He was blind in this life. So he was overjoyed when he discovered he could read the Host Profile Tab. It appears to be a floating hologram in front of him.

[Yssa BB System, The host has learned a new skill; do you want to share it with the host?]

[The system decided to reveal it to the host]

[The host has learned a new skill: Poison Cooking.]

[Poison Cooking: Your food is poisonous. Although 75% of your cooking is poisonous to others, you are immune to it.]

[Remarks: Because the host is skilled at making poison, please avoid cooking for others in order to safely propose.]

"Ah? "Poisonous cooking? " Frz can help put his palm on his forehead with an odd smile on his face.

Frz was completely speechless. He has no idea whether it was an insult or not. He just tries to ignore it because he has a skill. He could simply prepare poison to kill his enemies.

"Oh well, this is a useful skill, none the less," Frz said to himself. It was like he was trying to consult himself. with reason.

"At the very least, this Host has a strong will," Yssa observed and said. "Really, his cooking is like poison; I'm not sure what kind of people will enjoy his cooking."

"System, what are the prerequisites for locking my talent?" Frz finally inquires.

[The host must level up!] Yssa BB cant help tease his host.

"Does that mean I have a lot of missions to complete?" Frz inquires

[Yes, the host must complete the missions; no, there are alternate ways to level up.] Yssa BB said with a smile.

"Special methods?" Frz inquires, trying to see if he will receive a possible answer.

[The host lacks the authority to unlock the information.] Yssa BB said, and he couldn't help but frown that the System Link is also blocking him from accessing the information.

[Host advises him to investigate it on his own.] Yssa BB response.

This made Frz notice his system seemed to have two personality. The first one was playful and talkative, and the other one was cold, like a monotonous robot. He was not sure which one was the true personality of his system.


Frz intends to travel to Oro Gold City as his next stop. According to what he recalls, there are numerous professions in that city. Based on his understanding of his system, he must create something or gather knowledge.

He is well aware of his lack of culinary skills. Because of his circumstances, he was at a disadvantage when it came to creating anything. He might simply try to gather knowledge for his system in order to level up.


Frz gets up early the next day to get everything he needs to travel to Oro Gold City.

"Is this Host a scout or something?" Yssa BB ponders this.

It piqued his interest. He had a sense of déjà vu. He had a feeling it had happened before for some reason. Regrettably, he can come up with any reason to explain it.

Frz appeared to be running around in his small house. He brings a lot of food and clothes.

What makes Yssa BB think that? Frz is blind, but it appears that he was not using an object that would guide him to navigate, as he knows others did.

He'd like to speak with Frz about it. Unfortunately, he is unable to communicate with the host because his level is too low.

It felt more like a video or 3D video call. He had a 360-degree view of the host's surroundings, but he only had limited communication with the host.

If you give a skill to poison cook, what would you do?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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This Chapter is Edited March 24,2024

PattyBucreators' thoughts